Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

Why did liberals ruin Game of Thrones?

Attached: Game-of-Thrones-Logo.jpg (1200x800, 329K)

did they?


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I don't know OP why did you ruin Yas Forums?

I didn't, I'm asking questions. Are you afraid of questions?

Because to Jews it's not about telling a great story, it's about selling air time to as many people as possible.

Tepid writing and lack of source material ruined it.

Because the (((Benioff and Weiss))) just wanted to make their shekels and run

So what do we do?

No it was liberal bullshit that ruined it

Well, they were gearing up for their greatest cultural crime of all: ruining The Witcher.

But weren't they going to be paid anyway? Why fuck the show?

True, they just made it a lot more obvious

Yeah liberal bullshit....ok....

It was liberal bullshit though. Did you even watch this fucking show?

Because they wanted to end the show as fast as possible to move on to more projects. The shit writing is just a byproduct of them cutting corners

But wouldn't they end up looking bad? I don't understand why they would do that and possibly hurt their own careers

Can you explain what liberal bullshit? GoT was amazing, and I even like the direction of the ending. The only problem was that as a series, it had set a super high bar for motivation and character build. Dany just going full genocidal last few episodes was much too fast.

>Can you explain what liberal bullshit?
Alright, how about we start with the BLATANT, over the top strong and woke womanz bullshit

Also the ending was fucking stupid. Making Bron the king makes no fucking sense given he's the 3 eye raven and literally cannot die. So he's going to be king forever? Not to mention he can't have kids so what the fuck. By far the dumbest way I've ever seen a show end.

Man if you think the last season was good, there is no reason to even discuss the show with you. The last 4 episodes were trash. Everything about it. The execution with the battle of the dead. The way Arya killed the night King... Dany going batshit insane. It was all so stupid.

He's only saying that because he knows the show got screwed by liberal bullshit. There is no way you can watch that last season, and even the one before that, and think that's a good product. It was awful.

Why does he need to have kids if he will never die? He wont need an heir retard.

>the show got screwed by liberal bullshit
Please enumerate what "liberal bullshit" you think ruined the show, and how.

protip: liberals didn't make the retards at HBO make a girl suddenly go stupid and burn the city she claimed to want to liberate.

That's my point that's fucking retarded. Bron is going to be king forever and nobody has a problem with that? What if he turns into a total psychopath and starts killing everybody?

Also that part with Jon Snow getting trapped by the white walkers and Dany flying there to save him, that shit made NO fucking sense. How the fuck are you telling me a bird flies all the way to Dany, she flies all the way down there, and they didn't starve or freeze to death? So either they all stood there for weeks without eating or drinking anything and not sleep, OR her dragon is capable of flying like 5000 miles per hour or some shit, in which case that would bring up the question why the fuck did it take them so long to reach King's Landing. It's fucking pants on head levels of retardation going on there.

>Please enumerate what "liberal bullshit" you think ruined the show, and how
I already did and your pussy ass ignored it. So how about you go back and answer that fucking shit.

They did alright up until the Red Wedding. Apparently that was the story arc they really wanted to tell. After that it got steadily worse and with modern politics they inserted more bullshit. And of course with less George writing to work with (supposedly) they took that as an invitation to do stupid things. They were really attracted to certain actors and have them more unnecessary lines like the Queen with the sand snakes. They argued with the horse master for the scene with the battle of the bastards saying lots of horses all on set when legally they could only have like 40 or so and that was pushing it. But they had an actor from an earlier season (Lord Mormont) who was on Braveheart and he was on set for a similar scene with a genius solution. They could only shoot the scenes in Dorne for one or two days because they barely planned it. The writers are asshole hacks. Any time they had to think creatively independent of Georges books they fucked it up. I'm not even that big of a fan i'm sad for the actors and crew.

It's ok we still have the books

doomed from the start the show shouldn't have been a thing until the books were finished

Why would you feel bad for those people? They allowed it to happen and they're being paid GOOD money. Nobody went hungry because they were working on game of thrones.

The books are never going to be finished

>True, they just made it a lot more obvious
The worst part is they won't explain WHY they ruined The Witcher. I mean while The Witcher was pretty much my life and all, I could handle its loss if I knew the reason, at least.

Aw baby. When men went to war, throughout history, women were left running the castles and countries. Women, see Cleopatra et al, have always had loads of power.

Now yell at Mommy for some more hot pockets and learn some history.

Fuck that was garbage, so much shilling on reddit right when it came out dumb npc's didn't even like the show but they're were too afraid to say anything because they didn't want to go against the grain or be called 100 variations of racist

Everyone kept asking me to watch that but then the salt started flowing with (((libtards/sjws))) ruining the script for woke points.
I'm so glad I skipped it, along with anything that comes out of pedowood. Seriously, its not even worth to torrent anything anymore because its not about making a good story anymore, its about telling you how to think and who to vote for.
At least anime/manga isn't doing the above, fuck off with your fucking political correctness in entertainment.

It's obvious why they ruined it. They did it because most of the fans are white people. Therefore, it's an opportunity to insert "woke" culture and other gay shit that nobody wants to see.

So if they had so much fucking power, why didn't any woman sail off to the Americas? Why were all the generals in both world wars, men? Just 2 examples off the top of my head to disprove your bullshit.

That's why plebbit is cancer and I refuse to browse that retarded website. It's just group think and virtue signaling to get "points".

Honesty GoT ruined TV shows for me. I don't even watch any shows now because I don't want to invest all that time into it, just to be disappointed. Same thing happened with Walking Dead, great show and then the liberal bullshit started getting inserted into it.

>Honesty GoT ruined TV shows for me
For me it ruined just about everything that pedowood and (((msm))) spew out for normie brainwashing.
Now I watch certain youtube channels on what interests me, not what some fucking pedojew thinks we should be brainwashed for.
This mixed with red pill, black pill and clown world just made me lose interest on everything that is not related to making money and sailing