Hypothetically speaking if you had $15...

Hypothetically speaking if you had $15,000 given to you don't have to pay back what would you do with that right now realistically.

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pay the "little" credit card debt i have off, get the headset/pc upgrade i've been putting off and save the last 10k for an eventual house investment so i'm not being raped by overpaying for a rental property like a good goy

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Probably buy 5k with it. Sell about 7. Continue and profit.

Visit someone I know on the other side of the country
Go home and buy a switch and a few games
Save the rest for emergencies or sportsball tickets

Alternatively that money could help me prototype a few projects I have in mind.

Utah Goldbacks

3k on frivolous in the now shit, like upgrading tech, hobby stuff, holiday and gifts.

6K on stocks that pay dividends.

6K towards house deposit (to go into existing house deposit budget).

The wisest investment is real estate, you diversify a little with the stock market and you could die within a month so spend a little in the now to increase your immediate quality of life.

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buy the valve index controllers (my vive wands are fucked) and get three weeks worth of pot then the rest would go into savings because im a good boy.

Under the CARE act,I as an unemployed b/ro WILL take in 11k over the next 16 weeks for sheltering in place,via neetbux. According to the Fed,if I get called back before then to my shit job,I have the right to opt out for fear of covid,till I deem such a time to safely return...
Pussy and gun purchases till then..

$15k is barely small change cucks. I doubt I’d bother lean over to pick it up

Probably put it toward my car loan, then use the cash I would have used for payments and put it into the market while it's still low.

Get a decent enough pc to run my VR headset as mine is fucked and can barely run shit at low. Then maybe get a new car and a DJI Phantom cause ive always wanted a proper drone that isn't a plastic piece of shit. If I have any left put the rest into my savings/or into stocks but i don't know enough about them.

Of course, Percy Goldpockets. Of course.

1k in booze and 500$ in cocaine for some wicked weekend after corona confinement. 2-3k on a new battle station and the rest goes into home renovation.

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Oh and maybe a 1k to change parts on my car, the baby needs some love, nothing fancy no ricer spoiler or skirts, just some good old brake replacement, engine fan is doing weird and stuff...

I'm amazed at how us Yas Forumstards are reasonable and responsible if we had 15k to realistically spend...

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Set aside 5k for my college debt, use the rest to try to get my mom citizenship

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Pay off the $7500 restitution I still owe. Then move out west (once the pandemic is over, obviously) to be a truck driver.

wut bout muh repuhrashuns whiteboi

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Probably pay off some credit card debt and put down a down payment on a new car.

I have $30k and no debt and I don't spend on shit.

pay for my education

7,000 in the bank.
3,000 on debt.
2,000 on guitar stuff.
1,500 on a bitching new PC.
1,500 on weed.

Pay off my car, buy a sex doll, save the rest

I'm going to get one this year anyways, but free is nice.

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Save all of it for later.

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I would pay somebody to give me ideas on how to spend my money

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I didn't steal from blacks. I stole from Jew credit lenders.

Buy silver

>seriously under priced

why would you do anything with kikes?

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This guy has his priorities straight

Problem is, when it's low, good luck finding anyone selling physical silver. You can buy paper silver all day long, but that's a scam.

It was part of a suicide attempt. Pills didn't take.

Deposite 5k into my bank over time and live off of that for a while. Since I’m in my early 20s, I’ll use the other 8k for investments, and the other 2k I’ll use for myself in terms of a new computer for streaming. Or I’ll just buy a new keyboard since my current one is destroyed to shit and can’t afford a new one currently. Over time I’ll hope that the investments grow and I’ll be able to pay off my student loans before I’m 30. But that’s a maybe

set aside what i need for bills (not much atm) and take that, along with my tax return, for a 12 day ayahuasca ceremony in peru.

the rest is for the hookers. i wont fuck them, but i will make them get naked while i cry ramble every detail of my depression. ill do that once a week until i run out.

Certainly wouldn't post about it here lol

On the one hand I have debt to pay off, but on the other I don't *need* it perse. I'd probably give it to my sister or parents.

3k on a Gibson es335
1500 on a plexi clone
1500 on a dumble clone
All is used, of course

10k on a used 4runner or tacoma.

750 Yas Forums passes

one time i was drunk and buying people passes and people were posting proof that i was delivering and the mod banned me lol

Order some food