oldfag here, newfag to steam. can i run steam on a laptop that's like 2 years old? like I know I won't be able to play the AAA titles, but I should be able to hook up my PS4 controller and play some cool shit right?
Ethan Collins
it will work better with an xbox controller but yes a 2 year old laptop can handle most things off of steam. the one im on is 5 years old and runs games like skyrim and elite dangerous like a treat
you can use the PS controller, but you have to install some drivers, google how to do it, it's quick and easy actually yes you can play games on your 2yo laptop, as long as you have a dedicated Graphics card if not, you MIGHT run some games on low, or some emulators without problem
Jayden Wilson
Ps4>Xbox all day
Nathaniel Butler
Bentley Young
What do you look like? I want to see who I might be helping.
I'm so fucking done with lefties you think lefties are stupid? You think Trump is such an idiot? Try AMLO (i'm from mexico) that idiot used all the fucking money on his fucking train, and his fucking refinery, both uviable projects now there is no money for the health sector so, instead of detecting new COVID cases, they only declare them ase atypical neumony, and population doesnt understand that, so they keep going out fucking 2020 is over for me