Whats your favorite key out of the bunch?

Whats your favorite key out of the bunch?

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5 I guess. Looks like it would open something enchanted,

3, all the keys in my parent's house are like this so that's what I instantly got reminded of


Five looks nice

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6 looks like itll last the longest

0% correct. Fake and gay


Maybe you're right because you a little triggered. Kek

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pretty accurate

you seem to be the one projecting friend. Did you make this? sorry i called it fake and gay

I’ll make you into a knuckle sandwhich noob

Holy shit, 100% accurate for me.

wtf that is actually so me!

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looks like an easy lock to pick should I lose key

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ok, fuck it...

OP here, I’m the only one that got key 1.

1st key, mininalistic, looks nice

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6 looks best
simply as fuck

thanks op

I watch a stream on mixer with a couple who's constantly begging for $16,000. They got the camera angled on the female, so that you get a full view of her ass when she walks out of the room, or picks something up. She's also always playing with her bare feet on camera. If you flirt with her she throws a fit about how it's a diss to her relationship. If she was a key she'd be a six, but I'm more into fours.

Why is this pasta starting to get funnier
