I am 6 foot 6 inches tall. How's it feel to know I can kick your ass?

I am 6 foot 6 inches tall. How's it feel to know I can kick your ass?

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dude who cares

From the looks of you, diabetes and heart disease is already doing the job for me

i will just cought on you and you will see how corona feels

Bro I'm 6'5 at 235 today with 16% body fat I would beat your ass to death

Very intimidating, goodness! Please don't post here anymore, Yas Forums is my safe space.

i have 1% body fat pure muscle i will beat ya both


>that squished flesh from severe water retention
How does it feel to get your ass kicked by congestive heart failure?

My Tinder date is 6 foot 7 inches tall. How's it feel to know she can crush you like a little bug.

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you seem like the kinda guy who wears being tall as a medal, like it makes you better than everybody else, when you're actually just tryna make up for your 1.24 inch cock.

Being tall doesnt mean you can kick anyone shorter's ass lmao. Khabib and Barboza are both like 5-9/10. Good luck homie.

how? suffocate us with your double chin?

any reason you brought up a washed up one trick pony?

I can kick over your head, not worried about u

higher risk of several medical issues

I would just shoot you, easy peasy

I have an extra set of arms. I’ll hand all your asses you yourselves.

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If I was an all you can eat restaurant, then yes, you could probably kick my ass.

imagine being such a pussy you bring a gun to a fist fight lol

can't wait to meet you in prison... you look like you have a tight ass. perfect for my 24 inch penis!

i weigh 300 lbs. you have no chance.

you look like a retard with that mask on,all i have to do is cough and your pussy ass will run away

6 and a half feet of fat fuck is no threat.

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Fite me bich

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And still gets zero pussy

you look like a disgruntled british construction worker who is probably a member of the national front, but doesn't say anything about it because your niece married a paki and you're scared of confrontation

They are both great but how would they do against Jon Jones? Size matters when everything else is equal. If you take two talented fighters with equal skill and one is 5’10 185 and the other is 6’5 255 it wouldn’t be a fair fight. I’d wager good money you would see a ref saving the smaller fighters life

>Gets shot

Height has nothing to do with fighting ability. I've seen 5'2" black wrestler beat the shit out of 6'4" lefty


>Jones doing cycles and blow

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I'm not 16 years old so I don't get into fist fights, if I were to fight this dude I'd just be minding my own business with him randomly attacking me. I'd be glad to rid the world of a violent person