Hi frens...

hi frens. Today is my day of birth and my employer threatened to fire me from my wagecucking job because I wasn't going to come in today while scheduled although I requested it off. What do.

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shameless self bump

i'd go to work after awhile your birthday turns into another day you can always celebrate it on the weekend

Happy birthday dude

I just don't like the implication of losing my job via text message and going to work for less than liveable wages. I appreciate your input though. I didn't have any real plans just didn't wanna goto that hell hole on the one day I feel more inclined not to go more than i usually already do.

Thank you user

happy birthday user

Find a new job that respects you. And tell whoever said they'd fire you that you'll save them the trouble and that they can go fuck themselves.

Was your request accepted from that employer and someone could cover? Otherwise you might have to go in today..Happy Birthday BIG Yas ForumsRO!~ here's hoping you have a good day at work and a good day today on your birthday treat yourself~

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on the one hand, just because you requested a day off doesn't mean you get it, and no one gives a fuck that it's your birthday. you should keep whatever job you have during this time period then look for another. not like you'd be doing anything fun today either.

on the other hand, this entire system is fucked and yes americans are wagecucks because at this point they should be dragging and murdering the rich from their homes, but they're too cucked to do anything but dream about how someday they could be rich too

You tell him you are not coming in and that is that. Then collect unemployment and find a better job.

happy birthday user!!

I've definitely been contemplating it. He even suggested that I wouldn't be able to find anywhere else hiring around here. Just wants to guilt me into working so he doesn't have to make more phonecalls.

It's a different process but basically I had talked with a previous manager last month before she got fired so it never actually got put into the books although I requested it off. Thank you though

Fuck them.

I agree no one gives a shit it's my birthday except me and I'll be damned if I can't celebrate the one day a year I get to call mine. Also eat the rich and dismantle the patriarchy.

If only the world was a sitcom

What shit do you do? Sounds boring and terrible

Trips! Aww Yas Forumsro that sucks.. I know you're day will get better though!!!!1111 you're a confident resilient soul who deserves to have a good day!

I've got boxes of Pepe!

Yeah the world is in chaos right now, fuck 'em. Go get a corona-job for the next few months, OR try your hand at unemployment, now's the time!

I've been researching the guidelines for unemployment more to see if I'm eligible. He also said we aren't allowed to collect unemployment if we got sick. So I'm guessing he doesn't carry the proper insurance for employees. I really wanna do it just to fuck him over and sit comfy.

Thank you fren

It is both of those and you don't want to know, but wagecuck is the perfect definition

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You go to work when you are scheduled to work, you idiot. Requesting a day off doesn't mean you get the day off. Your boss can say no to that request. Chances are your boss isn't some idiot kid who puts their birthday on a pedestal as if anyone else gives a fuck that it's your birthday.

This is the shit that the term "snowflake" was supposed to refer to (in the most Durdenian sense), but idiot Yas Forumstards didn't understand the intent and thought it was about being sensitive.

You. Are. Not. Special. Go to work.

I just jumped ship from a salaried position to be a contractor, if your employer isn't treating you well, fuck 'em

"You see children, the bible clearly teaches us, you must never trust an employer"

It doesn't matter what *they* have insurance for. You can still file for unemployment.

Look up FFCRA, I believe that's a federal bill

Your employer does not get to dictate when or why you collect unemployment, the unemployment office does. If that is the way they're running a business, you should leave TODAY, not in 2 weeks

This. What type of work is it and how long in advance did you request the day off.

I never understood why people think their birthdays are special. If anything, you should be celebrating the person who pushed your fat ass out her vagene.

I mean shits wild all over the place man. If the jobs that bad flip it the bird but only if you have the money to chill and find another job. (Target and wallmart need people and are paying more than usual cause of all this)

Happy Birthday user, coom, have a fag and reflect on what YOU wanna do. Its your day lad! Its the day YOU were born.

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You say "oh I was just trying to let you know I wouldn't be there. I'm going to need a mental health day before I come back to work and we can discuss my role at the company then or I can just come clean out my locker and you can have my last check waiting for me."

Can you be any more of a wage cuck? It's one fucking day faggot. Are you really that brainwashed? You think your work really needs a full staff every fucking day? No one ever said "I wish I would have worked more" on thier death bed. Wake the fuck up and enjoy life.

Nah fuck that. Workers deserve to be treated like human beings. Any employer who wants to treat their employees like shit deserves to be shut down.

Once upon a time, the we had things like unions to help get equal footing with employers. Now that they're all but gone, the only person to stand up for yourself is yourself.

"You're a snowflake if you want respect and to be treated decently." You're part of the problem. Do is all a favor and catch some of what's going around.

Yeah I find it funny I was told I wouldn't find a job elsewhere when I know places hiring temporary workers due to the covid shit.

I requested it off and got it okayed with the previous manager mid March before that manager was fired. Not my fault they didn't get it properly changed in the spreadsheets.

you aren't wrong

unfortunately not in the best financial status so as much as I wanna just say fuck you and leave I wouldn't be able to sustain myself without another job or assistance lined up within 2-4 weeks.

Also after reading the thread fuck all you cucks who've been so beaten down by modernity that you devalue your own fucking birthday.

You can qualify that your not special to other people (finding someone who does think you are is hard enough) but to think that you've been so plowed by the bull of society that you're mentality is aligned not towards cherishing the act that started this rat race but instead trivializing the day to day is souless and blackpilled tier.

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If you got it okayed with another manager that sucks but youre just gonna have to be an adult and celebrate another day. Its just a birthday.

Yeah, unions were always fighting for people's rights to not go into the office on their fucking birthdays.

Oh no wait, unions fight so that the exploitation of labor by those in power doesn't leave the working class completely subject to the whims of the rich. Telling someone they have to work on the day on which they are scheduled to work when they didn't actually request the day off is not anti-worker.

Don't believe me, call up a union about this supposed injustice. There are plenty out there looking for battles to fight.

Happy birthday user!

From the answers you've been giving, it sounds like a shitty and demeaning job. If you can afford it, I'd definitely quit hardcore. You'd even have a good explanation for future employers. Get a new job ASAP, though. Unemployment is a shitty birthday gift.

There will never be a time that's when you're in "the best financial status."

This site is a bunch of rabid animals, but there's an old, simple saying from the talmud: "If not now, when?"

Just go for it. You'll find your footing, because you won't have a choice. You'll figure it out one way or another - don't wait because the moment you're waiting for will never come.

But I did "actually" request the day off before he fired the manager and had to switch out higher management to run this department. So tell me again how I didn't request it off? Also how 2 unionize small business where boss makes a dollar I make a dime? Atleast I can cum blood on company time

He was approved to have the day off, shitbird. Then they unapproved the day. A union would have had a field day with that.

I hate faggots who self important so much they think they shouldn't have to work on the anniversary of the day they slimed out of their mother's vag
OP I hope you get fired

Thank you!

I know my worth and know I have much more potential than sticking around here. I agree it is a shitty gift. But a good gift is everyone's advice here so I appreciate that much.

Thank you for your words


reddit spacing get rekt poorboi

HBD user, throw a brick through your employers window and ghost him, considering the current work situation the police won’t do jackshit

sorry your parents didn't love you

I think I'll go though with this one. Thanks

Wya OP? Could have some sick hours racked up. Depending on the state you could use them to bait your boss into retaliating for using them, and you've really got him by the balls

>I think I'll go through with this one
kek no you won't bitchass you had to come to Yas Forums to ask if you should quit your spineless job because you aren't important or liked enough to get a day off... on your birthday no less. you don't have vacation time at mcdonalds huh I know I worked there a long ass time ago when I was a kid

u got me there pal

it's on you to make sure the request was accepted fully and that they'd know you would be off.

why couldn't you get the day off then? why are you crying?

call him up on speaker phone and cough at him. Tell him coof coof you'd hate to call the coof coof news and report that an employ coof coof er is violating CD coof coof C guidelines.

this is even more juicy than that user... OP works as a retailserviceMcCuck... and he is pat on the head for being essential and it tickles him to hear it. then he asks for a day off but silly wagie needs to learn his placie. And when his birthday rolls around he thinks he will get the day off anyways, now wagie is ragie

When I have jobs i never have my birthday off.. Stop being a child

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you seem more miserable with your life than I do with mine. Keep projecting

learn 2 human experience

actually I am doing well, thanks for checking in. I told you before I hate faggots who think they are special on their birthday. your mother regrets that day, her rash itches around this time every year

You remind me of the 20 year olds at work that cry about working their birthday on a Wednesday. Homo.

>Tampax Flaming Hot
As a girl this made me cringe

Go to work, you sniveling faggot. You're lucky you have a job to go to.

no no no no user OP KNOWS HIS WORTH! He will no longer be oppressed by the man

Your birthday? What, are you 12 years old? Your mother is throwing you a party for you and your little friends? Go to fucking work, you entitled fuck. Fuck you and your birthday.

Fucking cringe.