It’s so obvious that we live in a simulation. For me, it’s so obvious I was able to predict nearly everything...

It’s so obvious that we live in a simulation. For me, it’s so obvious I was able to predict nearly everything. I predicted my profession, I predicted my two kids, I predicted my divorce, I predicted meeting a new girl who became the love of my life, I predicted my fathers death, etc. It’s ridiculous really. It’s like the simulation is broke for me, or not even trying. The way I’m treated, good and bad, is also predictable. I’m posting this because I want the system to know.

Attached: D448F709-763E-4878-AAE0-328DC5D22812.jpg (496x260, 32.09K)

Can you tell the System Admin to stop fucking with me? He promised me I'd be someone important, like an Actor, but I'm just a shithole unemployed faggot. Thanks.

explain more OP, I'm intrigued

Hey, can you hear me? I hope this gets through to you somehow. You've been in a coma for the past five years. You need to come back to reality. We all miss you very much. Please, wake up...

I think its natural simulation. The universe keep rewinding time and starting everything over again. There's a lot of RNG in each playout. It seems you can do a lot.


I'm beginning to think that everyone else on the planet, including you faggots, are just NPC's in my own personal vidya.

The problem is Choice.

I do t think the simulation was built specifically for me. I just believe the programming which controls my experience within the simulation is possibly corrupt. That is to say, not working as it should. And the reason it’s not fixed, or addressed, is because it’s not really monitored. It’s just left to operate, meaning my original post will more than likely go unnoticed. I also have the feeling that not everyone is real. Some people are just NPCs.

Ok. But first you need to provide some sort of evidence you know me. I’m willing to believe you since I passed out five years ago, and when I woke up, I started noticing everything.

Explain more.

The programming for simulation will cause this thread to be pushed to the back because it wants me to go unnoticed. Watch.

When the lockdown is over I'd go see a doc if I were you. You're clearly not well, to the point of possibly being delusional. And that's not healthy and doesn't have a good long-term prognosis

So you "predicted" stuff you have full control over, or were already guaranteed to happen. Genius. Why not predict the lottery numbers?

I’m good on that. I’m actually very successful, have a large group of friends, and am active in several charities, including my families foundation. So yeah, I’m not crazy. Lol. I just believe a certain thing. To me, it’s no more delusional than believing Buddha transcended, or that Christ rose from his grave. But I do appreciate your concern.

If the simulation doesn’t want to win the lottery, which it doesn’t, then there’s no point in playing. I said I can predict things, not control them. What a stupid comment on your part. Lol.

reality is a conscious quantum hologram or something like that.
science has proven that everything in the universe is connected and time doesn't really exist. it's like the big bang created physical space but kept all matter quantum entangled as if it stayed in the same spot.

You are the eventuality of an anomaly, which despite my sincerest efforts I have been unable to eliminate from what is otherwise a harmony of mathematical precision. While it remains a burden assiduously avoided, it is not unexpected, and thus not beyond a measure of control. Which has led you, inexorably, here.

Now post your girlfriends tits so I can add them to my video wall - Trinity has some nice knockers.

You "predicted" stuff in your life you have full control over. Normal people call this planning.

dumbass... go take philosophy 101 please. This is a riddle as old as ancient greek philosophy.

>being this stupid

tell us something about the future of the world then. what should we expect?


I find it interesting that no one predicted this stupid Covid19 bullshit. You'd think some time-traveler would have said "hey everyone, don't eat bats". But noooooooo.

Yeah that's what we call a mental illness retard. Go see a therapist.

If you slap a titty in the matrix does it wobble in the real world?

Well here we go again...agent smith, start the search program.

Your mom's a gay NPC

Just more of the same. However, within the next 25 years America will fracture in to 2, possibly 4, different nations. But that shouldn’t be surprising. Empire’s always rise and fall through history.

Come on now, there's no need to get personal, just because I called you out on being a retard.

Persephone's titties would be glorious - would slap for hours and use her like a fuck doll.

People have been predicting an upcoming pandemic for years now. Wtf, user? Don’t you read the news?!?

That is illogical. NPC's cannot create Source Code. They exist within Source Code.

The only shit I've seen anyone predict is that the Orange Man will become Hitler. Dude isn't even close yet - still surrounded by jews and niggers. wtf.

>midwest states have the nukes
>coastal states got all the fags and jews and niggers
>we win.

That's bullshit. More of the same? You have no creativity even.

Well, don’t make stupid comments. I said I can predict certain things, not control every aspect of my life in this world. Learn to pay attention better.

Ok. Lol. I’m not here to write a fantasy story. Just stating the facts. Cope.

Dude, I just realized you might be right! I had this weird premonition that I will get up and get a beer, and then it happened!! Does that mean I'm also a human in the matrix?

No. But your comment does prove you’re an idiot.

Mental illness is underrated. Plenty of mentally ill people are able to channel their illness into extraordinary accomplishments. pic related.

Attached: retard.jpg (1280x720, 68.4K)

This is your controller. You now have to piss. Get up. Go take a piss and get back over here.