Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

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Good God. Really? Again?

they don't want anyone to have any thing nice.

What are you talking about, 'again'?

Why not?

I'm genuinely curious if this guy is getting paid to post this shit every day, or if it's just some poor fucker with no life.

It's not even controversial anymore (although it never was), but I do feel sorry for the newfags replying to this thread.

That being said, sage goes in the options field.

Well we're not sure if they're paid to post nigger porn everyday. Wait, what's that? Oh you're not complaining about the nigger porn are you? And why is that, because you like those threads?

Shut the fuck up, newfag. Did you discover Yas Forums today? Are you playing brain-dead stupid?

Either way, fuck off and die.

Holy fuck, projecting much eh? HAHAHAHA

You are probably the one making those threads too lol

Not at all, I just think it's funny you're not angry about the nigger porn that's spammed all day. Clearly it's because you like it. It's only when people say mean things about your heroes in the DNC that gets you all hot and bothered

You're making those threads?

Who said I was not angry about those threads too? Like I'm going to complain about that in a bait thread that is posted at least 5 times a day, you stupid dumb fuck. It's like saying why I'm not complaining about loli threads in an Orange man thread, that's also posted every single fucking day. Idiots like you are the reason why this board is a shithole.

But there is a reason why niggers were the first thing that came to your mind, friendo. I'll let it figure it out on your own ;) next thing, you're dressing like a sissy fag craving that black cock, you love that don't you? But of course, you already know it, deep inside.

Just shut the fuck up already, get a life and stop making those threads.

Why are conservatives so easily triggered? Fuck off and die snowflake


This is how delusional you 'muricunts are. Living in your stupid little bubble. I don't care about your shithole of a country and I'm glad all this shit is happening to you, I'm glad you the virus is fucking you all up. But thank you for exposing who you really are. You are a Trump bot. A no-life, a no-brain faggot.

Right, so you're only complaining when it's mean things about your team. But nigger porn posted all over the place you're okay with it. As for why it came to mind it's because you like it, actually no you love the nigger porn. As you just proved by sharing your gay fantasy with everyone.

Seems like you're triggered here, bud. Maybe you should go back to jewbook?

Stopped reading there. Your foreigner opinion is irrelevant and nobody gives a fuck.

Why do conservatives have low IQs?

What was wrong with it? You mean Tris and Yen? Yen's ok..... I don't think Tris's actress was anything close though..

Why do you suck dick?

Keep projecting yourself faggot, it's amusing.

>Actually defending a shithole.

Everyone fucking hates you, mate. Your people, your educational system, your healthcare system, your president, they're all a joke. You poor fuckers are the laughing stock of the whole world and you are finally getting what you deserve.

lol getting triggered over shit tier fagtasy writing

>What was wrong with it?

Don't fucking reply you stupid newfag, This no-life faggot makes this thread at least 4 times a day.


Yeah and where do you live, "mate"? Are you some buck tooth half retarded Brit or some dipshit in that swamp dump Australia? Because either way it's like I said, your opinion is irrelevant. The only reason I'm even asking is so I can properly make fun of you.

Right, it's fantasy. So they can add fried chicken and Tom Brady, and no one can complain. Is that right?

>jew thread detected


And there you go, you fell into the trap like the fucking retarded 'muricunt you are, and might I add, so fucking easy it was, because you are a fucking moron. See, I knew you were going to immediately assume I was Brit by saying the word "mate", as easy as that.

No, my country is in the top 3 of the world ;). Sadly the same can't be said about your shithole of a country.

Poor, poor stupid idiot. I really feel sorry for you and your country. Not really, you deserve what's coming to you.

Who do liberals ruin everything?

What the hell are you fucking blabbering about now? Just tell me where you are from so I can fucking laugh at you. I know it's some pathetic country nobody gives a shit about, so go ahead and drop it.

Why haven't you necked yourself?

Because I'm fucking your mom, with my cock

Your mom's a faggot

And why the fuck would I do that, you stupid cock-mongering asshole? Just be assured, it is infinitely way more better than 'murica in every single way.

I mean, to be fair there are like 10 countries better that your shithole, so let's leave it at that.

Also, enjoy your suppressed nigger cock cravings ;)

Wrong, but nice to see you're a triggered little pussy

It doesn't seem like it's better, since you're so angry about "Murica", whatever the fuck that is. But it's okay, you can rest easy knowing nobody in America gives a shit about your irrelevant country.

They do, actually. But you can rest easy knowing nobody outside your shithole gives a shit about 'murica ;) and they are all happy you retards are the #1 at Corona Virus cases (what was that? 2,000 dead yesterday? And rising ;)? ) so it's ok, really.

God damn, I bet you're like 15 lol

Shit bait. Probably can't even see your own dick cause you're too fat. Also, neck yourself trailertrash