How many "Essential" workers of the new Coronavirus-Economic Order are here?

How many "Essential" workers of the new Coronavirus-Economic Order are here?

We Happy Few.

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Post-script: I'd put a face-mask and medical gloves on this pic if I could, but I suck at editing, lol.

I'm an essential driver, judging by the amount of cars on the road the essential aren't "few".

Bah, they are mere pretenders to the elite status! The true Essential works in the fray of the Coronavirus firestorm.

A 75-year old retiree on his way to Lowes to pick up garden tools is not an Essential. A 30-something on his way to Publix to man the cashier station is.

I'm a teacher at a private boarding school they just broadly slapped that we're essential and not enforcing any hygiene / distancing standards while still accepting new (rich) kids.

Not essential, just security for a resort. Boring af besides the night shifts when we get teens trying to find hidden boning spots or the private home owners getting wasted and driving on golf courses.

Yeah... I don’t know where a lot of guys are from, I’m from Ontario Canada. There is definitely less traffic but I do not know a single unemployed person. It seems like almost everyone here is working. In some form.

Im essential, because evidently America needs unlimited access to warm, toasty sandwiches

The difference? I'm not evil.

I have two essential jobs. I work 40 hours building circuit boards for government contractors and then I work another 30 hours at Home Depot. So while I keep hearing people around me complaining about being locked down and being bored, I continue to go out and work 70 hours a week with no days off.

It's so lonely without you, anons.


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Fuck you fag, i'm mad jelly. Quit bragging

I work in hazardous waste management. I handle medical waste. Probably already got Coronavirus and got over it without realizing it.

But at least I'm working 70 hour weeks since everyone wants their med waste gone. Nice paychecks lately.

It's a joke image, pointing out that us frequently unpaid and overworked chronically-in-danger Essential workers are now put on a giant pedestal by society.

Dude, just apply to be an Essential and you too can risk your life. Sign up now! Join Suicide Squad!


Yes. I'm a social worker doing homeless outreach in Chicago.

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>TFW you're about to punch in to your job at the grocery store and have a moment of fear, but then go, "Fuck it" because Glorious Super Essential.


Postal Worker in California here... fuck you guys ordering dumb shit all day everyday while ur at home getting paid... Fuck you ALL

"essential" here, but I work from home anyway. I've only been into the office a couple of times since the governor gave the order last month.

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Papa Johns Delivery boy, you're all fucking faggots, I coughed on your pizzas

Parts dept at one of the busiest dealerships in the state.
currently 3 days on 4 days off.

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Duty and Honor.
Loyalty and Vigilance.
Courage and Patriotism.

lmao I haven't eaten that trash pizza since college. cough on it all you want wageslave.

commercial electrician here
left work early wednesday because my help started coughing around noon. Not just "i don't want to go to school" cough, but audibly congested. Didn't go in thursday or friday, waiting to see if I develop symptoms, but I don't think I will because I've been completely insane about spraying everything with bathroom cleaner (including my hands) all day long and not sharing tools or material with him. Should be back to work monday.

Developer for the gov. I work from home on all kinds of unclass shit and I've never loved my job more.

>be essential
>able to work from home
Based my lads

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I work in logistics, for a company that makes logistics products. I'm pretty much Quarantine proof. There is a furlough coming up for my company due to supplier issues (predating the Covid19), but we have to operate the receiving dock even during shutdown.

my job is deemed essential, even though it is not, so im forced to work, instead of staying home safe.
PS: a coworker of mine died of corona a month ago, and my company didn't even deem it worth of mentioning it to us, we found it out by ourselves because someone was close friend with him.

There's way too many retards just driving around. I wouldn't mind cops starting to stop and giving them a fine

I'm 50/50 WFH and on the field. Fucking clients still wanna talk toe in person instead of on the phone

Look at the bootlicker here.

Covid19 is about as lethal as the typical flu season.

Remember, when this is over, the Essential held your world together.

We are the modern Samurai, putting duty above our own personal safety.

When the line was drawn in the sand, we were the ones who said, "This far, no farther!"

i work in the fence industry.. lol, i dont know why are we esential, making thesame money/ hours every week..

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I'm essential but working from home.

>Deadly as the flu

HOAX, another hoax by the Dems

Amen to that. It's pretty obvious some people are just driving around for the sake of driving, instead of actually getting shit they need.

Dirty peasant white-collar teleconference serfs.

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