Pedo hunt
Pedo hunt
NYPA, you're a faggot, do it yourself, etc etc
>i think so, i wash a lot.
I tell every guy that tries hitting on me on runescape that I'm a 15 to try and get them to leave me alone. They almost always tell me it's fine then try getting really sexual
To all the nypa fags. Not asking for army. Just posting. hes already been overly harrassed and attacked irl
I'm not even shocked
Report him to your countries agency. If you think that your country won’t give a shit report him to Interpol / FBI
>I think so, I wash alot
Jesus christ
did he respond with ugh and an emoji when you accused him of being a pedophile? what the hell
File a police report for a dude who hit on a fake 15 year old on runescape? Yeah, they'll get right on that. They definitely don't have anything better to deal with, like actual crime
NYPA. Report him to the local authorities.
Quit trying to ruin people's lives they did noting wrong >:(
That's something a pedo would say
i swear officer i didn't know she was 14
Somebody likes to fuck kids
Openly admits to raping an 11 year old. How are humans allowed to exist?
Pedo neet found
I’m sorry was I talking to you or OP? The messages themselves are incriminating. If op cares enough to “hunt pedos” he can report the dude and have his ass baited out by agencies who deal with this shit.
Hes already been handled that I know of.
3rd world or bait. Kys.
Probably 3rd world if they're using that 1992 angry face emoji
Rape funny.
Baby rape no funny