Would it be unethical to purposely pop a girls tire before we go somewhere so I can fix it and “save the day” for her?

Would it be unethical to purposely pop a girls tire before we go somewhere so I can fix it and “save the day” for her?
Slightly related question what’s the easiest way to pop a tire? Should I drop some bent nails behind her car before we go somewhere?

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please be bait
>see file name

jesus fuck, user

how about you instead use the time to practice your social skills or otherwise learn a skill that seperates you from others and makes you more attractive?

learn an instrument, go work out or something like that. don't be a spergatron user.

Fucking end your life you redditing fucking faggot.

love you too

I mean she’s already attracted to me. She’s kind of far away and I don’t have long with her so I want to show her that I’m the full package and I can do “man stuff” ya know

You've watched too many movies. If you pop it and she finds it flat before driving off, this is the best outcome you can hope for.

If you pop it and she doesn't see it, then drives off, she may not even notice and cause an accident. Congrats, you killed your crush.

If you plan for it to pop while she's driving, whether an instant deflation or slow, she could lose control and cause an accident. Congrats, you killed your crush.

Don't be a faggot.

>Would it be unethical
You already know the answer to this, else you wouldn't be asking.

Well its fucking autistic but here you go.
Open up the valve stem, get something and press on the valve to release all the air out. It won't damage the tire, just let's the air out.

If you're as autistic as I think you are, this is the valve stem. The thing in the center can be pushed down and it will release air. Or you can find a valve removal tool

Forgot pic

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And how are you going to fix a punctured tire, user?

Pedophile discord servers need purged

still, man. it's better to invest that time into self improvement instead of faking it. i get where you're going but hey it's your life. whatever makes you happy i guess.

i presume you're 25 or younger so my advice is to take advantage of that brain plasticity and learn something. language, skill like crafting, sport like archery or shit even faggot tennis is respectable. personally i would choose an instrument; something with strings preferably.

Yeah but that requires me being next to her car for a long ass time by myself, pretty suspicious.
Putting on the spare so she can get a new one retard.

>pop a girls tire
>before we go somewhere

if she's driving YOU in HER car, you've already lost.

fucking pleb.

First of all, are you sure her car even has a jack or a spare? You cant just use any tire, a different size tire will break the car completely.

Yeah that’s another flaw in the plan. Maybe I should drive and pop my own tire lmao. Yeah maybe this is just a bad idea the more I think about it

New tires are expensive, dipshit. You're not real smart, are you?

Not really. Get a valve stem tool and take the core out of the valve. It will release all the air in under a minute. But will be somewhat loud.

>pops the girl's tire as part of some autistic scheme to "win points" with her
>"S-so I c-can change it for you if y-you like-"
>actually manages to stop himself from saying "m'lady" out of habit
>already in a pissed off mood for the evening, girl agrees
>"D-do you know where your jack is?" OP asks her as he digs through her trunk which is full of shit including other dudes' clothes
>looks lost, confused
>girl growing impatient and even more pissed off
>finally finds the jack
>forgets to break the lug nuts free BEFORE he jacks the car up
>taking too long, while girl is ignoring him and texting who knows how many other guys to see if they can come help her
>after bumbling with everything, finally gets the wheel changed
>accidentally gets wheel dust on her shit when he gets back in the car
>upset and stressed, she just decides to call it off for the night
>she eventually calls Chad tomorrow to come fix the original wheel and get her car so it looks right again, instead of the ugly ass spare
And the tire was the only thing OP popped that night...

just stop. you driving was not an option.

fucking corona brought summerfags 3 months too soon.

>pop my own tire
So you plan on spending 150 dollars just to try and impress a girl that most likely knows how to change a tire and has seen other men do it many times

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whoa, settle down kid.

not only did you spend a shitload of time typing that, you greentexted wrong. a lot.

this is the equivalent of someone seeing a vagina for the first time hanging it over a virgin. settle down, neither of you know what it tastes like.

Lol I know how to change a tire you spastic, that’s why I’m not fucking up something more complex.

Or more likely
>shashes her tire
>d-do you want me to change it
>looks for jack
>no jack
>no spare
>no lug tool

>reddit spacing
>newfag understanding of greentext yet acts arrogant
>thinks a paragraph takes a long time to type
Get off your phone, summerfag.

>Lol I know how to change a tire you spastic
If you're on a Mongolian basket weaving board asking for advice on how to deflate a tire, your basic automotive knowledge such as changing a flat tire is extremely suspect.

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Do you even know if she has a spare. If not do you know how to use a tire plug

>she may not even notice
You should probably wait to start driving yourself before saying nonsesne like that.

I drive for a living and do you know how many times I check my tires to see if they're flat? 0.

I've done this before and it works.

>Take off one of her valve stem covers
>Rub it against the concrete or asphalt until you wear a hole in the end of it
> find a small stone or pebble that will fit inside the valve stem cover and screw it back on to the point where it begins to slightly depressed the Schrader valve
> how far are you screw it in will allow the air to escape either quickly or slowly

The tire will go flat if you play your cards right though there will be no damage to the tire and you will be able to easily re-inflate it and replace the valve stem cover
And you will look like the hero

Be careful though you don't want to end up having the mess around with it at the side of a busy highway that's better to do this while the car is parked or you know the car will be parked soon

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my ass. you came up with this plan, then watched youtube videos on how to do it.

you need to go into your parents bedroom, drop a peoples elbow on your dad whilst he sleeps.

Not only for failing to teach you how to change a tire, but for not teaching you how to be a normal human being.

I forgot to add if she wants to inspect the tire you can quickly pull off the valve stem cover and drop the pebble out of it and show her the damage and which will make her think that she probably just at some did a curb check without realizing it

OP is underage and believes this shit

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>ruinining the cap
I bet she wasnt impressed in the slightest

does this look like fucking reddit?

Quick google search of greentext:

Greentext is a method used when user wants to quote another user to draw attention to a few words.

your newfag is showing.

Anybody with half a brain cell knows that the valve cover cant be hit by the curb and that it doesn't release air if off or damaged. If she believed you she is dumber than you

She thought she did the damage herself. And you can buy caps for a few pennies a piece or if you're cheap just look for one laying around wherever there's an air hose.

I should probably add I actually wasn't trying to make myself look good I was trying to make someone else look bad for not knowing how to even inflate a tire.

I did end up actually dating that girl but that wasn't until much later and I doubt the tire thing had much to do with it

If a girl is impressed by you changing a tire then she’s just as stupid as you.

Most women don't know shit about cars

He drives for a living.

i.e. he rides with his mom when she goes grocery shopping, and gets his allowance if he helps carry the bags into the house.





Youd sure as fuck know the moment you started driving though you fucking potato

She’s already sucked my dick, I want to date her now
Best post so far. Thank you good sir, screencapped for later

B-but you green texted wrong. You cant do that on my special secret internet club.
>Grow up

I'm a delivery guy

>Greentext is a method used when user wants to quote another user to draw attention to a few words.
It's your first week here, I get it. Now get the fuck off since you have absolutely zero understanding of how Yas Forums works you fucking autismo.

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>If a girl is impressed by you changing a tire then she’s just as stupid as you.

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aw. someone talked above their knowledge level, and now he's sour biscuits.

hey, we've all been there. learn from it.

True but most people know what makes a tire go flat. Anybody who rode a bicycle as a kid knows what a valve cap is and does


yes, as i previously said, you deliver the grocery bags to the house.

that's the definition from Yas Forums.


Post hands faggot. I bet you have bitch hands. You cant read can you, I drive for a living. That means my job is driving

Please tell me where the proper "rules" are for greentexting, I would LOVE to read them.

> Faggot


No I deliver packages to niggers like you. Maybe I'll pull of a Ted Kaczynski if I ever deliver to your house

no one, including me, said it was a "rule". stop putting words in my mouth like your dad does with his dick to yours.

My knowledge level? What the fuck are you on about kid. Yas Forums isn't a secret club or anything special. Get real. You're not cool because you're on Yas Forums, this is a place where uncool people go to be uncool

She did, but she thought that she had damaged the Schrader valve too. I showed her my valve core tool and a few spare valve cores that I happen to have in my toolbox and "fixed" the problem when in reality all I did was air the tire back up and put a new cap on it. Since she wasn't standing over my shoulder when I did did it she didn't see anything other than it was damaged before and now it isn't


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I'll have at least two years to worry about that, be about the time you get your license.

>I'm a faggot white knight proxy from reddit
>I've never read greentext posts or replies before

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Fucking amerifats too busy stuffing their fat faces to change a tyre, any male or female in my country can do it with ease.

So you carried a tool box with you to fuck up some girls tire then magically had the tools that could fix the problem. Like I said she is dumber than you.
So tell me, did she blow on your valve stem after this?

Relaxed guy, even in the US it is considered shameful to not know how to change a tire.

>females breaking lugs

Are you the same guy that thinks he knows what Yas Forums is.

Who the fuck doesn't carry tool box in their car?

And yes she did but that was like a year later and pretty unrelated to the tire thing

If there is a "wrong" way then there must be a "right" way.

Hmm, if only there was a name for a set of words governing the proper way to do things. Kill yourself.

All of you complaining about quarantine, yet I've been posting for a year about being unable to leave my small town because I'm on probation for being black and none of you have cared.

>my country

shitty bait is shitty.

What is stepping on the wrench

So was this your car or her car. And X to doubt

Also she called me to take a look at it. Knowing that she had a flat tire before I even left my house to drive to her house it would have made sense that I grab some tools specifically for repairing tires.

>any male or female in my country can do it with ease
That's because most people in the same class level as yourself in your shithole country steal the wheels off of anything parked.

Do it, bitches play games all the time. There's a tool to remove the innards of the valve stem. Buy one.

I’m 140 pounds and I have to jump on the lugs for a sedan, let alone a truck or something

>my country
Euromutt, you're so poor and eco-cucked by the EU you don't even own a car.