Would you?
Would you?
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Hell yes!
Yes cos she cant escape
I prefer one legged who aren't Photoshopped
foot pedos are going to be mad
Only if she also was blind deaf and mute
I'm waay tooo open. If she had a great personality, I would not mind. Also if she is deep I would be able to bottom my 9 without her legs being in the way... I have been fucking a girl with real stiff hips lately
at this point. sure
I acquire a new fetish monthly pretty much so yeah
Yer asking a bloke who did a brick in the can? Yes, please
>half asian
Yes. Yes I would.
More like this
Goddamn she's beautiful, I would marry her in a heart beat
Ty user I have a new fetish, asian cripples
all y'all niggas just want a fleshlight with a voice.
or a victim who can't escape. you fucking creeps.
also same. post moar.
Dude why did they let him survive? This is just fucked.
nice fleshlight
Help her up? Yeah probably
No. Too easy.
More asian amputees / wheelchair cuites?
What, you don't think amputees need love too? I'm sure they have the same sex drive as any other person.
I'd rather be alone forever than be with an amputee. I can't imagine being so limited in what you can do because of them. hikes? no. normal sex? no. driving a car on their own? probably not. being fully independent? no
they woke him up prior to amputating his limbs and asked him if he'd rather die or lose his limbs and he wanted to live. it's pretty sad
Don't have much for Asians. There's lots of shit out there, I just prefer white.
Here's a nolegs Asian though
Its an excuse for doctors to experiment with unorthodox procedures at the expense of another. They can chalk it up as life saving operations
Asian amputees are more beautiful than American women, I would marry one and treat her like a princess
Her name is Wei Meinu
Nice, thanks!
To each their own. I prefer Anglo women.
This is Anna... she is #1 best girl.
Romanian, but if you look hard enough you can see remnants of Asian genes from Czek side.
inb4 a bunch of photoshop fakes
Is it a caterpillar ?
>There is a good time to kill off the phone with my mom and dad
>Are you doing my shift tomorrow?
>Not sure if I can do it because that violates unites states federal law
>Where are you son of a sudden
>Past few days ago "get a chance to win" he was a good man
>Next Week and I have to go
>Queen Elizabeth II I have to go
>Seven years ago and I have to go
>Worse than the flu shot and killed me
>Suicide is a good time to kill off the phone with my mom
>Bench and I have to go
Tl;dr My parents thought slavery is the best thing that has a great weekend too late now I'm just saying that it was so excited for one more time for a few minutes to get a chance to win
She is perfect.
How about no arms?
Can you imagine a footjob from this girl?
I hear it's amazing when the famous purple stuffed worm in flapjaw space with the tuning fork does a raw blink on hari kiri rock. I NEED SCISSORS.
More "armless" girls
oh damn
Theres a sexy af one legged girl who comes into my work sometimes.
I want to ask her out of flirt with her so bad but she's got this fuckhuge 6'12 Jason Momoa biker looking boyfriend who's always with her and Im pretty sure hed snap me like a twig.
I snapped some creepshots m8s. Wat do? Shes so fucking hot m8s
Shes 100% real. I promise you.
Just look at that dexterity
Look at this cutie
treat them all like the woman they are in the inside
She trying to do the hokey pokey or sum shit?