How much of a racist are you? Are you like "anyone of a different race is subhuman...

How much of a racist are you? Are you like "anyone of a different race is subhuman?" Or only racist against some or not racist at all?

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I'm not racist. I just don't like niggers, pakis, bangladeshis, jews, ragheads, slavs, spics, anyone from the middle east and most italians.

i hate everyone equally actually

If you think there aren't different races of humans you are retarded. If there are different races and there are different qualities.
Some evolved to be good at some stuff and bad at other.
Someare more sensitive, more smart, more violent. Some love toincube their intestines. Some seek forthe truth.

Racists, as the normie term, want to push some race forward. And push some down. But their vision is flawed by their membership group.
Few are the free thinkers capable of sorting this shit out. Group thinking is 99% of the time terrible and lead to shitty violent behaviour instead of searching for the best.

faggot and cringepilled

Kikes deserve to be killed

Nah I hate retards more than any particular race.

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you shouldn't be so hard on yourself user

Proof niggers are biologically violent

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You’re biologically racist. This is evolutionary to protect your tribe from a neighboring one.

There was a 60 minutes I saw years ago that had proven data that even toddlers dislike anyone of a different color

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Why does his coffee mug imply it is actually filled with chocolate and peanut butter?

Hate niggers(not all blacks, but I do not think niggers are the small percentage of blacks. Fucking senseless chimps.)
Fucking hate the chinks(I work in a pharmacy and If I had my way I would punch them all in the head.)
Hate Russians. And the whole eastern European block.

but he isn't wrong.

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so you defend it by saying it is caveman logic? you can do better user

I like Indians and some black people but I fucking detest the vast majority of niggers and people from the Middle East. Also I find Chinese people to be totally fucking awful.

Anyone that's not white with blue eyes should promptly kill themselves

if choice between black and white to kill i would choose black but i can have a black friend no problem

also kill all the jews

Im saying its subconscious.
Just like when you want to hit someone but you dont hit someone because you know better.

You can be racist but not treat others differently because you’re smart enough to realize you’re brain is wrong.

post blue eyes with timestamp or GTFO

not racist at all


I grew up in nowhere ville bama and have lived in Colorado/Los Angeles for all of my early adult life. After being around many different folks from many different backgrounds I can conclude that Asians and Middle Eastern are the rudest and grossest fucks out there. Always end up being homies with black dudes and Spanish speakers, but FUCK those other bastards

White with hazel eyes close enough?

you do realize your brain doesn't think for itself right? if you think something is wrong your brain agrees with you, so how can you realize your thoughts are wrong? i am genuinely curious

mostly don't like loud abrasive muzzie and illegals. assimilate or go home.

hazel is a bullshit eye color so no

You’re a bullshit eye color fuck you nerd

I rank people as individuals. Meaning there are 3 classes there's the too good for you people the average regular people and niggers. Your skin color doesn't place you in a category. I act the same to everyone you out yourself in that category. And yes there are many white niggers.


You're all some shade of monkey to me, especially you, me.

Your natural instinct is to dislike people different from you.
You realize that part of your rational is retarded. You live your life free of primordial instinct.
Are you slow or just retarded?

no need for that scientific propaganda. Just look at how they manage their community compared to other communities.
Africans eat unhealthy meat. Then they eat other niggers when they get angry. Compare that to the intoxicated chinese who treat each other like insects because of the polluted air.
Or look at the indians. They just do poop stuff and rape the few women left. But as soon as they have the right conditions they do great stuff and are very pacifist.

I swear africans are predisposed to some type of violence lmao. Still huslin' in the developped countries. Thank god not all of them are like that and some are trying to discover some great thing. Still waiting for the great black scientist discovery tho. I wonder how many decades with access to all the knowledge and the good healthcare we will have to wait :^)

no u

I love responding to people as if it was only a 1 on 1 convo too


you do realize every poster in this site is just me right?

Okay dubs.
And who are you then?

everyone fucking sucks. including you, yes you, the one reading this

im not racist but humans skin is white

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I am (you)

Prove it

Im worse than racist, I’m tribalist/clanist and I hate everyone who’s not my tribe or has a direct line to my family tree. Fuck racism based on skin, culture, nationalism, etc

nah i'm good


ooga booga to you too, now fuck off

Ex Racist checking in
Racism is ignorant xenophobia. Whites are just as stupid and criminal as any nigger. There are niggers smarter than most whites

Edge the Smedehog

no shit sherlock

Not really a racist, but some eastern european attitudes shit me up the wall.

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Half-white half-Mexican here, I grew up hating my family because the other half were Mexicans who were always drugged up or drinking beer thinking it was cool. I avoided them for the rest of my life and school because they were bad examples where their women would get pregnant at the age of 13-16. I did however have a crush on a Latina once but she crushed my heart when she went out and got pregnant before I could go out with her.

Even till this day I avoid them unless they are white washed by the military. Some Latinos can be cool but when it comes to their anger problems drinking problems I just tend to strafe away.

Anyone who is not ashkenazi jew is subhuman.

Part 2 I’m not racist I just hate that they act as they are portrayed by stereotypes, I will however not date them because they aren’t loyal and Latina women tend to lose their figure after 5 years of their pregnancy which is why I’ll stick with my Russian GF

You tell me.

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I'm not racist, I just hate inferior cultures.

If a Chinese or a black guy is willing to participate in a culture where men, women, homosexuals are equal then I forget about colour.
If a white guy wants to parallel culture where he beats women and eats alive dogs then he can go fuck himself

I'm "used to believe that race was not a factor in how someone behaves at all, and have slowly over the years been forced to concede to facts that show otherwise, little by little" racist.

Basically, I know there's research showing that race is indeed an undeniable factor in human behavior, but I also know that it's unclear how big of a factor. So, I don't make outlandish claims or do anything to antagonize other races, but I do simply avoid situations based on my logic.

For instance, I know there are "good" black people. But a group of sketchy looking young black guys walks my way, I'm crossing the street.

very well spoken user, as my mother would say "there's a nigger in any race"

This is why I worry about the control of language. There is no other word for a nigger.

There is no other word to describe the guy who bums every cigarette he smokes, can't hold a job, does the most retarded drugs, steals from his own family, and dates fat women for their money and gets them pregnant then disappears. Loser is not strong enough nor is it specific enough. Deadbeat either. That's a nigger.

sketchy people are sketchy people, not being racist isn't the same as being reckless, no matter the color there are groups you should avoid.

piece of shit works too

And this is why liberals get in so much trouble
"If your first priority is not appearing racist, then people will die because you are functionally incompetent."

No, because piece of shit can also apply to a guy dumping his trash illegally or some other minor offense. It doesn't describe the frustration a good man feels just because this person gets to live.

I grew up with niggers. Camden NJ. I made it out of there because I didn't want to become like them.

They're not a product of their environment, they're not misunderstood victims. They are people just like me who saw two options: The right way, and the easy way. And those niggers picked the easy way every single time.

How about trash?
The type of person you are describing I've personally met. Multiple times. They were whites. We'd call them paupers in Dutch

I live next door to a bunch of Pakis how racist do you think I am?

Racism is a crime, and crime is for black people