Do people actually accidentally bring a tranny/trans home thinking it's a girl?
Do people actually accidentally bring a tranny/trans home thinking it's a girl?
Why put tranny and immediately type trans. Fuck off with your transphobic slurs.
Depending on where you live, yea it happens sometimes.
someone sounds like they couldn't pass as a tranny
pretty silly that trans is ok but tranny is a slur
almost like you just want to bully people
Yes, but only a philistine would get upset over it
more of pic related?
a TV beside a washing machine, which is inside the kitchen.. the tranny wasn't the only mistake.
I doubt it. I have a close friend that started hormone therapy when she was fifteen. parents were ridiculously stupid and wealthy. she's extremely passable, and lives full time as a female. she a supervisor at Gallup polls. still, when you're close to her there's a weird guy vibe or something. something isn't right. hard to figure out to explain. maybe a very subtle scent or something undetectable...
I still dont know the difference.
Sure, then they sober up and someone gets murdered.
Though it should only count as self defense of rape.
Yes. I’m against transphobic slurs therefore I’m trans. Great detective work user. Neck yourself
Not sure if there's a lot of trannies in western europe, but there's a lot of trannies in LA that won't tell you until you bring it home.
The shoulders, Adam’s apple, extra hair, deep voice, weird dude walk.
There’s no accident. It’s all intentional as an attempt to subvert the gay label.
Yea, that's why they're called traps. They trap straight men.
You’ll always know that it’s a dude. Always. You can smell them.
it's just cope of people who are gay but then get scared
trannys don't pass without the assistance of extremely heavy instagram filters and selective camera angles... and even then...
"phobic" implies one is afraid.
I haven't met anyone who is afraid of trannies.
I know a guy that did in Indonesia. Worked on drill rigs. He picked up a hooker in a bar, didn’t find out until they got back to his hotel.
“No shit! What did you do?”
“Well I’d already paid, so I fucked him anyway.”
it means hate now, don't be a div
Don’t try to reshape the language to fit your political priors. Get a life.
>You can smell them.
You say this as if it were a bad thing, user
Sometimes it's easy.
If words have evolving meanings, anything i say can mean anything i want it to say, and i don't need some SJW shitter trying to demand i comply to his evolving dictionary, either.
Sitting that close to the TV is bad for your eyes.
A roomate I had 20 years ago had a friend who lived as a girl. Not sure is she passed as I did not think about this shit back then. Met her as a girl and thought of her that way. She was a wicked drunk and we were worried she was going to get killed one night as she would bring drunk guys home from the bar and tell them she only wanted anal. Seems like this was a regular thing. I remember one late Saturday night she was drunk on the floor of the kitchen while I was trying to make chili for everyone. She was begging anyone who stepped over her to give her a chance and she would be better than a real girl. Fucking train wreck.
Nigger do you know what website you're on?
Sounds kinda hot ngl
> hes can be shes
No, they cant
Yeah, and "gay" means "happy" and nothing else
Fucking kys
Is this a trap I can never tell when I see the pic
I actually had this happen a few times when I was in south east Asia. Specifically Bangkok. Most were bad ass even though I looked for signs of dicks and Adam’s apples. It was 3 of them and all 3 told me as we made it back to the hotel. I did let one of them blow me and she left right after. The other 2 were the first two and I turned both down.
I bet this smells terrible
you mean he or it, not she.
Not really. She did hit on me a ton and did not seem to respect that I did not want another penis in my life. Plus I am a boob guy and hers were bags of birdseed.
No. Wide hips, narrow shoulders, no bulge, obvious real boobs, no obvious insta filters.
im sure someone has
It isnt wise to bring any type of person of a different sexual orientation that isnt yours unless u live in a private home. for example a woman who likes men if you like women. Trannies fags and shemales develop feelings.... they're real people. And they will tell your neighbors or even out you. It's never a good Idea i speak from personal experience
Yeah, I mean there are some that are pretty effeminate anyway then throw transitioning on top early enough and/or decent surgery and in those cases I can understand.
I mean it works the other way too as you get some pretty masculine women too.
>Trannies fags and shemales develop feelings.... they're real people
no, they're not
It used to til you no lifes co-opted it. The rainbow flag was also a Christian symbol. Come up with your own ideas for once.
I live in california and have seen multiple trannies on a daily basis and out of about 15-20 of them only 1 actually fully looks like a girl but if you look closely you can still tell something is still "off" about them
Why the fuck is the kitchen, washing machine and a tv all in the same room?
It’s so hard to tell sometimes user
You're either blind or gay
You’ve never once been tricked by a trap on this site for a few seconds? It’s like trying to run through a minefield anymore.
People who say they can always tell are just overconfident or are hiding something. It's hard not to get tricked by Asians sometimes.
Fuck off, snowflake. Go join the 40%, tranny faggot.
I posted this on another thread
I doubt many people could tell she's trans
Shut up tranny
All these trannise saying they accidentally been taken home by some guy thinking they are a girl are either liars or the guy they were with knew they were a tranny the whole time and was a faggot and just lied to the tranny to make her feel better.