Fucking corona virus my vidya should be here by now but royal mail is probably swamped.
Fucking corona virus my vidya should be here by now but royal mail is probably swamped.
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Oi mate, where's your video game loicense?
Tracking not even working just says "in transit" since Thursday and it's supposed to be arriving today am I fucked Yas Forumsros?
what is digital distribution
>what is physical games
My Switch Lite is 8 days over due.
Royal Mail is unreliable even at the best of times.
>he still buys physical media in the year two thousand and twenty
I'm old
sorry user but Norman McPerson needs his mail! He's getting used to being indoors all day and thats hard
Goddamned normalfags using our supply routes now that they can't use the stores like usual. There should be a normalfagtax for this shit.
>getting psu from town right next to mine
>two weeks expected
It's your fault for buying physical in the midst of a virus outbreak.
How fucking retarded are you?
>tfw waiting for my new gpu
>used to order stuff from online store and pick it up myself because their location is in a nearby city
>self pick-up has been put on halt because of corona
>been waiting 10 days for a single cable now
still waiting for my AC switch that was sent last Monday. It just moved on from despatching status yesterday but it's up in Yorkshire. Even though they said it'd arrive today I'm guessing sometime late next week because of Easter.
Oi mate, I hope you ain't insulting our key workers. How fookin dare you?! Bet you don't even clap for are NHS
>package does not show up on latest due date
>complain package got lost in the mail
>get full refund
>shit shows up weeks later
I'd say all the normies fucking up the post are based.
They said it would take my switch 3 days to arrive from Yorkshire. It's been in Swindon for the last 8 days
buying physical games during a global pandemic is literally genocide.
does anyone even know anyone thats actually sick from this shit?
Calm down, lad. Play something from your backlog while you wait.
I haven't been buying anything online cause I knew this virus shit was going to affect shipping, I didn't know it was going to get as big as it did though with retail stores closing 4 hours early and everyone buying all the fucking eggs and toilet paper though.
ffs hope that doesn't happen to mine
Actually wondering if mines been lost desu its sat in one place for over a week now.
Is your guys mail service good/efficient? I ordered something from the UK couple of days ago and now I'm wondering how long it will take to arrive.
>waiting on CPU and RAM from Amazon
>expected wait is 2 weeks ago
>after 2 days of waiting hit reschedule delivery
>lets me bring it forward to Sunday tomorrow
Used reward points and it only had physical edition available also suck me
>Australia Post says they're working extra over Easter to clear their backlog
>My GPU still hasn't had any updates
Since it was ordered from the UK to abroad it's most likely a courier like DHL or something.
Usually alright imo, I've never had a problem personally but some anons hate it so just potluck either that or they use it more than average so greater chance of getting something screwed up
why the fuck are you guys buying PC parts in the midst of all this?
Have you actually been clapping? That's gay as fuck, NHS were fucking useleas even before corona virus
i'm trapped at home with my PC it needs unlimited power
I'm an epic gamer, I game even during pandemics and will game even when there's a nuclear hellstorm. When that mushroom cloud goes up I'm closing my curtains to stop the glare getting on my screen.
*tips fedora*
Some outsidies are dying and I'm supposed to care?
I'm stuck inside and I'll be on my PC even more than I usually do
I don't mean it in that way, I mean why now upgrading with all those delivery delays ect.and lack of delivery people.
Remember this is all a lie. It's just a flu, brah!
We're 1/5 of the death rate of H1N1 and counting, with the world in full lockdown. You shouldn't know anyone because everyone should be observing quarantine, an asymptomatic patient, or too sick to inform you.
Amazon charged my card 2 days ago and they still haven't shipped shit!
And I can't download a 100gb game on my shitty $500 a month Alaska internet!
Wtf why are the Switches almost 600 bucks and sold out? I was going to get one since now i have no job but i cant get one :(
Are you a dipshit? It's easter weekend you would've had your shit delayed this time last year when everything was normal anyway.
>buying fucking physical releases when there's a pandemic
yea not the smartest move
Muzzies don't celebrate easter they can fucking deliver it
Lockdown here is supposed to last for quite a while still and I have extra money from not having to leave the house so it's a pretty good time to upgrade
Oh please we never have this shit at Christmas.
It's the fucking voirus.
>Oo My goody woody, the coronadona virosia is at full rampant tea-time attack! better not deliver the post-mail paper trail today.
Modern england is dumb
I used reward points and they only had physical available faggot, read the thread
>buying physical
you get what you deserve grandpa
Not since it was privatised because the "Conservatives" want to sell everything the country owns for a quick sale without thinking of the long-term repercussions.
Yeah and we all know it's the virus so why the fuck you buying anything delivered by royal mail. never works anyway.
>I stole your future.
If it were up to me the delivery drivers would be whipped if they were even half a second late and have trackers on them installed so if they even so much as took a 1 minute rest they'd be zapped until they got their foot back on that pedal and my package 1 step closer to me
reward points from where?
Noneofyourbusiness incorporated
And that's why it's not up to you. You spoiled brat.
I wish I could take a cattle prod to low tier wagies
You seem like a really rational person. NOOOOOOOOOOOT!
Begone wagie, back to wallmart with you
>caring about your shitty game time during a pandemic
selfish cunt.
Like I give a fuck, I would have drones target lazy delivery drivers and fire darts at their balls
You spend a lot of time fantasizing about hurting people, don't you?
you made a half drunk retard laugh, user
Just people who don't deliver vidya on time
at least water is still nationalised in scotland
not that it matters much since we're still beholden to power companies and will be paying off labour's PFIs for the next for centuries
>buying games
>"Royal mail"
>not even royal, owned privately because tory scum sold it off
>branches close and mailing prices are hiked up the ass
I fucking loathe all cuntservatives and the Russian gangsters they prop up