Just found out a girl from a popular camera site i thought i was talking to was actually her bf the entire time...

just found out a girl from a popular camera site i thought i was talking to was actually her bf the entire time. she's on cam right now and i messaged her on skype, she was doing stuff and definitely away from keyboard but "she" was messaging me a bunch of times :(

i have never been so sad. several months and thousands of dollars, i thought i was talking to a girl but it was some faggot the entire time.

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Simptales woo-hoo.

You were probably texting with another simp who is her free "manager".


Moron. I got a girl to draw this with a pen in her pussy. Pick your whores wisely.

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Congratulations, you played yourself


yup i'm a fucking worthless retard simp. i know that now.

>pick your whores wisely
where did your girl's profile go then retard?

for the thousandth time, yup i played myself

She changed her name years ago. Also banned me years ago for saying arguing about what was and wasn't rape.

of the girl in my pic, or the "girl" i was talking to?

did she talked, maybe speech recognition

>i have never been so sad. several months and thousands of dollars,

thats so degenerate. just fuck a whore

>thousands of dollars

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There is a rule they should teach boys in 7th grade gym class: Never give money to a girl unless you are fucking her. She asks for money? Ass is the trade.

>a rule they should teach boys in 7th grade gym class
they're too busy laughing at the ones who can't climb the rope, there's no time for real life lessons

i heard her talking, she wasn't saying about that

the wildly overwhelming majority of dudes on camgirl sites are strongly liberal. conservatives are stingy with money and aren't known for throwing it away on whores they will never even meet

Now get your revenge. become a girl and scam someone else to get your money back. Keep the wheel turning

True dat.

that would imply i could get a girl to go in on it for me, and as evidenced by my being on a camsite that's a false assumption

this dude is getting fucked up in class lmao

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>several months and thousands of dollars
>thousands of dollars

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Isn't this the whole Idubs story

>dudes on camgirl sites are strongly liberal
riiiigggghhhhtt.....that's why all the butthurt incels and gamergate fags are big Bernie supporters.
Oh, now, wait....they're all alt-right Trump fags aren't they??

>idiot poster has never seen how much pussy liberal drama and band fags get
>because he spent all his school years at home alone playing GTA and feeling sorry for his lonesome ass

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They're all drinking, idiot.

>... it was some faggot the entire time

Yep. You.

oh boy i see a delusional snowflake

>for saying arguing

lol faggot keeps changing his story

sucks to suck

eat shit you fucking dweeb

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for saying that Ramsey Bolton fucking Sansa on their wedding day wasn't rape is what I was going to say.