Mbti personality ASK thread

Mbti personality ASK thread

Ask or answer questions around your mbti personality result. Make sure to state your type before answering or asking, retard

What's your guiltiest fap user?

Test if you aren't already: 16personalities.com/free-personality-test

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INFJ here

Also asexual, so my sex drive is weird

Feel really guilty jerking it to art of cartoons & video games I grew up on

Fuck correction from OP: I am INFP

And my answer is Zoophilia

INFP op here

That is possibly the least degenerate answer I'll see here, good work user



Have you committed a crime? If so, what was it? Were you caught?

I just did the test and got INTJ


Yes. Trespassing, petty theft along with one or two other things I wouldn't share.

Never caught and booked, but thrown out of spots by rent-a-cops n such

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Wannabe big brain got it. Ask and answer questions now

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Already did the test around 10 times throughout 3 years, Can safely assume I'm in between INTJ and INTP


Guiltiest fap? all of them


Yeah that's usually the most popular one online. Tell me do INTPs Actually think they're slept on geniuses or is that just mbti stereotypes bustin your chops?

Nice. Very nice

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Probably I would say i'm misunderstood by most people and tend to think people I meet are inferior to me and I don't want to waste time on them, but i'm not a dick about it, I just lower my "standard"
i'm an ESL btw sorry for the weird English

> I would say i'm misunderstood by most people and tend to think people I meet are inferior to me and I don't want to waste time on them

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You're walking home. Pitch black in the night. You stumble across a passed out drunk 9 outta 10 qt. Legs spread. Zero panties. Nobody around.

Wyd user?

Kinda cringe bro

But fuck I'll respect it

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INTP here what do

Probably gay shit, am straight.

INTJ here, no reason to ask anything other than from other INTJ.

I would light up my cellphone's lamp to carefully inspect her pussy, in case there's no sign of another man having fucked her previously and no sign of any STD then I would stick my dick into her.
Otherwise I'd piss on her.

INTP here.I would GTFO

I jump between ESTP/ISTP, depending on personal mood for the day/week

Guilty fap:Dolphin pussy

Question:what do you anons think of the cuck/blacked/racebait threads that have flooded the site since 2015?

See if she has any id/address. Take the dumb bitch home safely and leave.


BTK....if I was able to get away with it

In reality, Snap a picture, shut her thighs call cops or ambulance or some shit to get her out the street before going home and telling Yas Forums

Never hurt to fantastize though

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>no signs of STDs
what an intelligent user

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>Dolphin pussy
same, and sharks's


Yes they have. Wish they would take it elsewhere but it's fucking Yas Forums who am I to tell em what to do

Smart man user. No Mbti listing but we'll let it slide me big brain

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You're just a bunch of fags that want to be accepted and acknowledge by others

Yas Forums is basically dead tbh, I just come here for the ocasional fun thread or forum game but 9/10 threads are porn.

Nice pull. That's my brother's type (op btw)

INTJ reporting in
Dunno, I have "normal" taste (lesbian, threesome, etcera)

I just wanna make people smile user

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Not a single guilty fap

A friend in highschool, I've never masturbated while looking at someone I actually know, so the one time I did it was the guiltiest one


ISTP 8w7 here.
You seriously gave ISTP ‘born to feel’ on their helm? You have no idea how little FE we have on average, do you?

INFP OP here

How would you guys ride out the lawless, vicious wasteland of the apocalypse?

I'd want to do raider shit but in reality I probably couldn't kill shit. I'd just make sure all my family's okay, steal shit, and let the vets with nerve racking amounts of firearms take care of the defense shit.

My outfit would be fire though

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Forgot to say my guiltiest fap was watching blacked mom cuck vids where the son is forced to watch.

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jack off in the street and cum on every doorknob I see


I didn't make the meme but you're right anyways kek

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link me there will ya?


not a fan of guro

as an istp i wish to ride in on a motorbike, guns blazing and mowing down mutated 8-legged flesh monsters by the hundreds

To the test? It's in OPs post

Also >555
Nice trips

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Anything with more than 4 legs I'm not fucking with

Maybe try and tame the bigger monsters with old rations and shit

link me the damned video, let me take care of this boner will ya


>not having fallout shelter reserves of BBC cuck porn on standby at all times

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intp, and probably classmates, but I still do it.