The Coronavirus is an obvious hoax by the media/governments...

The Coronavirus is an obvious hoax by the media/governments. All an agenda and test to see how far they can go taking our freedoms away over "saftey". order out of chaos. Problem, reaction, solution. You dont know anyone who knows anyone who knows ANYONE diagnosed with coronavirus or being affected by it. This all happened way too fast. Not realistic at all. no one is being affected. It only exists on tv of course. Obvious test. People are dying of other things, media is saying its covid 19 no matter cause of death.

You indoctrinated brainwashed clueless gullible flouride drinking SHEEP are more dangerous than the "coronavirus". Get ready for the forced vaccinations, mandatory face masks in public, curfews, and martial law. Were less free everyday. People are pathetic. We are all asking for our own slavery. Wake up and open your eyes you fucking literal zombies. Your government doesnt care about you. You are brought up sheltered and clueless like they want you to be. Its up to you to find the truth. Stop watching the idiot box.

You cattle are dooming us all.

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Father's friend of mine

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Slick. Have a bump

So much impact font...and not one rage comic

threadly reminder that the gates foundation and gilead are using their lap dog ((((fauci)))) to demonize an effective treatment and would rather lots of people continue to die so they can push drugs and vaccine research that makes them money

>You don't know anyone who knows anyone who know anyone diagnosed...
Already wrong faggot my mother has a friend whose husband died of it. Stop being gay.

nah he probably just died and they said it was covid. if he died in the hospital its automatically covid. stop being blind


Lol kill yourself.

I find most of the people with this opinion are uneducated, stupid or hopelessly poor.

Guess what? I make a ton of money. So does my wife. We are happily riding this out in our big house with a ton of entertainment. When this ends? We will go on vacations and continue to buy nice cars. You and your family will continue to bring us our groceries and deliver our pizza and bring us crap from Amazon.

I don’t really care if the 98% are unhappy and feel like sheep. I don’t care if the 1% think I am a poor person. I’m doing just fine.

Please continue to cling to your conspiracy theories and other loser behavior. It makes it easier for me to continue to operate.


The upper upper upper middle class.

Ps- we are laughing at you.

ITT: Faggots who thought they were safe in their first world bubble living with their parents.


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Scared faggots*

I really hope your fucking "woke" ass suffocate because of the virus. You conspiracy brainlets are a burden for society. kys

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thse niggers were scared of 4g. i would say 3g as well but they were probably not alive for that long.

>taking our freedoms away
I'm literally getting paid 40k/year to stay home, smoke legal weed and play video games. This shit better not ever end.

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a friend has it
i saw people getting picked up by doctors mere meters away from me
i took a test in a hospital, and actually saw the infected
keep your fucking poor ass opinion to yourself, go feed your fucking cows. just because the virus doesnt personally affect you because youre living in a hell hole, disconnected from the entire world, that doesn't mean that it isn't real.

Yes. This is it too. That's the last Red Pill you have to take to finally realize the whole of the situation we're all in. The Mark of the Beast. Nobody "has to believe me". Anyone telling me I'm a retard, a faggot, or a retarded faggot doesn't prove me wrong, it isn't an argument, and I already don't care. I know the truth. Most people would deny the Biblical reality of what time we're living all the way up to the point where they were given a digital implant. They could have you in line stamping a giant "666" on your forehead, literally telling you "Get your mark of the beast right here so you can buy and sell. Anyone who does not comply and receive his new digital I.D. will not be able to operate or function as a part of the New Society in the New World. Comply, or Die. Your choice." It could get that far and people would walk right into it with open arms.

Keep spreading the truth, OP.

And beware of next winter. many millions will likely die from suicide and exposure due to the economic consequences of this econocide.

they will try to pan that off as coronavirus deaths as well!

you're the idiot.

you aren't alone. keep spreading the word. let others know they aren't alone!

keked at obvious bait

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i thought this from day one, but people thought i was crazy. this isnt about a virus at all and never was. seattle when they had the DHS vehicles driving around and harrassing the people documenting it was only a test for later.

most conspiracy faggots are just scared lunatics.
but the covid-19 conspiracy faggots are just scared children who've never seen any kind of situation in their young lives that have made them scared.

You can kek all you want. What I'm saying is true. And while I may not be able to wake you up, there are numbers of people who have woken up because of the signs of the times. May you find the truth.

lol at the American'ts suffering in their third world shithole. Still feel like a super power? You guys absolutely suck. Now I'm going back to smoke my legal weed and play fortnite. My government is paying my bills and I have universal healthcare. I have nothing to worry about.

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Doctors sure have the time to make dance videos across the country in empty hospitals. lol we are RETARDED

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not the guy replying to.
but you're not woke. you're a child with access to the internet. dickheads like you were railing on and on about ebola, swine flu, sars, bird flu and the 2012 doomsday shit. the funny thing is, being on an anonymous image board, you don't have to admit you'r wrong, you just ignore the fact that you were wrong and find a new conspiracy theory. after this 5g/coronavirus conspiracy is proven not to be an apocalypse, you'll wait a few years until the next big thing and you'll start your shit up again. it happens with every new war, disease or technological invention. conspiracy cunts with no jobs or friends suddenly find a new thing to get a boner for.
Shut. The. Fuck. Up. You. Child.

>most conspiracy faggots are just scared lunatics.

>covid-19 conspiracy faggots are just scared children

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and when none of this comes to pass, where will you be? apologizing for senselessly raising alarm? no, on to the next fevered conspiracy theory

fucking faggot