Dick r8

dick r8

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That scar, Jesus! Your cock is deformed.

I'm sorry your parents did that to you, user. Shit.

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love to see the load you'd put in my wife

Did you put your cock in a meat grinder?

horrible circ scar

MFW Americans think this is normal

Botched circumcision?


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Frankenstein's penis

Fucking circumcised GROSS


Nasty scar and looks quite short. I wouldn't show people that if I were you.

Frankensteins dick would be way bigger

This. It looks nasty.


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They're all botched

Haha, Frankenstein's baby's dick.

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I love that this thread has turned into ripping on OP's gross, mutilated Jew penis.

Now that's a real cock, foreskin and all.

2/10. Ugly ass dick, cut and fat scar.

Did you perform the circumcision yourself? Haha, fucking horrible.

Shit, I'm so glad I wasn't cut as a kid. That's some nasty looking shit, OP.


Really unpleasant. Do you really want people to rate this abortion of a penis?

1/10 totally gross, especially the circumcision scar. Would not suck.

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6/10, but that circumcision looks gnarly




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And 9/10

Is this OP? I'd sue the hospital that did this to you, seriously.


Not good. Looks diseased with that scar.

old 5/10 corkscrew cock is back yet again

Looks painful. Did you get cut by the local butcher?

If he's in Jewland or Burgerland good fucking luck, that shit is so normalized that they think foreskin is "extra skin" and "unhygienic"

rate my skin

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I don't know how anyone could look at that and think anything other than it has been mutilated. I feel sorry for cut guys, sadly they're likely to mutilate their own sons too. And the Jew doctors profit.