Socialism is the only way forward for America.
It is inevitable.
Socialism is the only way forward for America.
It is inevitable.
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Yes, keep donating to socialists
as a proud american i can say that i am open to learning about socialism. capitalism has failed us. there are so many of us that go to bed hungry at night. its time for something different.
She would drive America right into the ground.
That way we can all live lazy, mediocre lives because you're trash.
The communists knew what was required to make the country great. They killed the billionaire vampires who were sucking the ordinary working people dry. America needs socialism. America needs to introduce the guillotine to get rid of these leeches in our society.
Shes getting ready to get gangbanged by a bunch of niggers while her boyfriend films, thats nice
Trump has done that. Too late asshole.
youre cool pissing every last government dime on your mom tho...
oh and if any boys ever fk up in life you seem to be thinking you can build a prison empire on male slavery
ya know what
>>fuck what you want bitch
Die racist asshole.
How about taking from the blood-sucking billionaire vampires who have kept you family poor for no other excuse but social domination? Our work and our produce belongs to us! Why should I be working from 9am to 5pm to make some fucking asshole rich while I struggle to may my rent/mortgage?!? That bastard earning the produce of my work is doing nothing but sitting on his ass.
It's high time billionaires like Trump get into the workplace and start working 9am to 5pm alongside the rest of us instead of stealing our wealth.
better red than dead
>agrees to work for shit wage
>gets angry when paid shit wage
What an insightful comment. Albert Einstein, the worlds most intelligent man, was a socialist....I'm going to go with him over a retard like you on the internet. Loser.
Well a proud American would be a historically educated one. And you would know that socialism has epic failed everyone who’s adopted it. Capitalism has decreased the number of ppl who go to bed hungry more than any other idea in history.
>Albert Einstein, the worlds most intelligent man
I'll believe that when that cunt starts handing out free blow jobs and $1 titty fucks.
lol @ american losers.
As a white European, you Americans are losers.
come on man, at least post more of her if you're going to start this stupid thread
Yea, do you believe that Columbus was a great explorer and St Patrick loved to drink beer as well?
many major parts of the US economy ARE heavily socialized. Banks for instance. Not to mention social security, welfare, medicare/medicaid, road building, in many places, power generation and telephone service.
I am using the street level definition of socialism here, I'm guessing that is what you mean.
>building maintenance isn't a job
As a white American, I thought we told you to fuck off a couple hundred years back
you have no fucking idea what "into the ground" means. go take a look at GW Bush and the 2007 financial crisis, spoiled nigger.
ITT: Alt Right who have collective meltdowns everytime their arguments do not stand up to the most basic leftists critique
regulated capitalism with some socialism is the way to go. certain things like clean water, electricity, healthcare, and education should not be "for profit"
This is the internet buddy, take your reasonable stances elsewhere
LOL....on one hand you thingk capitalism has improved the lives of the working people over the decades and on the other you're pissed off at the continuing regulation of capitalism....
LMFAO. Pick one. Either capitalism has brought people out of poverty or capitalism is being stifled by regulation.
The fact of the matter is that unions and socialism improved the quality of life for millions of Americans. Thats a fact. And that is why the standard of living improved for Americans.
capitalism sucks.
socialism would improve all of our lives. the only people that would suffer are billionaires.
You Americans aren't fly enough for this white guy
>thinking that communism precludes billionaires
Post nudes
The most charitable explanation for anyone believing in socialism is that they have an unknown number of STD's such as syphilis literally rotting the brain.
I used to be an alt-righter who fell down the rabbit whole of propaganda that turned by brain to mush. The most important video to help escape the hate and toxicity is here:
The solution to a crap life isn't to deport poor people, it's to start unions. The reason why you're shit with the opposite sex isn't because they're sluts or degenerates, it's because of the toxic expectations of the patriarchal society we've allowed to prosper.
The Alt-Right always implied they had answers to our problems but the genuine cure is socialism. Socialism can set you free.
It's pretty clear that capitalism has failed us all. Hopefully these recent events open people's eyes and make them at least see that America needs to adopt some Socialist policies. If AOC were to run for office, she would have my vote in a heart beat.
right wingers are so retarded they think you should expect refunds of money you donate. they are so retarded they get angry about milk. these people need to be lined up and shot for the good.of humanity.
If you had made it past fifth grade you'd probably be in better shape. At the very least, may I suggest a simple remedial English class?
“on the other you're pissed off at the continuing regulation of capitalism....“
Explain this, I never said that. I am not who your ideology thinks I am.
the usa already has socialist policies you stupid nigger.
who do you think owns all the guns ya retard?
How did capitalism fail exactly?
Your fat ass is still in front of a tv.
If you fuck tarded assholes got your "redistribution" you'd still be broke and lazy.
Hahaha stupid faggot.
I started watching alt-right videos years ago and it led me to become hateful of others for no reason whatsoever. It's crazy the amount of hate that Chowder, Molyneux, Shapiro etc shoot off and try to manipulate you into thinking you're better off in a world that treats you like shit. It's all total BULLSHIT. These people are trying to manipulate you.
I'm a proud American. I believe that American deserve just the same as what Europeans enjoy. We deserve the very best and that means that we should receive universal healthcare, universal basic income and education. I'm fed up with online personalities telling me that it;'s unAmerican to want better for my kids. These Alt-Right assholes can take a hike. I'm voting for socialism. I'm voting to HELP the American people and to fuck up these rich assholes who are destroying our lives.
And yet China somehow has over 300 billionaires. Neck yourself.
What war did you lose to be so butt hurt?
20 thousands children die every day of hunger.
>i'm a larping american, i push a euro-centric agenda to validate my financial illiteracy
Christ I remember religiously watching anti-SJW content so much that when i eventually stumbled into blatant sexist and homophobic content I didn't even question it because all these content creators made me feel smarter and better than everyone. God I fucking hate who I used be