Hey Yas Forums!

Hey Yas Forums!

Made a thread yesterday, but I realized I'm so bored in quarantine that I might as well just start asking you anons for some games to keep me occupied. Haven't played any steam games in forever, especially bc I lost my old account months ago. Starting with a new account and looking for games I'm excited to play, here's my wishlist:


>also, how's your quarantine, since that's what I asked yesterday in my first ever nude post?

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show us your cunt

we asked for your little brown asshole and you never delivered

Just Cause 4 is free to grab next week on Epic Store. I havn't heard so much good reviews about it so I can't recomend spending money on it.


i never said i would, but today I'm looking for steam gifts (hopefully DOOM:Eternal!!!!!) so sure, why not

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lmao boring as shit normie games. fuck off

oh, really? is it just for a limited time? Like i used to play rainbow six because a friend was into it, but it was some limited time thing.

You want guys to buy you games?

sorry bb, just into those normie games ig :P

Now your ass

yes, even if I just get DOOM:Eternal as a gift, I'll be happy


>that asshole pic aint gonna have a timestamp, but I can try

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fuck you're sexy, rock hard and jerking to you!

my quarantine's been boring as hell, just been laying around all day

>thank you for following the rules btw

Try it, and pussy closeup

To my knowledge no: Epic offers two games per week for free this week it's some Sherlok Holmes next week it will be Just Cause

Pee for us

This is as good as I can get for my little brown asshole :P


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spread pussy

Pee for us

jesus christ its time to abandon this thread. my appetite..

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here ya go, upclose and personal!

that's cool, I'll be sure to check it out! Do i need to download the epic games launcher because I never played Fortnite when it was big. Like will it go to my steam library somehow?


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Thank you for following the rules OP! You're smokin'!

Got no money, but if someone buys you DOOM what will you do?

let me see you piss

god dammit i might have to actually simp

I'd plant a huge load inside you, cutie.

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Girl you are very pretty and so cute. Words of advice is if you are in need of anything then this is the wrong place to come and ask as the majority of people on here are zz top lookalikes, aint got a dollar to their name and still dwelleth in moms basement making every attempt to learn to jerk off.

show asshole&soles and ill get u doom

Probably play it I imagine....

Id line to see that hair mated with cum

Why is your pussy Black? Looks so fucking disgusting

Now show tonsils

On your back, legs spread please

Jesus Christ,please never come back
Disgusting bitch

Great! Finger inside?

Can you consider shaving your crotch?

Define simp now faggot, am too Stoopid and retard to comprehend jok

you have my cock so fucking hard

Fucking leave the thread then faggot


Show us your feet

Deep down, god hates you

God isnt real
He died

14 yo