How do i leave my small town if im on probation for being black? and god traps me here...

how do i leave my small town if im on probation for being black? and god traps me here. god traps me here its all gods fault and im black

>live in rural area
>on probation for being black
>no stores
>no amusement parks
>no concerts
>people are too poor to travel
>just sad pick up truck driving retards everywhere
>coldest winters in the world
>nothing to do
>no concerts
>no malls
>no places to buy things
>no hobbies
>no people to do things with
>house is 300 years old
>parents are Poor
>parents room fucking stinks like mildew like fucking crazy entire house is destroyed
>dont upgrade it at all
>windows are covered in old chipping lead paint
>house is leaking all over it rains
>live in cold as fuck constant rainy and windy climate
>house is shit
>full of lead and mold
>health is failing
>eyes are black
>always look tired
>cant function
>cant do anything
>always look like i have cancer
>nothing to do around at all
>literally nothing
>20-40 miles away from small villages with nothing in them
>7 hours away from a major city thats impossible to visit because of village poverty
>no one around in my town at all
>the only people I know are angry scizophrenic lunatics
>my town is literally 2 roads and a couple houses
>nothing to do at all and its cold 7-9 months out of the year
>too cold to outside snowing and windy as fuck half the time
>not one girl around
>house is freezing cold

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Once youre off probation, sell every thing you own until you only have the clothes on your back, then buy a one-way ticket and hope it works out. Better to die trying to leave then having never tried at all, right?

Fuck off, Jalen.
Your problems are your own, you're worthless.
Stop blaming things on make believe nonsense.
Just kill yourself, Jalen.

i havent been on Yas Forums in a few months, and this CUNT IS STILL HERE???????

Stop getting DUI's and blaming God you stupid nigger

You did it to yourself and we're all laughing at you

God altered the world around me to give me a dui and be punished worse than everyone else and I didn’t even do anything

So why didn't you make god drive? Or was he drunk too?

Jalen, you were never going to become a rapper anyway. Just give up. "God" will always be against you so just do what he has no control over. Take your own life. That'll piss him off.

So you have a car, and can drive?
Yet you still don't know how to leave town?

No god took everything and my freedom


Kill yourself, Jalen. It's the only way to be free of God.

Yeah you did shifty nigger, you chose to drive impaired. Haha

how grug leave small tribe if grug on rockbation for being darkskin tribe? and great spirit trap grug here. great spirit trap grug here it all great spirit fault and grug darkskin tribe

>live deep in forest
>on rockbation for being darkskin tribe
>no berry hut
>no mammoth ride
>no scream cave
>cavemen have no berry to migrate
>just sad rhino riding touched-in-head everywhere
>ice spirit very close
>nothing do
>no scream cave
>no longnose tribe longhouse
>no place to trade berry
>no hobbie
>no cavemen do thing with
>cave ancient
>grug elders have no berry
>grug elders cave room smell like it touched by bad spirits, entire cave crumbling
>no upgrade at all
>cave hole covered in cracked limestone
>cave leak whenever rain come
>grug live in presence of ice and wind spirit constantly
>cave is shit
>full of sweet rock and bad air
>grug have bad spirits
>grug have tired spirits
>grug spirits put grug in trance often
>grug not function
>grug not do anything
>grug look like he have curse
>many moon walk from other tribe with nothing in them
>walk to large tribe take whole harvest time
>no other cavemen around grug tribe at all
>only two cavemen grug know angry and have crazy spirits
>grug tribe have 2 dirt path and 2 cave
>ice and wind spirit curse outside for many moon
>not on obongo in tribe
>cave cursed by ice spirit

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Holy shit, this is glorious.

Fuck off I am a personal target by god and he mocks me and targets me every day. You lame ass white weirdos don’t know anything but looking at dicks all day and saying the word nigger on a computer screen

Unironically go join the military. Get a good MOS and Suffer through the recruit phase. Then get the fuck out after your time is up and choose a place to settle down with the money you’ve made for 4 years+. Ez

great spirit alter world around grug to give grug rui and be punished worse than entire tribe and grug not even do anything

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Jalen, just end your life. Drink a whole bottle of bleach. It's the only way to be free of God.

he shows up in every thread it seems, and parodies OP's post every fucking time

Ah, I've not seen Jalen's spam threads for weeks, just good timing with the short amount of time I browse Yas Forums, I guess. I much prefer the caveman.


it's hit and miss honestly. Sometimes I miss the threads because I only ever lurk Yas Forums when there's nothing good on Yas Forums, /g/, or Yas Forums

Not true. I live in San Diego, have a license and a truck. I can surf in the morning and snowboard in the afternoon. I'm not on probation haha

fug off grug am personal target by great spirit and great spirit mock grug and target grug every moon. you from lightskin tribe with strange ways not know anything but look at phallic cave drawing all day and cursing darkskin tribe with word of darkness on lightning rock screen

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Lmao if you have all that on have to sit on a forum full of people posting cocks all day you’re a fucking loser

Honestly lol I don’t know if you’re trolling or not but damn, I’m mixed and my mom is a single parent at this point, educated, but in the dumps without my dad. Don’t know why us puerto ricans and blacks keep fucking up. Last time i was in the rural town in Florida i would visit; Something developed: At Publix, mixed babies crying and walking around lost, like almost soulless from all the heartbreak, same with the black babies but i noticed they were all in their new generation and now mixed race, and not one single soul gave a fucking pity about them crying to hell in the grocery store. It’s like these parents like to live in squalor, dirty hoeish white women like to stretch their pussy out for black men and pop them out, it doesn’t always end up great. Same with black babies, ratchet. And yes the rural white neighborhood I noticed black people became objects of scorn and pretty much on house arrest, the more admiration for white people the black guy has the more you are possibly punching yourself in the nuts man. Best of luck.



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based grug

Yeah, you know that sounds like classic deflection. Must be nice to have zero responsibility for anything you do.

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come on man, you know he dindu nuffin. it's always "the man". most dindus blame the white man, but this dindu is going all out and blaming the big man himself.

lol ok I'm a loser for having the option. That's where you fail, you have no options and that make.a you so so mad like a spicy black licorice meatball nobody wants. Haha

but he does have the option. to kill himself. the one thing that god can't control, and he's too weak to do it.

I'm blaming the Boogeyman, and the Boogeyman is blaming God. I wonder who God will blame?

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god is blaming ice spirit.

must be all the mold his nigger drunk parents force him to live in. Black mold is like black people, it makes you sick

Niggers. Bad for society and bad for niggers themselves.

Ice spirit, of course.

Its almost like to make society better we should exterminate or banish all niggers? Am I crazy or is this the logical path to a better society? Jalen, your thoughts? Since you can't go anywhere or anything haha

>god is targeting me DURR DURR DURR
gods not real moron dont pretend like being on probation is anyone's fault but your own. nobody forced you to drive drunk and you fucking know it. nobody is going to feel bad for you for getting caught driving fucking drunk. a drunk driver splattered my best friend 14 years ago, there's no fucking excuse for being retarded enough to get behind the wheel when you're drunk.

you're fucking pathetic with these excuses.

but who ice spirit blame? Wind spirit?

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come to Norway.. we love niggers.. we even give them free Money (2000 usd) to start With so they can rent a smal house n settle. n if u cant get a job u still get Money but have to send an application every Three years..

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wind spirit bad. curse grug with butt wind.

butt wind summons The Great Phallus. You stand away from tribe

He's one of the attractions, kinda like how you can meet Gaston in Disneyland

>repeating cave symbols of truth

Every three years?? Why would god curse him to that?

Gaston isn't an emo nigger though, people actually line up to meet Gaston

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this copy pasta is more stale than my cumsock

he speak the true two

Where did nigger OP go? Is he fetching some kleenex from his drunk nigger moms bra?

Fuck off retard. Get banned again.

This is a good option if you have no other way of getting out of town. You’ll make around 50k per year and 3x that if you deploy. Pick a MOS that you can transition into the civilian life.

OP seems desperate but not willing to do anything about it

no one was paying attention to him anymore so he left

Yeah but I come here to laugh at you and your pathetic self confinement

grock envision scent of butt wind

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The military is a good option for someone with no other, but I guarantee he would never go for it. He's a lazy coward. Making difficult choices is scary for him, so he blames god. Making difficult choices often requires even a little bit of effort, which is scary for him. So he'll just continue spamming up this board in the hopes that someone offers him a miracle.
I mean, the one thing Jalen wants is to go to Miami and become a fucking rapper. That's how easy he wants life to be. It's fucking pathetic.

just leave tribe. What worse that will happen? Chag leave tribe many harvest ago and never look back.
Stop being berrypicker. You have dumb spirits. If you not leave tribe maybe go see shaman and get hole in head. Big hole. HUGE.

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alpha chag holy shit

The caveman speaks more sense than the modern day nigger

Many repeating cave symbols. Have cave drawing of Great Phallus.

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the great veined one