Why haven't you killed yourself yet Yas Forumsros?
I havent because there is a slight hope life could improve but if it gets any worse I'll be checking out
Why haven't you killed yourself yet Yas Forumsros?
I havent because there is a slight hope life could improve but if it gets any worse I'll be checking out
Because I have no way of doing it 100% successful yet. Also I want a suicide partner yet.
Only because I can’t figure out a foolproof, not horribly painful way.
Why would I? lol
Suck it up though, life is rough. Find a way.
Because unless you're wealthy or really good looking life is shit
Man up, faggot. Life is tough. Stop being a fag and sort your life out. Find a hobby, read a book, socialize with people. You'd be surprised how many people have went through depression. If you're close to any individual you should open up, and they'll likely do the same. I'm still depressed after 5 years. It's cliche I know but talking helps.
Dumbass detected
jump in front of a moving train
Because I got goals in life and not about to waste this golden opportunity of life to stop making human civilization better.
I had to climb down to rock bottom but I’ve climbed back up little bit and found a safe place to rest for awhile to get my mental state sorted out. Then I’m going to continue climbing back up, baby and no one is going to stop me.
I still have a lot of weed to smoke. i’m not gonna let some asshole smoke all this after Ive blow my brain out
Cause life is a sandbox, go fucking play in it.
grow up
painful and hard to follow through
That's enough meth for today, pal.
I'm neither, bro. Life is what you make it.
What a weird way of looking at things. If you believe thinking outside of a box, you inherently put yourself inside of the box. There IS no box.
No, life is what you were born into
Oh I’m high on something more dangerous than that, my friend. It’s called fucking love. I’ve been clinically depressed for 10 years and I can feel the serotonin pumping through the dusty ducts
Because I haven’t let some oxygen thief try get around my intellect and sneeze on me so I catch weak faggot depression-itis
my doggo still needs me. when shes dead, ill be right behind
Meth confirmed
You're in love?
In hopes that tomorrow will be a better day. Thing is it never usually is.
I turn 30 in 7 months and if I dont have a good job and a house by then I am checking out because without those things I've failed at life
The thread is about killing yourself, grow up isn't really an option
Unnatural Optimism~
Nope. Life is what you make it. I had a rough start. Decided to change it. Did it. You can too.
Pull in a modest living, and I'm happy with life.
No, I feel loved by the people around me and I’m sharing my love will y’all. Happy Saturday.
nice one user, fucking end your life so I can be entertained. make sure to film it thou
if I was brave I wouldnt be sitting in my room all day whacking off
I'm still hanging on because of my family and one or two friends. If it wasn't for them I would have blown my brains out years ago.
I've been where you are. Don't do it. Ten years later, I have a great job, plenty of money, hot wife, and two wonderful kids.
Life is mostly pain, but hard work and good decisions will pay off in the end. God has a plan for everyone, and if life were easy you wouldn't be needed. So understand the struggle of life is the meaning to life...but you reap the rewards.
Nothing I can do to grow taller or grow my hair back, my confidence level is a 1/10 there isnt shit thats gonna improve in my joke of a life
Ah, I remember my angsty teenage years too. You faggots will get over this shit.
Find things you like, do productive shit. Paint, work out, help old people, plant trees, help animals, learn to cook etc..
Get off the fucking computer, and go outside.. well, as much as you can during this pandemic.
Brooding does you no good, little bros.
Honestly dude, 90% of men lose their hair, and nobody really cares about height. And the girls or guys that do, aren't meant for you there are billions of other people out there.
Once you accept those things, you will feel much better about it.
Because I just jump from one dsitraction to another until it's time to sleep again. Lately I've been collecting pre-2010 from a failed social networking website.
It's full of bots and scammers these days but 10-15 years ago it had real people on there.
Pic related.
Teen shit? Lol I'm OP and I'm 33
That pic is from 2007 btw, not that anyone cares.
So don't. Do you realize how ugly the average person is? And half of those people are uglier than that. Besides you really only compete against yourself in this life. If you aren't enjoying your life, change something. Just change one thing...and stick to it. Success.
Rather than focusing on the impossible end of a long journey. Just focus on the first step toward it. By taking these steps one week at a time, you will be happy.
>would destroy my moms life
>i want to experience sex at least once
>i want at least a shot of having a normal life
I'll wrap it up around 40 years old assuming it doesn't get better
Hard to change anything when your confidence and self esteem levels are non existent
Okay well maybe you can grow a spine. Your confidence is 1/10 because you’re over thinking it. Workout at the gym, just the hormones pumping through your body will get your confidence back. It might take some time but if you really have a poor outlook of life like that, you got nothing to lose.
You can do it, I believe in you. Make a routine and stick to it.
I'm wrapping it up at 30, got a few months to go and unless things improve tenfold I will take my final overdose of heroin with fentanyl to drift out of this world
Maybe you're clinical, there is help available.
I understand. It's one step at a time, user. Sounds cheesy as fuck, but look at the mirror and remind yourself of three things you're awesome at and/or love every day.
Sad you wanna toss it out like that, bro. So much more to life.
what do you do for a living? what are your goals?
Hell yeah trips
Because I have kids who need me and a wife who at least theoretically loves me, sick of my shit though she is. Also because my parents are still alive and I don’t want to hurt them.
Also, it’s a fundamentally cruel and selfish act; I don’t approve of selfishness. So I have never gone farther than ideation. But I have thought about it every day for many years.
A job and a house will not bring you happiness. Take it from somebody that has both and is miserable.
>so much more to life
Yeah if you're born lucky. I already know how to die peacefully as I've overdosed 7 times since past august and I'll be doing my final the day before I turn 30 in my apartment with all my windows and door locked so nobody will find me this time
lol everybody is unhappy
im unhappy because i don't have a good career, people with careers are unhappy because of the grind
it seems happiness just doesnt exist
Think of your family, just don't.
Construction, every work day is hell I absolutely hate it but other than that my only hope is minimum wage jobs
because i changed my mind
Happiness is in starting a family. Not careers or wealth.
I've been telling them I am killing myself before I'm 30 since I was a teenager and I'm not going to fuck it up
When someone else says it better.
>Things that nearly killed me
>stabbed twice
>shot by bullet and arrow
>a 3 story cliff 3 times
>lightning twice
>12+ cars
Lol my gf wants to have children but I refuse because I have shitty manlet genes and I'm a loser, who would want a father that's a loser?
love my doggo too
Hailey Joe Osment in Forrest Gump, he did.
can't start a family without a career or wealth. doing so is completely irresponsible.
also majority of family units fail, so even if having a family brings happiness, it's fleeting and can crumble any second. from falling out of love with your spouse, to spawning rotten kids, to death or injury breaking up the family, it's a total meme. no doubt having a family brings some people happiness but it's not for everyone
for me personally, having a nice career and being 100% independent from my folks would bring me happiness. and when I say independent i mean independent from relying on anyone financially which includes a spouse or partner.
Better get your ass movin quick. It takes months to close on a house after you even find one you like and can afford. Time is running out
I'll never be able to afford one and my only job prospects are minimum wage
>for me personally, having a nice career and being 100% independent from my folks would bring me happiness
You are probably in your mid 20's thinking like this. I thought just as foolishly. Now I know better, don't repeat my mistake.
construction is nice as fuck though. living wage, you gain good skills and have great career sustainability
what's stopping you from saving your money, buying a small place, quit construction and look for other jobs? why not use what you already know as a jumping off point?
>save as much as you can
>buy a nice little place so you're not constantly fighting a financial battle
>not worrying about financials makes you more free to explore new paths
i wish i was smart enough to work construction, im terrible with my hands. such a good skill that gets shat on by normies with worthless degrees. i actually am envious of you dude
Really nice looking weed. Would give me something to live for
>pull in a modest living
You mean you're a slave wage for someone much better off than you who could replace you in a moment without giving you any notice and not give a shit?
Nice. Work hard, little ant.
My family, don't want to disappoint them any more than I already have, that and my friends are doing a decent job of helping me out.
Mom would be sad.
I'm half nervous and half excited about my parents dying from coronavirus.
The pay is shit its 2 dollars more than minimum wage man and I have to break my back everyday, I've already got carpal tunnel and bad knee pain from working manual labor my whole life which lead me to opiates just to stop the pain
I am indeed 26. Isn't that everyones goal though? to be financially independent? It seems as if most people aren't able to live on their own anymore.
everyone my age is either living at home with their parents, pairing up with SO's, or living with a fuckton of roommates. I only know of two people my age who have true financial independence and they are literal engineers with masters degrees lol
but anyway, what's wrong with wanting financial independence? Seems to me like owning your own place, doing your own thing, not relying on others is the bees knees.
found the chickie tendie lover, shut the fuck up and get a job you waste.
Why would I want to kill myself? I enjoy watching all these demonic sub human garbage try to carry on their lives like it matters. i wonder who all these fucking rednecks are on this site. So much hate. I hope they all die from coronavirus or something.
This disease is a good thing honestly. Its wiping out a lot of people who fucking deserve it, and if youre racist and hateful haha I hope you die horribly. I love this shit so much lol.
why on earth are you working construction for $2 above minimum wage? what the hell? are you working pseudo-construction with a bunch of mexicans or something?
The living wage in my area is $19 an hour. Construction workers typically make $20 an hour starting out. down south a buddy of mine, with no experience, was making almost double minimum wage within a year. something is wrong with your company if you're only making $2 above minimum wage, explain yourself.
>packs your weed into the hole in your skull
>plugs your nose
No homo/necro
>kiss of death while taking a huge rip through your bullet hole
I respect the dead
Cuz my life is pretty awesome.
You can do it too.
Ooof. Hit a nerve there, didn't I? Honestly was just expecting you to laugh at how I said "slave wage" by accident move on but nope, you had to give the reaction I was hoping for.
I deliver drywall to construction sites
Care to give some examples as to how it's awesome?
And tell us, it is awesome all the time? Or do you accept that your life has really shitty bits but that makes the awesome bits feel more awesome?
so you don't actually work construction. well there's your fucking problem man.
do you work for a small business or a chained store? or what