Which Star Trek captain do you hate the most?

which Star Trek captain do you hate the most?

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I want to fuck kirk.


I've never seen the nigger captain, but I'd pick the nigger

Janeway... easily.


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The nigger


thats Capt Sisko from DS9..he was a smug asshole

Janeway. Seems barely competent.

Janeway. Her name should have been Karen.

Captain Georgiou. Useless cunt.

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The new SJW Picard bot

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Janeway always looked like she had bad breath.

not a bad looker tho

He's an SJW? In Star Trek? Heavens!

So... do you even Star Trek if you get triggered by a SJW, fag?

is the middle one affirmative action hire?

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Janeway. She sounds like Prymaat Conehead.

Unironically kinda yes. But only really makes sense near the end.

This isn't at all how affirmative action works you nigger

Wait til' you see her stompers!

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Clearly you haven't seen the new Picard show. It's a dumpster fire.

The edgy btards don't like the woman and the black guy. How original

it is.

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Was it perfect? no. Was it overly long? probably. Was it too dark? debatable (DS9 did dark and still had some levity). Was it ST? Absofuckinglutely. It's core message was basically 'Measure of a Man' writ large. Admittedly, they fucked around with the Romulans and the kung fu stuff was just odd, but its core message is lifted out of TNG.

eww... sticking above the ankles then.


you have a point there

Janeway. Couldn't care less that she was female, just fucking hate her voice.

Janeway was the worst.

Janeway, that ignorant slut

Tossup between captain iron cunt and mr quantum gleep in his travelling warehouse.

Both shows deserved to fall in a hole and die before getting made.