I’ve been the main BBC/Cuck poster here for the last 5 years. I occasionally conduct blacked raids across all boards

I’ve been the main BBC/Cuck poster here for the last 5 years. I occasionally conduct blacked raids across all boards.


Attached: 61101B7F-BF15-4F9B-9370-BDD9083D0F79.jpg (450x318, 18.26K)

Attached: 1585606341881.jpg (462x600, 57.18K)

Race and size?

I’m 21 and Chinese

Hello, Spencer.

Attached: Tenda Spencer 4.png (600x680, 150.12K)

>tic tac dick detected

why don't you go and suck those monkeys cocks if you love them so much, jew faggot?

Dick size, not age, learn Engrish

Based on what you do, would you consider yourself gay? Also, would you or have you ever sucked/fucked/hooked up a bbc?

Just the simple question, why?
What are you tryi to achieve by doing this.

Attached: 1558082084723.jpg (516x438, 165.79K)

what do you think of those images op? do they bother you?

i collect most of the pastas. sometimes i'll splice and combine two or three into one or do minor edits and repost for lulz. i do the Apologize threads
i have a discord channel full of pasta. some of it's probably yours.

Support a Blacker Israel Today!

not him but i post blacked/bbc/whiteboi threads
the fact that this guy took the time to download 200-300 different images and edit them like that, i lose my shit. i think it's absolutely hilarious how someone can be so jaded by black cock.
i mean it's one thing that you have Yas Forumstards believing a big bad jew menace is out to murder them with a bbc, but this is next level

not the guy that made those but do you know how to use photoshop? I could mine 1000 pictures of bats and use a batch script to put a batted.com logo and text saying "this is what it's like to get batted" it would take 5 minutes tops.

and it's a bot posting those pictures, that's fucking so obvious. what's funny is the guy posting all the bbc threads has to sit behind his computer for 10 hours a day to get what he thinks is revenge on the website he hates the most, talk about counterproductive and counterintuitive behavior. bbc poster has to be a jobless kisses virgin incel with severe autism if he thinks he's accomplishing anything by posting on Yas Forums. the shithole of the internet that is know for cp posters.
my sides.

When are you going to rope yourself? We will not miss you.

Im not Jewish
Caucasian, 6.5”
That isn’t me
I’m not gay, I have a white girlfriend.
It’s funny to me. It never fails to make the unaccomplished white nazis here seethe in rage, no matter how many times I do it. It’s become a lifestyle of sorts.

anyone who likes looking at other men's dicks or feels inferior to other men should kill themselves.

nothing said here was true

I don’t mind them at all, it’s just free bumps.
You don’t know a thing, bud.


I never thought about that. Yeah, he spends his entire day on a website filled with white men that he hates and he has to look at every thread that triggers him. what's worse is that nobody remembers a thread after it's pruned or 404's meaning his work has no lasting effect. Yas Forums still exists, Yas Forums still exists and will never changed it's view on freedom of speech. bbc poster is literally Einsteins definition of insanity.

it takes 3 seconds for me to post a pasta. get replies of poltards sperging out. literally no effort

please don't ever stop. it would mean that Yas Forums doesn't trigger you anymore.

how would Yas Forums sperg out if youre posting on Yas Forums?
are u really that retarded?

here we go with the semantics
Yas Forums is infested with neo nazi pol tards. pretty easy to see that just by viewing the catalog. can't be this retarded.

Actually laughing this site is filled with spam but atleast the glowniggers get fucking paid for it this faggot is one a one man crusade to piss of b by spamposting blacked shit FOR 5 YEARS I'm actually laughing.

>it takes 3 seconds for me to post a pasta
but you do it all day and respond too. that means that you are behind a computer with your browser open to Yas Forums.org
hell, I visit this site on the weekends for a couple of hours, id go crazy having to browse this shithole as long as you do. shits only fun for a little bit, like reading twitter for 20 minutes everyday or facebook replying one a week so my family knows im alive.

oh, hi schlomo!

Please stop?

Attached: 1.jpg (1000x879, 244.13K)

>wearing gloves because it's sanitary.

Attached: 1556541262157.gif (400x250, 529.05K)

its literally like an 8year old throwing a temper tantrum because he learned through his parents that that gives him attention, because he doesnt get any attention other ways. If thats on the kid or on the parents is another question, but its definitely whats going on here, and since "the parents" are all of us, and hes an extremely useless being, he HAS to "throw a temper tantrum" to get social interaction at all. People die without social interaction. Well, we can all agree that we would be happy if OP died, but humans are egoistical little fuckers.

>but you do it all day
there's lemmings that follow what i/we do. it's pasta. it gets repsosted. over and over and over lmao
i keep a tab of every board i like. make a post. do some stuff and check back. some people prefer facebook/ig/twitter/snapchat/whatever gets their jollies off, but you're over exaggerating lol.

scroll through. get a few keks

it's not a hard concept.

i'll post something like that. let it sit. check on my phone during break and kek

then you don't know that Yas Forums was created by moot so the nazis would have their own board. old Yas Forumstards that were nazis moved to pol because moot got tired of the mega threads that you see on pol today. why do you think pol has the biggest webm and image size limits on Yas Forums? because that's the most used and popular board that the old fags demanded. moot knew they would just go to 7chan if he kept dropping the ban hammer. you don't know anything about Yas Forums, not anything before 2015 it seems.
you do realize that Yas Forums is also a shell of itself as far as traffic goes. there used to be around 20 million unique visitors a day 10 years ago, right? now it's about 200,000, and the majority is Yas Forums Yas Forums /x/ and Yas Forums, in that order. you'd have much more impact with your bbc memes if you posted on facebook or reddit. that's were you'd actually trigger ppl and trending on twitter would get the bbc meme in the msm immediately. otherwise you no different than the logposter or banana poster.

youre literally looking at black dicks every single day all day "for the keks".

you sure you arent suppressing something ?

Hi pr0ncave-ir. Still mad about your gay tumblr getting flushed?

it's a penis my dude. it's nothing special. that's the thing. i work in the medical field. see shit all the time. if you think a penis has this much power, you're probably sperging.
the fact that you idiots think it's some jew meance out to murder you with a black cock has my sides in high velocity orbit

so youre working in a medical field and have to look at penises all day and when you finally go home you go to look at more penises?


Yas Forums confirmed tourist trap.

Not the guy you're arguing with but I know you are Tenda Spencer and you're famous for being an internet lolcow that hates himself and everything you do is compulsive projection. You're literally the biggest incel and sperg on the internet. Also, you're famous for making up stories that have no basis in reality and the plethora of your reddit posting history and other internet activities is all available online just by doing a search for your name. LOL, you said you looked like a Michaelangelo painting and then you got doxxed. Everything you said was a lie.
Make another fake suicide letter you attention whoring pussy. 8kun has everything on you.