Trans women are WOMEN

Trans women are WOMEN.
Trans men are MEN.
Non-binary people are NON-BINARY.

Prove me wrong.

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Nonbinaries cannot into computer

Non-binaries only think they exist. They are either a 1 or 0. There is no 2.

Your sex is defined by what genitals you are born with. Fact.
If you are born with a penis, you are man.
If you are born with a vagnia, you are a woman.

Pack it up folks, this thread is done.


Have a penis = MEN
Trans women = Have a penis
Trans women = MEN

Have a vagina = WOMEN
Trans men = Have a vagina
Trans men = WOMEN


I agree as long as we accept that there needs to be a distinction in medical settings. Hence cis and trans

I am PROUD to say I don't even know what the fuck you are talking about.

Based, thanks tranny user

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Shut up
See? I gotcha

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Every other post is literally tranny porn

We. Don't. Care

Prove yourself right, dipshit.
>protip: you can't

Chromosomes? Though you wouldnt know about them seeing as you have one too many.


Those are just mutilated imitations made to look like sexual organs

x and y chromosomes

non binary should be all sent to Madagascar or some other island and let them isolated from the rest of the world forever

this thread is just incel bate...

Trans people are mentally ill.

>Prove me wrong.

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Define non-binary to me

Point to the person who wasn't one of male, female or some physiological mixture heavily weighted to one side or the other.

I get people can be (very, very rarely) ambiguously male or female physiologically (but not genetically), sometimes non binary seems to mean this. But then other times 'non binary' is claimed to mean 'not even on a male-female spectrum' which is clear and present delusional nonsense in my approximation.

jesus christ take this bullshit to /lgbt/ and stop incel baiting.

If you're born with a dick you're a Rick
If you're born with a vag you're a Madge

And thats it, there is no argument around over or through it. Sit down and stfu

I would be fine with you 'nonbinary' people if you just relegated it to your own circle, but you want everyone else conforming to your gender bullshit. If that weren't bad enough, you want to push it on prepubescent children (puberty blockers elementary school visits), which is double fucked.

Gender dysphoria is real but so is making shit up. There is the genuine mental disorder and then there is self-diagnosing on the Internet.

Someone can lose a limb to war or cancer. But what if they cut their leg off on purpose and said "Look, now I share your experience too! Pay attention to me!"

Fine. But I'm not on board with non-binary. That's made up bullshit.

you have gender dysphoria

... and op is a faggot

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This is a reasonable opinion, but since it isn't 100% sucking some tranny's dick it's bigotry and/or abuse according to tumblr.

XY chromosome -> men
XX chromosome -> woman

any other combination is either
XX + n*x -> super woman aka genetic cripple
XY + n*x -> Klinefelter syndrome; long armed limp dick

XY * n*y -> super male with so much testosterone you become impotent

you are either a male or a female. Depends on the fugging chromosomes. as long as you have a Y you end up with a dick. no Y you end up a woman. As long we aint editing genes in humans, the archaeologist dinging up your ass and ruing at an DNA test in some centuries is going to determine your gender on chromosomes. So better get cremated if you join the 40% so someone in a couple hundred years gonna miss gender you.

trans rights!