Ordinary wife sold her body to feed 3 generations of her family. Is she a good wife or not? You decide

Ordinary wife sold her body to feed 3 generations of her family. Is she a good wife or not? You decide...

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Cannibalism? Eww...

No she sold her body for sex with other men.

Prostitution? Eww...

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You got it. I see it as a good thing because she is protecting her family from hunger.

I'll rent it.

Or she could have gotten a normal job. Whores do it for money. She does it cause she likes it

Triple 7s wow. And yes ok

No jobs or money due to virus. We all talked it through and she was only female not to old or young to do it.

How much did she charge?

Average was about 75€.

So all the family knew she was going to have sex for money, and in the same family house?

Yes a good wife sacrifices herself to save her family as a last resort.

Yes. Abit awkward in the evening as we all have dinner together so it was very quiet and nobody knew what to say.

Oh my. I bet it was. Damn but hot aswell. I bet your wife was still buzzing though?

OP is a cuck and your wife is a whore.

So who brought up the idea? You realize when society returns back to normal your wife will never be the same.

We had to come up with something as getting desperate and hungry plus could lose the house and be on the streets. We all came up with it and she really was against it totally. And yes it feels weird already especially as we all know.

She's doing it about 3 to 4 times daily at the moment.

Post her nudes so we can decide if she was worth the 75

She's fit. And everyone's paid in full so far. She is getting tired now though and when the doorbell goes we all know what she's going to be doing next.

Because the idea of prostitution is thrown around during a family meeting.

The stories and information posted here are artistic works of fiction and falsehood.
Only a fool would take anything posted here as fact.

Here in NY all the pussy is closed. You cant buy it anywhere.

I've heard stranger things so it could be legit, and the last resort. Or only option.as we don't know their situation.

It's open in Europe but only certain places.

I'm guessing girls could charge a premium rate now and get it easy?

>Is she a good wife or not?

How about you be a real fucking man and take care of your family. Take it you have no real skills. Don't know how to hunt or fish. Shit, you could have gone straight nig and fucking stole but instead your wife fucked for money.

>You're a bad husband

I can't work due to ill health. And won't steal. Her father is to old to work if any jobs available anyway. Our children to young to know what's happening to. Her parents go in garden with kids when a punter turns up. Does this help. Probably not.

She's doing what any woman would do to protect her loved ones. Good on her and it's a different world out there now.

Thanks and she really is the best.

She deserves a medal in my book. Keeping you all going at these presidented times. Don't look down on her either.im sure her parents are feeling it the worst.

Triple 7s. Yes her fathers feeling it the most. I'm sure he's done the numbers thing in his head and worked out his daughters had sex with nearly 50 men in the last 2 weeks. Sounds crazy I know.

Not to young... Does not compute. Younger just means more money

She is way to young to have sex yet. Sorry

What is she charging


Wife is fine to sell though. See where your morality is. You know it's fucked up.

can we get more pic of the wife op?

I know it's totally wrong but my wife was only choice. I don't like myself for it.

I don't want to humiliate her even more.

Get a job with a clown McDonald's is always hiring. I'm an essential employee and I don't give a crap that you non-essentials can't lower yourself too many old task work. Yeah right now I'm looking down on all you high rollers you don't have jobs. You're weak and pathetic, you don't deserve the job you had. I'm putting my life on the line every day I show up at McDonald's you guys I'm staying home I don't have money so I'm wearing out my wife. Hope you all die of malaria, not even worthy of the corona

She looks sexy to me