How to have a decent Yas Forums experience

How to have a decent Yas Forums experience.

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How about we just tell all the horny people on this board to stop being so horny? Sounds like a good as an idea as any

That'd be like telling a tard to stop being a tard

just bathe in the aids like the rest of us. if you cannot handle it then you are weak

>phone posting redditfag

I'm not weak. I'm just not a fat white American looking for bbc to fuck his imaginary girlfriend.

i have 198 words filtered
Yas Forums is slow, but nice

>no 'loli'
>no 'celeb'
Ah, so you're a mentally-underdeveloped pedophile.

you forgot

How do you get it up on phone

based cub and shota fags

Good man. I usually find that the people complaining about what's being posted here never have a problem with the mentally ill pedo shit.

Nah, I have those filtered too.

It has got to the point where every other thread is about cocks, black cocks, or weird race-baiting threads. I don't know what the fuck is wrong with people.

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How do you get this screen up?

Making Yas Forums great again

So basically you want a Yas Forums that is Democrat free

Everytime this type of thread pops up, the nigger/andy threads edit their posts. You're making them smarter asshole. There's 2 up right now that have "wh*teboi" instead. Stop giving them ideas.

That'd be telling a jew to stop lliking kids

Any oldfag that was here before the Democrats camewant this.

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Is adult gif not enough for them??

You forgot celeb/celebrity

I've legit never used a blacklist on any website or blocking features except to block bots, imagine being on Yas Forums and being unable to look at things you hate

It's a spam filter for actual quality threads. Like the one you have for your inbox, user.

Basically every other social media threads, porn threads, and /pol threads and you're good


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Go to the catalogue page, near the top (under the advert) there are a few buttons, click on the button that says "filters".

it's called reddit you faggots.

>inb4 do you like BBC porn huh

no I just don't salivate at the mouth at the image of cock you niggers and make a thread crying about it.

Imagine not wanting to look at cocks, nigger cocks, niggers fucking women, Andy Sixx threads, shota/loli threads, et cetera. Crazy, ain't it?

Why would you choose to look at endless images of black cocks when you could choose not to do so? Sounds like you're the fag.

Thank you for opening up a brighter future on this website. Yas Forums will once again be good

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You're most welcome, Yas Forumsrother.

using a filter on this site is the most posery shit I seen in a while


It's hiding the kind of cancerous threads that makes Yas Forums shit. If everyone just hides and doesn't respond, maybe the Jews who spam this board will stop.

>admits to fixating so much at the thought of cock they can't look away

no will power having weak minded faggots

Calling someone a "poser" pretty much makes you a poser. Also, posing as what?

Nope, just find it unpleasant to look at.

Work on your English if you want people to take your opinion seriously.

I have the ability to just ignore shit threads and look for rekt only. Super user ftw

Another boomer hating that the newer generation is smart enough to use a filter.

Hang on why am I still seeing trap threads when I hide them?

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did you forget to click save settings?

It's saved

I'm freaky deeky

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thanks OP

all the bot posts are gone now. thanks user

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i thought everyone knew about this. its like everyones first day here

Why take nigger out

If you need to use filters you are mentally weak.
Also fucking lol at the loli filters you absolute normies.

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Have a great summer

If you still post reaction pics with your post you're a pre pubescent acting 40 year old.

loli is basically the only good porn on here

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>if you still enjoy using the image board like an image board you're (thing I hate)

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you speak truth

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I like the sentiment, but why aren't they posting on /s/ or /hc/ or /gif/ or /h/ or any of the other porn boards?


I usually just come to filter out one thing, I have a shortcut that opens my browser, with a Yas Forums catalog search for "zoo". Sometimes, like right now, I go astray.

It's really not that bad.

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