
What the fuck is this? I've had it on my finger for 4 months now.
I'm assuming it's a wart but I think it's something else

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That's a plantar wart, soak that bitch in apple cider vinegar every night for about 2 weeks and start cutting it off with a knife after a while. I've had 2 of them, one on my heel and on on my finger. Apple cider viniger was the only think that fixed it. Don't waste money on freezing or over the counter wart shit.

'tis a bigass, callous, deep-rooted, dirty motherfucking wart, my man. Get that shit to the doctor asap if you ever want a girlfriend.

That things a clit tickler, whatchu talking about

Mate that's genital herpes

That's a wart, yo

grind up aspirin, jam it in there, cut the wart out with a razorknife. stop being a pussy.

That's a wart. Don't do what this retard said. Treat it with salicylic acid and hope that bitch goes away. If it doesn't, go see a doctor.

pepep opopoooooooo


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Come here anons! ^-^
Discord link: nPxysx


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It's a wart.

Your best bet is to debride it each night and apply acid. I can confirm Bragg's apple cider vinegar works.
Basically each night before you go to bed you're going to have to soak the wart in warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes. Then you're going to take a emery board or a piece of pumice and file off the dead skin of your wart. Don't have to go ham on it, definitely don't do so much that it bleeds. If it bleeds? Abort.

Be careful. The dead skin is going to contain the wart virus and if you're not careful it can spread to other parts of your hands. Hell it can spread to other parts of your body, but you get the idea.

Once the top layer of skin is off the wart get a bandage, use like an eyedropper to put some ACV in the bandage, then wrap it around the wart.

Hit the hey.

Get up in the morning? Remove the bandage. Finger is going to reek of vinegar. Don't worry about it.

Continue for 2 to 4 weeks. Might want to extend it to 4 weeks because warts are tenacious bitches and even if you don't see it doesn't mean it wont come back.

OP here
Thanks everyone for the tips! I'm not going to the doctors with all this shit going on, but I will consider it if possible

if you're worried go see a fucking doctor you retard

That's an AIDS wart

That's the COVID bump.
the only way to stop is by chopping off your finger

Here's another photo of it. I used to work in the fast food industry and I remember having my finger hit the hot stove one day. However, I highly doubt this is the result, considering that happened 4 months ago

Attached: 20200409_194330.jpg (1536x1536, 352.49K)

All it takes is a tiny break in the skin for the wart virus to seep in. Maybe the stove did the damage and then you shook the hand of someone infected.

To build off of that, there is a very good chance something os not being cleaned properly at home or at work, or you are sharing stuff too closely without proper cleaning

I used to have a bad wart on my thumb, there's a cream you can get that burns it off. Don't know the name of it, but just avoid getting any on your skin cause that shit hurts.

>Apple cider viniger
fuck off with that bs, karen

Alls I know is that shit is contagious so lets all stay home and cripple the global economy because if some fucking 90 year old lunger gets it it might die two weeks sooner than it was going to anyway.

Oh. Something I should mention.

Don't use any lotions or creams that come into contact with the wart. Wart particles can get into the cream and then find it's way into cracks in your skin or just plain absorb into the skin. That's how one wart turned into 5 on my hand.

We're waiting for you, user.

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My brother used to have one of these
Took years for it to go away, eventually it will but go see a doctor for you to know what to use on it

Smart move. Imgur is a known virus warehouse. One click on imgur and your computer is wrecked and catches fire

Or my fat ass is lazy

I've had 2 warts and removed both of them using over-the-counter shit like those wart bandaids. Your home remedies might work, but I'll trust a company that's actually in the business of making wart removers to make something that has some science behind it rather the use a recipe your saved and printed from a chain email they received 10 years ago.

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