>You faggots will argue about anything
Which tire will go further?
>You faggots will argue about anything
Which tire will go further?
right tire, the slick. Less traction so it will go faster. Same reason race cars have slick tires
Right has a larger diameter so will roll faster and jump further.
Grip is a distraction
one that has more inertia, weight and mass distribution will matter the most here. so if the new tire has more rubber than the new one will go further/jump higher.
Holy fuck, you can't be this retarded
consider they are the same size.
>tfw they both flip over as soon as they go down the ramp
the right tire isnt nessesarily larger in diameter. It could just be moved foward a bit and looks bigger, we cant see the bottom of both tires to make sure
Your mom.
All. The. Way.
Left, the right has worn unevenly so will end up in a wall or off track.
>being this retarded
rotational momentum has a factor here so its important to see the tires from the side to see how thick the sidewall is, i dont think the traction has that much of an effect given how low the acceleration is. i doubt there will be any loss of grip.
Discount tire employee detected
Would you also like to tell me about how the right loses breaking power
Neither tyre will break
>same size
In that case left wins because it weighs more and gains more momentum before lift off.
The one with tread due to reduced traction. Friction will slow the other one down.
The one that goes straight and doesn’t tip over.
Nor will the tyres get tired now we're getting into it.
bait and probably OP
Left has more mass so that one
You dirty band of filthy ignorant homosexuals - have none of you remembered your "laminar flow" studies from 6th grade???
You make me sick.
they both gone go at the same speed. unless ones a difrent wieght
Left will go further because of the sticker.
first one with brains so far
Because heavier things fall to the earth faster because gravity is harder on them.
Thank you Professor Dipshit
>>You faggots will argue about anything
That's a goddamn lie. Take it back, faggot
Left because less surface area, therefore less friction if the materials are otherwise the same.
This is wrong.
Right ofc
Heavier things fall faster to the ground. Take a 20 pound shotput and drop it from a tower next to a feather and the shotput will hit the ground first 8 times out of 10, easy.
The slickness of the tire is likely irrelevant, so the tire that has the least amount of mass furthest from the center of the tire will go furthest as it will gain more speed down the ramp.
Left tire
>assuming both tires were same model and size
Left is heavier due to having full tread adding weight and has less rolling resistance because not worn completely down
falling objects have the same acceleration regardless of mass
Probably trolling, which makes me probably trolled.
Wrong. They fall at the same rate. Google feather and hammer in the moon
Air resistance is the only differential here. And the only thing that will slow down one tyre over the other is rolling resistance / friction. The new tyre will win
Larger diameter makes things roll slower dumbass
>right has more mass and tread makes it more areo dynamic
>left has more surface area meaning more friction which results in less momentum.
Lol. Gravity acts the same on all objects. Mass is not going to change whether you fall faster. It's ONLY about friction which can come in the form of air friction by having a larger surface area.
Over hundreds of revolutions the Lefts label will create a drag imbalance causing it to veer inward and crash into the Right, wiping both off the track until the Chinese invade and replace you all.
Just like in real life.
>excluding relevant elements of the problem
found the physicist
Technically this is correct. The heavier object has a larger gravitational field and would actually pull the Earth closer to it at a faster rate than the lighter object. However, this is so insignificant a difference that I don't think we have any instruments that would be sensitive enough to measure the difference.
>thinking people have actually been to the moon
More weight, larger diameter, more rigid.
Good point. Didn't consider that.
.... In a vacuum.
Not on Earth
And certainly not on a ramp
No you dumb cunt, because the heavier object will be harder to stop
Air resistance / drag is not relevant in this case. The tyre will not be rolling fast enough.
Projectile motion formula says that if the tires are launched at the same angle and speed (neglect air drag) then they will have the same range.
>made for less traction
>made for less contact with the ground
>not used on specially paved track
Fuck you ive been there. It was in Florida and it was really expensive to get in and there was a long line but we got in these cars that took us really fast through the dark and sometimes there were strobe lights and it was all inside and we went really fucking fast. It was ok.
Hurr Durr what is momentum
Only if they have the same mass
Distance traveled = KEinitial - Drag
= mgh - (rolling resistance + air resitance)
since we dont know the mass or the rolling resistance of either tire, then the problem is unsolvable
That will be $300
it has more friction because more of it is contacting the ramp. why do you think they have racing slicks on nascar cars?because they are grippier bcause they have more friction
>Forgetting about mass
>tires rolling down a ramp = firing cannon balls on the moon
>the problem is unsolvable
Always these wise asses who feel all big brained and shit saying that. A true tire expert would be able to give a solid estimate of what's known admitting limited information.
the tire with more mass will go farther
Forgot rotational momentum,
so we need to know the moment of inertia as well
Racing tyres are about lateral grip when cornering. In a straight line you would use bicycle tyres because less friction
Forget air resistance too. None of these tyres is breaking 50mph
Are the tires on rims?
are they inflated?
What kind of tire is on the right?
none of that can be gleened from the image
If you want to piss in the wind go ahead.
An intelligent person can recognize when there is insufficient data to solve the problem