Did you and your friends experiment with gay shit together growing up Yas Forums? Any sleepovers...

Did you and your friends experiment with gay shit together growing up Yas Forums? Any sleepovers, camping or school trips that went full homo?

Attached: budshavinfun.gif (500x255, 801.11K)

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no cos we are not gay

No. I was never even invited to anybody’s house.


Go jack off too nifty

Nope, never.

But I would have.

Sauce faggot. Yeah I did all kinds of gay shit when I was younger. Would do again.

Nice user, you and how many friends? How old were you all and how far did things go as a group together?

and sorry I got the GIF off /hm/, no idea where it's from

When I was about 10 or 11 me and about eight boys from the neighborhood would have circle jerks. I don't remember a whole lot about that but I do remember one guy had a 10 inch dick when he was 12. I couldn't fucking believe it. The rest of us just add normal varying size dicks for our ages. Out of everyone they're only one of us turned out bisexual, go fucking figure. After that group disbanded, just me and my brother kept the tradition going. He didn't turn out gay or bisexual or anything like me. When I was about 13 and 1/2 maybe 14, me and my cousin by adoption we take turns sucking each other's dicks and trying to put our dicks in each other's asses. We were young and stupid and didn't know anything about lube. That went on for about a year. Later I renounce all my homosexuality, and the next time I seen him I told him to forget that shit and never bring it up again. He hasn't. Later in life I rediscovered that I like men's bodies. The thought of kissing a man still disgusts me though, and although I don't give a shit if other gay men get married I don't really support them.

These threads are getting posted multiple times a day. Assuming that a quarter of the stories are true, and that people are reading them because they probably had similar experiences (and maybe don't want to post), ever think about the fact that all the women in your life probably had similar experiences at sleepovers, etc?

>The thought of kissing a man still disgusts me though, and although I don't give a shit if other gay men get married I don't really support them.

you sound like a fun person

not at all.

it wasnt until my uni years that i got tired of having no success with women and started getting oral in different parts of the university.

didnt hate it, but def did not love it.

That looks about two steps past "experimenting."

I'm really not. I'm a horrible person and I'm aware of that. I lead a miserable life. I do make good money though, and take care of my family very well.

Femanon here. I had this one friend from ages about 8 - 13 that was probably a wee bit bisexual. We would always sleep in a double bed in her guest room when I was over (not as unusual for girls). And a couple times she tried things like pulling down her pants and showing me her bare ass, or telling me to not wear any panties when I went to bed just to see what it felt like, or peeking at me in the bathroom, or showering together in our bathing suits. It's weird, I feel like I'm bisexual now, although I've never actually done anything with a girl. But at the time I was super repressed, didn't even masturbate, so it was wasted on me.

sounds like you don't have a horrible life if you're financially stable and being a responsible father. I just don't understand the resentment you have towards gay people, if you lean towards women anyway what's all the disgust about?

I don't have any resentment towards gay people. I actually have a couple gay friends, some who know I'm out of the closet and some who don't. I don't know how to explain it, but I'll try. There's nothing to be proud of about being gay, the same way there's nothing to be proud of about being white, or tall, or of a certain nationality. You woke up one day and decided you like dick, that's not anything to go hop into a fucking parade about. When I say I don't support gay marriage, it's not because I don't believe they should be able to get married. It's just because I don't give a shit about ever getting married to another gay man myself. If they want to be as miserable as other married men, let them. I'm just not going to hop on the fucking stupid ass bandwagon and make a big fucking deal out of it. I'm more concerned about the depletion of our other constitutional rights.

>Wasted dubs

Y'all turd burglars have fun I've got to start my work shift now. Live long and suck much cock.

tbh I don't really feel all that differently than you do, you just worded it in a bizarre way. in my view, not giving a shit about anyone's sexuality is a form of "support" in and of itself because you're not advocating for or doing anything to oppress them. that being said I'm still out and have been honest with people about my sexuality, as being dishonest and lying essentially implies there's something to be ashamed about. but the pride stuff has never really been my thing anyway, since my view of sexuality is that it's no more significant than the color of my hair, the obvious difference being that people aren't persecuted for their hair color.

still, I don't fault others for finding meaning in the idea of pride. some gay people come from truly awful circumstances and despicable families, so their sense of pride is rooted in their ability to escape that and be open about themselves. besides, as much as you or I may not be into gay culture, it's advocates and activists that made things substantially better for everyone, including those who keep their gay shit on the DL. there's a reason you can no longer be fired from your job for being gay, so when someone who is bi/gay says they don't "support" gay people I have an intrinsically negative reaction to that. but that's obviously not what you actually meant.

So, if thats the case, why do you care if gay people get married? If you oppose it, then thats having an opinion on it.

If it means nothing to you, because its just another everyday thing, then why make a point about it?


yes, a friend always wanted to go to another friend's house. we always played true or dare. i never liked it. i got my dick sucked, didn't like it and jerked off in front of each other to see who has a big dick.

the friend's house had two hot sisters. the friend died of drugs some how. he went to rehab place or something- that obviously didn't work.

So did you do any of that stuff?

Haha ofc I feel like I’m the middle guy in the .gif.
Who doesn’t?
I’d be a total fag Imif it wasn’t the need to breed and have someone to show the rents on holiday.
Nothing better than a cock filling your mouth with another filling your ass haha.



>having a kid "just because"
>marrying a wife purely for show

future Father of the Year over here



>close childhood friend
>have sleepovers often on the weekends
>sleep together in my twin bed whenever i hosted
>FF to 11
>have big butt from sports
>he starts jokingly smacking my ass in bed
>usually spank back but clearly like getting spanked more
>he notices, especially when i start facing my back toward him more in bed
>his spanking progresses into play-humping
>usually pretend to jokingly moan but really love it, sometimes initiate by scooting my back into him
>he starts getting hard during these bed sessions, hotdogging my ass through our thin boxers
>still spanking me too
>feeling his hard preteen cock sliding between my cheeks always got me hard
>sure he noticed when i'd start grinding into him
>one day he "accidentally" cums on himself while grinding me
>complains about his mess
>tell him to cum on my boxers next time he "accidentally" does
>gives him leeway to start humping me naked whenever he's close
>play sessions always end in him cumming and wiping himself on my boxers
>the heat of his cum radiating through my boxers is enough to make me leak
>one day, ask him to cum inside my boxers instead to contain the mess better
>he takes this as future permission to stick his hard cock in my boxers and hotdog my bare ass
>my hole would tingle and often twitch when his head pressed against it
>couldn't ever resist jerking myself off at this point
>he always cums between my cheeks before spanking me once more, never wants me to finish
>but his hot cum coating my butt always kept me satisfied enough
>went on for a long time before we became aware of how gay it was and never mentioned it since
>still friends

Pic related, my butt last year (:

Attached: 20190717_04.jpg (900x1080, 448.32K)

Not really, I was a good little Catholic school girl and noped out of most of it. Although I did try sleeping without panties. I guess we were just curious, going though puberty. I wonder what would happen if she and I met up now, if we'd hook up. Haven't seen her since I left for college years ago.

I personally think the whole pride thing is overblown and generally just an excuse for actual deviants to justify their actions, but I disagree that not giving a shit is a support

If oppression, and you “don’t give a shit,” you are supporting the oppression. That’s not to say that gay people are being oppressed everywhere, but in a lot of places they are.

Saying not caring is support is like saying not caring is supporting women’s rights to vote in the early 1900s. Not caring maintains the status quo

Tits or gtfo