Alt right cringe thread

alt right cringe thread

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Left no memememe...... lrn2cde

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Is there anyone on the alt-right that isn't cringe?

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What kind of particular political discussions should I expect to have with this guy?

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nobody should ever be talking shit about "Creepy Joe" after seeing this lol

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Don't get so triggered, bitch.

nice prey!

Yet I'll be you have not won a single debate on Yas Forums.

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Yas Forums is for enraging frogposters
that is the win

The same could be said about liberals on the internet. Ffs the hypocrisy couldn't be any more blatant.

>his favorite show just cast a black actor
In reality...
>Is concerned about the trend of replacing white characters with blacks
>Is also concerned about the fact that liberals are inclined to either mock him or call him a racist if he dares to voice his concern

>Saw an interracial couple holding hands
If it's a black man with a white woman (or any other woman, for that matter), there's good reason to be concerned.

>Had to watch a commercial with a black family in it
>Had to watch 1000 commercials with black and interracial families in them.
>Is sick and tired of the diversity-shilling and virtue signalling

>Heard Kendrick Lamar song on the radio
No one fucking cares

There are no winners on Yas Forums, kiddo

cry more faggot

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