I hate maskers

I hate maskers.

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Ya me too.

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I'll bet they'll still be wearing them out of habit when it's over. People are idiots.

It will be illegal to wear them soon enough.

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I like wearing them.

Don't they have a "Depressed" status?

I really don't mind wearing mine, it's effay

> this thing that doesn't impact me in any way is making me mad
Yeah sounds like Yas Forums.

The homemade masks are a hoot. Looks like an antifa rally.


how shit can your life get to make up words for everything lmao

Navy made them mandatory for all members. Navy == gay

It's the Dutch word for masks.

Op surely doesn't have one


Please refrain from speaking moistly. No Coofers.

Because he's a Trumpanzie who thinks the whole thing is a hoax. You know, a moron.

I'm a flight attendant, company gave us all masks. greatful for them, and happy 90% of passengers are wearing them. my cooworkers are dropping like flies.

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Post legs in tights or gtfo

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im a man lol

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Don't worry, this company will be sued out of existence the second it lists a tranny as Male.

The request still stands

Try to imagine how little I care.

You are trapped in a plague box with recirculated air.

Unless you are wearing a full hazmat suit, you are fucked.

Thanks for AIDS

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Really? Why? Why hate when you can love?

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and maskers hate you, they are rubber you are glue
whatever you say bounces off them and sticks to you

yeahhhh odds arent looking great my dude, def making tons of money though. ive flown so much im forced to take a day off after my trip tomorrow because FAA doesnt let us fly 7 day in a row.

I feel fine and i take precautions, but its def a roll of the dice. and im rolling it a lot.

Hi! Few things to start off =)
1. Yes, I'm replying to you because you're a femanon( 'tis an awesome thing to see!)
2. I'm Brian
3. Don't be intimidated, but I'm not your stereotypical guy. If anything I'll be the one in the kitchen! xD

You don't undestand how /b works

im a guy. i know its a mostly women profession (which is awesome btw)

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At least post cummies pwease