Trap/Trans/Femboy Thread

Trap/Trans/Femboy Thread

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Oh boy, more gore to clutter up Yas Forums. Traps are gay and gore isn't scary or funny. Grow up, all of you.

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How is this attractive to people. I fucking hate this board

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Being a boy in a dress is awesome. Calling yourself a princess is great. Being gay or lesbian is what you are and being Trans is fine but don't define yourself as a woman, don't expect the same treatment as women get and don't seek to compete against women in sex separated sports categories.

Support us on Facebook and in real life!

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This is the new reality of Yas Forums, spammers think this will make trap threads go away for some reason

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>when you accidentally all the synthol


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Anyone has some pics of the pink haired trap ?

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just imagine its pink

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put the gay shit on the gay boards or the above happens

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I just jerked off to the gore and feel disgusted with myself

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Yas Forums is a gay board user, what are you talking about?

I actually want to know what this is supposed to be.

This should make you feel better

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Yellowfag veteran, mad that his raids were so lame is now shitting on trap threads you cant get more sad than that

FAG...Began here as a insulting term of endearment for friends
>Literal faggots came here thinking they were welcome and that all the FAG throws were actual faggots like themselves

>Faggots should kill themselves

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in case you didnt know

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Learn how to greentext user, if you don't know how to actually greentext like a champ then don't do it, I mean look at that spacing, pathetic.

Let it die you nasty faggots
>We are watching

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lame is the whole point. getting you mad is the whole point

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i dont know what a yellowfag is
i didnt post the gore or poop tho were really a yellowfag? OH NONONONONO

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on purpose? alrighty

sorry user, slipped my mind

>we are anonymous
>we are legion

Well go on, I bet you have a lot of work ahead of you, good luck, sperglord

Im such a great hacker that my toejam can fly across the house under the door and in your mom ass, all without her smelling a thing and leaving no trace.

someone tell me what a yellowfag is
is it a racist thing??? gay asian?

no bat soup for you

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nah, i just got laid of and waiting for my trumpbux to come in. Until then i will sperg out as much as i want

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Listen cunt all i wanted was a medfag to tell me what the fuck im looking at.

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wtf is this rage comic tier picture

And u think the image that OP posted is a trap?


Reminder if trash post like OP made, some fucking stright gay ass or cock, the thread should be burned

Some dickheads just can't let people enjoy themselves, it's fucking pathetic. If you don't want to see it then don't click on it

Yeah then dont click on the gore post faggot post more gay shit go on trap boards and enjoy yout spam

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it's too late to 'pologize

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its funny because only a terminal closet case or otherwise demented loser would spend this muche time on hating traps lole

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Wow look at this dude look at him goooo

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Yeah but the thing is the post here are un passable trannies and ass and boipussi in panty gay shit. So might as well gore it up


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Wtf is this im confused is that how a virgina works


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What is that thing sticking out leaking coom

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lol why tho
pls story