Yas Forums Drawthread
>fuck em
>post your requests and shut up
Yas Forums Drawthread
I like the sound of that
Requesting drawings of lemons
I request that you teach me how to draw.
And don't give me the link to /ic/
/ic/ is terrible. For every 1 helpful critique you get there's 8 artcrabs who will try to project their artistic failings onto you
what the fuck is an art crab
check out drawabox.com or watch some loomis, it'll help.
20 off from quints, rest in peace
That's why i mentioned them.
I don't care if i have to do something repetitive, with the corona virus i have time to improve my drawing.
Artcrabs are cynical bitter anons who want to drag others down. Like a crab in the bucket, artcrabs delight in the failure and mistakes of other artists and will try their hardest to convince them to argue and bitch with them instead of draw. Since its easier to troll and talk shit than to practice and try again.
Post a drawing you made, chief. I'll give you pointers if I can.
I don't like drawabox, i feel like the excersices don't yield many results and are geared towards classical drawing.
What is loomis though? I googled and found a cashing company
2 off from trips, rest in peace
lol i don't have anything to share that wont doxx myself
I started learning anatomy yesterday and been drawing standing men and women.
I don't know how to draw hand, feets, mouths or the wrinkles around the eyes.
I got two fresh loaves of bread.
Fight me.
Requesting a POV shot of Castor and Pollux being forced to give a double blowjob
Er, Proko I mean. Watch his gesture vids, then get onto Michael Mattesi's Force Drawing.
Learn from proko if you want to be a human copying machine. Proko has 0 imagination or creativity
Proko's featuring other artists on his channel now - gotta learn how to copy shit to build a visual library BEFORE you start doing the good shit. Otherwise, enjoy being forced to only go off of references.
I want to fuck this thing but I'm not sure what my request involving Her should be. You other Anons got any good ideas for a request involving Her?
I'll give him a shot. I was kinda bored on his first videos and was extremely ashamed after trying a couple of his excersices but i guess not every drawing can be slightly decent.
someone asked for this so . . .
I can't do the thumbs up emoji but SATISFACTORY.
Fuck off
Post your interpretation of the character Mr. Bananas in 60 seconds. Post results.
Yes and no.
They should be learned alongside one another. If you focus too much on one side for too long, you’ll end up stuck. Proko can’t draw from imagination and somebody like Chrischan for example can’t even do basic construction. Even if they are cringe, chrischan can make more interesting characters than proko, but lacks the technical skill.
Jus gotta keep a good balance.
dis count?
That’s a fucking lemon get the fuck out of here clown
Lmao yes, I fully support and accept that. Well done.
Requesting Her with pussy reveal & pig snout but no transformation shit.
That's true, just learn basic construction from proko/drawabox and try and apply to squids and octopi and the like, just go ape with it.
Fuck off
Girl in dog mask getting fucked in the ass by a real dog
Requesting her detailed anus offered to the viewer and a relieved look on her face as she farts, getting ready for impending anus worship (not cartoon clouds or opaque just a subtle stench)
Requesting Midoriya Izuku / Deku kissing and having sex with Big the cat . ( But in Ss2sonic version and also Ss2sonic's female genderbend version as well. ) Like in the picture on the right side.
This is bait