Obviously this 'crisis' is being jumped on by every political and corporate interest out there but what's the consensus...

Obviously this 'crisis' is being jumped on by every political and corporate interest out there but what's the consensus on what if any of this is legit?

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I hope the entire world gets completely fucked inside out. I hate people. I never got treated well growing up or had a good experience with people. The older generation deserves to die for creating such a pathetic world and horrible demonic abusive systems.

You don't think it's legit? I'm sure corporate interests would rather the stock prices be as high as they were before.

Things are pretty fucked, if you ask me

You live in the most comfortable time in human history, and you wanna rail on about how your particular taste of human history is awful?

Get fucking raped.

You've never had to run from a beast that wanted to eat you. You've never had to kill to eat. You've never had to grapple with the prospect of an average lifespan of 27 years.

You're fat, you play video games, you do jack shit with your life. You live in the peak of human luxury.

Get fucked.

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>Things are pretty fucked, if you ask me
For like 2 weeks. The virus has peaked in Europe, daily cases are dropping. US is approaching the peak too.

it's like a chip pan fire in a kitchen. needs the right response as soon as possible. the longer it is left or handled wrongly the more damage there will be and the more likely that it will burn out of control. media is the screaming wife. denialsts are kids in the living room that can only smell chips at the moment. healthcare is dad, calmly putting a damp tea towel over the pan. Yas Forums is the racist uncle saying the gooks did this with thier cheap chip fryers and recommending we just blast it with a fire extinguisher

Go die from coronavirus, its people like you who prove this entire world needs to get wiped out.

Cretins like you existing. Die a horrible death faggot

Things are not done. This virus will come back as quickly as it came if they lift the quarantine.

"You live in the most comfortable time in human history"


oof didn’t dispute any statement by:

aw yiss the dubs are strong in this one

Exactly. The elites can die from this virus too, of course they'll do something about it. OP is a faggot.
You are too.

I understand you. Having to do your homework for school is much harder than fighting in WW1

80% of the world lives in poverty, do the world a favor kill yourself and donate your resources to all those suffering from the conditions you mentioned.

Buy a rope and hang yourself preferably

what the fuck does fighting in WW1 have to do with anything?

and if you agree with war you should kill yourself regardless.


but you're not in that 80%, you just got grounded or had your xbox taken away for a weekend.

I'm an ICU nurse working in a Covid ICU. I absolutely agree with this. People deserve this fucking pandemic. Everyone deserves this fucking tragedy.

We're soft. We deserve to fall from grace. Maybe our grandchildren will understand this.


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>>You've never had to run from a beast that wanted to eat you. You've never had to kill to eat. You've never had to grapple with the prospect of an average lifespan of 27 years.

thats literally how most people live in the world who are poor you stupid fag imbecile

go to cambodia or whatever backwards country with no resources you flaming fag

I've got a serious case of double-think going on. while I believe there is a pathogen going around I'm open to most hypothesis going around as to actual danger. (whether or not this basic soft martial law is warranted) With the CARES shit reminiscent of post 9/11 everything failing in an upward trajectory, CDC disinformation, obligatory MSM hype/disinfo, and what I consider half measure window dressing tier measures in businesses and our medical service alike. I was in full on panic mode until a couple of weeks ago, looking back I feel foolish.

There was a gnarly upper respiratory illness going around in early mid November that laid low people I've never known to get very sick for literally 2-3 weeks.

why haven't you killed yourself yet? you obviously fail to talk about all those poor people living in horrible conditions.

kill yourself you sub human, useless you dont deserve to breathe this air

OP here

yea people are shit no doubt - just not really applicable to the conversation I'm lookin for

The virus itself I'm sure is real, but I'm almost certain that the numbers reported are overinflated out the ass. It's a regular flu season like any other. Keep in mind that flu season is one that while mainly cases of the flu, there are also alot of other things that go around as well. Happens every year

Great another corona thread.

Also, I hope most of you dumb faggots die. You're mostly all horrible people who deserve to get killed off. Corona virus for most of you.


You know who are subhumans? Those that you're defending so much. It's niggers, spics and Indians who live in poverty. Why do you care about them so much?

>There was a gnarly upper respiratory illness going around in early mid November that laid low people I've never known to get very sick for literally 2-3 weeks.
Oh so you're one of those scientifically illiterate niggers from twitter?


I like this analogy - chek'd

How the fuck is America number one in cases? Proof positive that our infrastructure is fucked.

I'll sneak a picture at work tonight. This is not a normal flu season. My hospital ran out of ventilators two days ago.

>You know who are subhumans? Those that you're defending so much. It's niggers, spics and Indians who live in poverty.

it sucks there's an anonymous internet protecting sub humans like you. People like you should be skinned alive in the street.

I hope you and whatever shit genes you came from get wiped out and you all die horrible deaths. If that doesnt work I hope you kill yourself. Bye sub human.


>It's a regular flu season like any other
Cope moar

the people who live in abject poverty either don't have access to the internet or the time to go onto an anonymous image board to complain to faggots and racists about their problems.

Hello pajeet.

b/ro - the strength of your post is over 9000

Having the third highest population in the world helps. And the only two countries above it are China and India. China is underreporting numbers for propaganda purposes, and India is a shithole that barely tests anyone.

First of all, not a burden to anyone.

Secondly, how difficult is it for someone of means to insulate themselves' - Spoiler, it's not.

Checked and based.

Trumps hotels and golf clubs are being raped in the arse by this lockdown. Do you really think he isn't lying through his teeth to try and play this down as much as possible so that he can get them open and full of customers again? Just who do you think is winning out of this?

I kinda hope you get an over 9000 dose of it dude

yeah you seem to be one of the most sensible people on Yas Forums at the moment.

Never known a yearly flu to kill two of my friends' grandparents and another one of my friend's dad's in the span of a few weeks.

It's all a hoax until it's your loved ones dying. Of course, it's not like you'd admit to being wrong at that point. Either just vanish or double down on your stupid conspiracy rhetoric.

I am certain that the powers that be really want the economy to collapse in on itself, stock markets to crumble, mass panic, and the highest unemployment rate of all time. That's a great way to ensure you maintain the status quo. Oh wait, you're a fucking imbecile.

Negative, thanks for the (You) though faggot

We pay a fuckload more for healthcare, while simultaneously having more people uncovered.

The idiot also got rid of major pandemic institutions set up by the Obama admin. Why are republicans so stupid?

Please do, am curious

I love this virus. I hope it kills off all you fucking racist degenerates and your racist nazi grandparents. God is good and I hope you fucking die if you deserve it.

Honestly, I am so, SO tired of everything being suspected of being outright false or a conspiracy theory. Not saying that there aren't any, but not everything is. Fucking seriously.

Have no solid opinions' pretty much the reason for this thread.

God don't exist, and this virus is killing ppl that don't "deserve" it as well as those who do.

And? Like any other flu season it's what's going around is a strain that likes to be aggressive. However, unless you have other previous conditions you have an extremely low chance of becoming critical. Much like any other type of flu, you will get that odd person that it hit more severe that had no previous issues but those are few and far between. The ones most seen in critical states are the same ones that would be highly likely to go critical were they to get the flu normally or any other respiratory illness. With this being a new strain many people won't have antibodies yet, that's it. If we let it run its course the general pop will be left with an immunity with only the weakest being killed off. Treat it like a flu season, let the worthless fucks who are gonna die die, and it'll be over with in a matter of months just like the flu. Hell, I've met more people with positive flu tests than I have people with the asian coof. Which I guess isn't all that seeing as the corona count is still at 0 as far as personal experience goes and I've been traveling for quite some time. Out of the 200+ people I've been around and talked to you'd think with an apocalyptic virus like the Kung flu is made out to be that number should atleast be 1 or greater.

agreed 100%

You'll find that most internet tough guys/racists are losers who spend a lot of their time at home anyway, relying on their parents to feed and clothe them. The basement dwellers here were isolated long before this virus mutated.


You don't seem to understand what I'm attempting to ask - I'm not claiming anything is a 'hoax'

thanks for letting us know how cool and woke you are

people are dying from 5G radiation and you’re blaming it on the flu

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That's part of the issue, a lot of the reporting is showing little to no antibodies and high likelihood of re-infections' that are worse than the initial round with the virus.

You seem pretty sure about the US reaching its peak. But your “feelings” are just that—not based in fact. We aren’t even close yet due to how fucking stupid people are in this country, how abysmal our healthcare system is, and the rush to want to “reopen” the “economy*” in a week.

*Obviously Trump (a man who only does things with other people’s money) and Trumptards (typically poor white trash with NO money) are convinced that economy = stock market. It just goes to show how fucking ass retarded backwards everything is here.

feelings are more real than facts chump

I'm not claiming the disease is a hoax, I'm claiming it's being overblown, which it is.

The powers that be want power. How do you get power? Control the population. Fear being the easiest way to get the pop to comply. Notice how martial law is getting tossed around in alot of places? Yeah, cause hype the numbers, get the sheep scared shitless. Then big daddy can come along and herd everyone into their pen without so much as a peep from em. Things of that nature have been being done for eons. What makes modern times any different?

This , all the rest of you are beta cucks. Somebody else is always the problem, next step of your devolution is to start blaming yourself for everything and ending your stupid life.

>i hate people, never got treated well

the reason you hate people i.e you have a negative reaction is because you don't know how to deal with them and that is the only reason we get mad or just irritated.
Go read a book on psychoanalysis

People like you said that 4g would kill us all, and 3g before that. And microwaved food before that. You believed Obama was going to enslave all white people on his first day as president. You believe that every scientist, doctor, nurse and paramedic are all "in" on various conspiracies, vaccinations, ebola, swine flu, bird flu, sars (all apparently man made population control systems). You believe that every single pilot and presumably air traffic controller and aircraft engineer is in on the chemtrail conspiracies.
Shut. The. Fuck. Up.
Everytime you kids get in on a big conspiracy theory, it's always turned out to be bullshit.
So shut the fuck up, wait for the pandemic to become vaguely under control and wait for the big natural disaster, war or disease to make up some bullshit for.

You gotta be stupid to think the virus is real. Now stay your ass inside with this half ass martial law we have and go on with your Netflix, Hulu, and YouTube just like you'll all be led to the slaughter like the fucking sheep you are.

Elites of bunkers and can make poor people go grocery shopping for them and leave everything in a room for 24 hours

It's just niggers and hillbillies who are being stupid about the coronavirus. In my city, which has more niggers than hillbillies, niggers are the only ones going outside and still playing niggerball at the park without masks or physical distancing or anything.
I'd normally be glad about niggers dying from stupidity but unfortunately they're just going to infect reasonable people just going out to buy food. They aren't humans.

This. I'm happy for morons of any colour to go out and kill themselves. It's when they pose a threat to my family, friends and myself. That's the issue.

Let me paint the picture.

My ICU has 32 beds. Last shift I worked (2 nights ago) 29 of those 32 beds were confirmed Covid cases. Of those 29 Covid cases 27 were on ventilators.

Our pediatric ICU was closed, the cases moved to Peds. It is 8 beds. As of two nights ago it was full of confirmed Covid cases.

The Cardiac unit (36 beds) was converted to a Covid unit. These patients are more stable. When a patient's status declines the typical progression is Shortness of Breath -> 2-4 lpm O2 via NC to maintain spo2% greater than 92% -> Intubation within four hours in a vast majority of cases. These patients are requiring mechanical ventilation for 3x as long as a typical pneumonia.

The mechanism by which people are crashing and requiring mechanical ventilation is similar to what we think happened during the 1918 flu. It's called a cytokine storm. Basically an extreme immune response that leads to inflammation in the lungs and flash pulmonary edema. You can catch this by seeing an increase in respiratory rate, increasing oxygen demand, and blood gasses showing elevated poCo2. This indicates insufficient gas exchange.

Meanwhile we are projected to have a 5 day supply of the drugs we use for sedation. Most vented patients are placed prone. We have maybe a week's worth of PPE.

It's pretty fucking dire.

Don't believe him, he's obviously a 5g engineer. He's working with the aliens/jews/reptilians/british queen/illuminati/liberals/demons.

the president personally told you it’s a hoax retard

It's in the government's interest for this to be underblown.
You know that China has reported only 3,336 deaths, right? Only 1 new death yesterday. Do believe that even a little bit when people are rotting on the streets in Guayaquil and mass graves are being filled in New York City? You don't gain popularity by forcing people into their homes over a mild virus. This is not complicated.

Go away shill

Shits real, I've got friends who are healthcare workers in major cities. We are fucked if we dont keep social distancing

That was pretty good bait, I almost got annoyed.
It's quite funny watching him reel back on his original statements and slowly having to admit "o-ok.. it... it's real and it's a problem"

Personally, I agree. Not because I have any specific hatred of older people. But because we have a healthcare system that simply cannot keep everyone who gets sick alive. We're at the point of triaging and deciding who will live and die.

And unfortunately you're painting a rather rosy picture. A 45 year old with asthma would hardly be considered a weak member of the herd in normal times.

Unfortunately, from the ID docs I'm talking to, we're expecting immunity to be partial and transient.