Feet and soles Thread

Feet and soles Thread

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Anyone have some stories/pics of admiring someone’s feet while they are asleep?

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i used to sniff my aunts feet while she was sleeping when i was really young.

Whose feet are those? They look really sexy

You got any tips on how to approach a sleeping woman’s feet? I really want to try it out sometime

a friend
basically no part of her feet missed out my mouth or tongue

You got any more pics?

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not of her, but here's another friend

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Feet of friends are the best


How do you convince them to play and take pictures of their feet? I’ve always wanted to ask some friends

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I'd say there has to be some chemistry and they have to be open minded. This girl in particular I didn't meet IRL, but I'm sure she'd let me play with her feet if I wanted to (I'm another user btw)

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Just ask them straight in a not creepy manner. Works a bit differently in every case. With some girls you can admit shyly that you are into their feet, while with others just go for it confidently. You just need to know which will work for each.

Here's another friend

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Also agree on this one.

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need more of her!

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No stories you larping faggot

Kill yourself with your wwyd cancer shit. Go blow the larper above

Stop trashing up these threads

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Anyone have the other gif of her?

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>Stop trashing up
>Posts shit material

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Who’s this foot slut got my dick awakened to her crunchy soft soles

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need sauce

Now this is too material, who are them?


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s+ tier foot slut for me.

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what else u got?

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I watch a stream on mixer with a couple who's constantly begging for $16,000. They got the camera angled on the female, so that you get a full view of her ass when she walks out of the room, or picks something up. She's also always playing with her bare feet on camera. If you flirt with her she throws a fit about how it's a diss to her relationship.
She makes poses like op

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cool story bro

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my gf

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she's cute as fuck

/r/ing a webm that was a jav idol in a bathtub showing off the bottom of her toes, was pretty high quality. Posted a day or 2 ago.

Think there was another of her in the same thread showing off her armpits.

Somebody posted sauce but I forgot about it and went to do other shit.

Nice toes and soles

jeez what a trashy nasty filthy whore
hard pass

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okay but wha tis the stream

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