What would you do if your 14 year old daughter posted this on Instagram?

What would you do if your 14 year old daughter posted this on Instagram?

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Bend her over for a good spanking and teach her a lesson...

I don't have a 14 year old daughter

Who is that?


I need to know the source so I can inform her parents

Fuck and impregnate her obviously

Fuck her till she bled out of her eyes and ears.

contemplate on what i did wrong

that's the spirit

Make a guess.

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Cry over the fact she’s an amputee

underrated reply

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Beat her for Haram

Ask her if she wants to be a whore (although I would use a much nicer word) as a career choice and if she says yes then I would encourage her to be the biggest slut possible to at least make it profitable therefore legitimizing her life choices and negate some of the negativity from society that comes with women openly expressing themselves sexually and profiting from their body, no one respects whores with no money.

Short answer embrace the dark side since she's going to be a whore regardless of good parenting accept it groom her and fap to the little slut.

I would immediately commence jerking

Prolly call mods!!!!!!!

whoop her ass, take her phone, tablet and laptop then explain to her no man will ever respect a women who doesn't respect herself.

faggot limp wrist who should never father children detected

>Baited loser that takes things written on b seriously

Ha! Be honest with her. No one (male or female) will respect her regardless of her own self value. It's called society dipshit

>>Baited loser that takes things written on b seriously

Who wouldn't rape the shit out of her?

no dick sadly so id probably beat her

Id ask her who the girl in the photo is

A somersault

>planning to live off her money
>at some point she'll get implants to get rid of her insecurities
>no job security
>multiple abortions
>multiple incidents of depression due to insecurities
>she definitely will go into porn industry, thereby destroying her life further
>she'll end up doing things that she hates or which hurts i.e forced blowjob/throat job, anal (although she will mention in the contract she does not want to do such acts
>end up destroying her life
>surely shouldn't support such endeavors

Beat my meat next to her and ask her to open her mouth

got a link to the ig?

Tell her to shut up and fart in my mouth.

>embrace the dark side since she's going to be a whore regardless of good parenting accept it groom her and fap to the little slut.

You seemly didn't read the last part.

She’s 19 faggot

>having a daughter

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show her how men will treat her if she posts like that

i would probably save the image and then use it to start a stupid thread on Yas Forums.

Name tho?