This men killed more than 2000 people today.
Why isn't he in Jail yet?
This men killed more than 2000 people today.
Why isn't he in Jail yet?
Maybe because the population could use a little thinning out. Why not start with the old and disabled? Ya know the ones least useful to society
It's Trump's fault China declared biological warfare on the world. Faggot.
This. We're already overpopulated. Less people, especially useless-eaters like the elderly and disabled, is not a bad thing.
You're being paid to post here.
t-they what!? so they steal our technology fuck us around in trade then they bring forth a toxin killing millions!!! thats fucked up
it's not his job to save your from dying to the flu
Sure like Trump: old, disabled, demented, not just "least useful to society", but worse, an actual danger to society.
Four and a half more years of these threads.
Thank you! Most people wanna call you a sociopath or some crap for saying it. But seriously, mankind is a parasite. An overpopulated parasite that if left unchecked will destroy all life as we know it on this planet. Personally I'm a strong supporter in a random lottery of sorts where every single person goes into it and everything so often you pull names and those unlucky bunch get eliminated to free up much needed resources and space. Would be a rather fair system to thin the herd
Coronavirus patients who are obese are reportedly at higher risk of becoming critically ill with the disease.
americans are fat and stupid, that's what kills them
What is his job? Golf? Why do you pay a president to Golf? Telling everyone how wonderful he is? Why pay him to tell us how wonderful he is?
Ther's still plenty of day left. Here's to hoping you end up as 2001.
as president his job is to rule over you. if he rules that you shall die you will die.
Trump vs Trump on Coronavirus
he's the head of a cult. just like jim jones and jonestown in the 1970's. people that support him will follow him to their own deaths.
Trump vs Trump on Coronavirus
God I wish. Can you imagine the joy and honor of being murdered by President Trump? You fucking libtarded cucks aren't even worthy. TRUMP #2024
This dumb nigger must be extra butthurt over bernie
Four more years bitch
Meet the fat europoor.
Did the TV tell you that he does nothing but play golf? Seethe harder libtard
cos he is a living god
blaming Trump for virus origin clearly from China is mental gymnastics.
this was inevitable.
he plays more gold than obama. when obama was president trump complained all the time whenever obama played golf. during the campaign he LIED. and said he would never play golf. he holds cult worship gatherings (aka rallies) constantly, something no president has ever done when it wasn't campaign season. you're a cock sucking brainwashed member of a cult. you're pathetic.
try harder moron. he could have mitigated the effects in the us. instead he lied, downplayed the risks and delayed. now the us has the most deaths and infections in the world, crashed the stock market, and unemployed 17000000. because a threat came from outside the country, THEN HE DOES NOTHING UNTIL IT'S TOO LATE, means he fucked up and owns what is happening HERE. STUPID FUCK!!
Why are you so upset? Seriously name one thing Trump has done that directly effects your life?
Ok. burn.
I'm not from usa.
i've been locked in my house for a month now with no toilet paper because .
t. seriously assblasted bernout
The kung flu is from chinkistan. Don't go outside, weaklings like you are at risk due to your pathetic immune systems.
Why not tell us how many people are dead thanks to capitalism, too
Start a go fund me for ass paper
He killed my dog
nice try, mr. Deep State servant
...or how were killed/died because they didn't have Capitalism.
Trump is a dumb fucking nigger.
>now the us has the most deaths and infections in the world
>What is per capita
funny that you say that. its per capita and total deaths where usa are leading
You’re a funny dumb person.
And somehow Obama, Hillary, whatever politician you can name could have prevented this more? They would have had tests available for a virus nobody knew existed 4 months ago? I don't think you are very logical person you just want to blame Trump for anything and everything. You should grow up
UK is miles ahead in per capita deaths. Cases too but UK doesn't test
no, it's not
belgium, italy, spain, and france, ares a lot higher per capita
literally no Western leader responded well
so it's Trump's fault
do you really think he cares? I heard after his term they're gonna bring him up on charges but somehow I doubt that. he's a retard born with a silver spoon in his mouth, doubt they're gonna go after him.
Every other nation reacted far earlier than USA.
Trump just kept on denying.
Who is they?
No, they didn't. The US is in the middle.
If only he'd kill you too
Yes, Obama a pandemic plan and a team in place but trump threw it all into the trash. We could have had testing in place by now if testing had been a priority from the beginning. The WHO tests aren't perfect but they're better than no testing and are quickly scalable. Trump takes full blame for the pandemic being as bad as it is in the US.
You tell David Brock to hire a couple dozen more of you soybots, because you need to work on your material. This shit's weak.
And you would have heeded his advice on the first go around? You and the rest of your ilk who say that the man is a liar? Seems logical that you would trust a liar right?
When the media, and other politicians, health organizations like WHO, told you not to worry, not to panic, that it is just right-wing fear-mongering, to go out to bars, to parades, to the movies, when they called Trump a racist for banning travel from and to China. When the Chinese government fudged numbers, lied to the rest of the world, hid facts.
Trump is above you all. Blame? How dare you, he bathes in your tears
it just shows that besides trump america has another 350 million retards
Does this shit make sense to you or are you trying to kill people with dumb thoughts? The country doesn't suddenly lose all state department contingency plans because a committee got disbanded, you fuckin tard.
No, he didn't. The Washington Post ran an opinion piece making that claim, but they ran this piece a week later:
In other words, the paper that broke the "news" recanted the original article entirely, because the guy who was in charge of that office pointed out their report was complete bullshit.
Yet the rest of the news and idiots like you prefer the fake news story, don't you?
My cousin thinks he has it but they won't test him in LA because he doesn't meet the criteria for a serious enough case. You are telling me with certainty and with your intimate knowledge of Obama's plan that my cousin would be in a better position with Obama and not Trump?
Black Jesus would have used drones to take out the virus
>remember, dont blame China
But but the msm headlines told me it was true!
>trump lied
>would you have trusted a liar?
Why can't anyone answer this question? Quit blaming trump for lying when you know damn well you never believe anything out of his mouth anyways. Pick your hills to die on, retards
But a YouTube video with ominous music told me it was a lie
Ah yes, the talking point that he didn't really dissolve it. He just got rid of everyone effectively making the pandemic response team useless. But the team name is still around so take that libtards
You believe baseless claims made by idiots with a webcam and a WordPress account