ITT: favorite drugs, general drug talk
i've been experimenting with drugs for quite a while now, and i have numerous experiences under my belt. I just want to get an idea of what my fellow lurkers taste in drugs consist of
>1. DMT, and psychedelics in general
>2. Weed
>3. Opioids/Opiates
>4. dissociatives (3-meo-pcp, Ketamine, etc)
ITT: favorite drugs, general drug talk
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high fructose corn syrup
I like trying to make music here's a sample after 25i
How is nbome? im terrified of taking it without realizing it, but i feel like it could be a good time if used responsibly
when it's a relatively low dose is best imo probably bc im a pussy after taking tabs that were in the hotspot of the sheet...
comparable to acid but feels grimier, body load is higher, vasoconstriction sorta there but not really, kinda made me writhe on the ground like a worm in ecstasy during the peak
acid feels let's say organic, nbome feels mechanical and insect like
the best description of the feeling for me happens at 16:35 in the following youtube video that high pitched vocoded voice with the groove if you can imagine
That sounds pretty sick, my friend accidentally dosed with nbome once and said that his dick went inside of him, and when my other friend who came to investigate (also on nbome), he said that his dick sprung out and hit him in the face. if i could source what i knew was pure 25-i id definitely want to try it. from my research its really only dangerous if you take a lot, and that usually happens because people don't know that they are taking it. My friend told me it felt like his stomach was tearing itself apart, how credible does this sound to you?
dude weed lmao
lsd and 1p-lsd
I’ve tried coke and opiates but made myself stop before it got too bad
I've done probably over 50 different drugs. My favs are LSD, MXE, and meth/amphetamine.
I did heroin for the first time a few days ago.
I've done it every day since. nobody knows.
3 meo pcp
Dafuq how do you put opioids above dissos man.
Opioids to me are like all the drawbacks of dissos with none of the pros. Sweaty, irritable, but not able to really let go and appreciate ones mind.
And #2 I’m not judging, but how do you reconcile the opioids with the psychs? Like if you were to do shrooms or even weed how do you tell yourself that it’s an okay path, spiritually? Assuming we’re talking about some real shit like oxy or something and not kratom
How is LSD? I would like to try it. Advice?
Top four would be
>1 Mescaline
>2 LSD
>3 Alcohol
>4 Weed
Never fancied weed tbh, definitely prefer just regular beer. Psychedelics on the other hand. They are great. Only had mescaline once but that was superior to everything I ever tried. Acid is good too, but sometimes the body load is just too much.
I would really like to try shrooms sometime as well
i havent robotripped since i was 16, it just got gross after a while. granted i've only done delsym which is dxm extended release and not hydrobromide. id like to try hydrobromide just for shits and giggles
have not had the stomach issue but I was a little gassy so possibly some inflammation there
my dick did shrink tho
I took too much on accident and had this very bizarre moment where I was running around breaking shit at my buddy's place. He had to tie me to a bed and restrain me. I was left in the bedroom a while and his gf would enter and feed me milk and honey which was ethereal. Suddenly I had convinced myself I died from the RC and then felt the closest thing to the concept of infinity. I saw myself dying over and over again slower and slower each time and I began bawling as I thought I was watching my "death scene" repeat slower and slower and slower each time for eternity...
Don't bother with shrooms. They guve more body load than acid and nausea is terrible.
yeah dissos do opioids better than opioids. am on heroin rn and I enjoyed the ketamine I did last night way more.
very VERY nice stuff, take when comfortable have good music going and clean ur shit around u before taking it
just breathe
i just like opioids wayyy too much. ive been doing them for a lot longer than dissos. I can kind of see what you are saying though, i just don't have the same amount of experience with dissos.
Not the same user but I actually prefer the extended release. Robocough for example hits so fast the nausea is like projectile.
I remember I ate a small meal cause I was like, ohh I still got about an hour for the come up, this will settle nicely.
Nope! 5 minutes later I can barely stand and I’m throwing up burrito chunks all over my girlfriends dresser. I was so fucked I couldn’t even be bothered to clean it. Just laid on the bed lmao tripping balls
it is very much like mushrooms, but more harsh on the comedown and you feel ate up the afterwards. Mushrooms is much better, but it is still my favorite (other than mushrooms, of course).
when i was using -
1) Weed
2) meth
3) butane
4) alcohol
5) amphetamine
6) dextromethorphan
universally the most superior drugs are Anandamide and Phenethylamine because they are released through exercise and build little to no tolerance
i've noticed that as well, but i do enjoy taking a high dose of mushrooms as opposed to acid though. Anything below 4-5 grams of shrooms isnt worth it imo
Be careful with long term DXM use, it's proven to turn people gay
Yeah acid is not good for us not so mentally sound types I feel.
Too neurotic of thoughts. Shrooms I don’t give a fuck won’t give a fuck
jesus my friend has told me about doing butane before. how was that?
If you want a really fucked up experience do Salvia Divinorum, just if you want to get traumatised like me 10/10
Lol good one. Dxm is like sexual anhedonia: the drug
You’re thinking of meth guys.
I would assume if you’ve done over 50 different drugs, as long as you have at least one person who legitimately cares about you and thinks about you, someone knows
i want to do salvia the way hamilton did it with a shaman, i dont feel like the extract is the proper way to do it
similar to nitrous, has the same anesthetic pain numbing effect, vision becomes wavy and various sounds become more pronounced and repeat, it feels like you are just stuck in the one moment, all other thoughts fade away, heart rate increases aswell. It doesn't last long though and tolerance builds relatively fast, it's comparable to how the first cigarette of the day is the strongest.
> (You)
>i want to do salvia the way hamilton did it with a shaman, i dont feel like the extract is the proper way to do it
It's not proper, but it's unforgettable
You should stick to nitrous it’s a lot safer bruh.
Nitrous actually works on the ndma receptor, I’m not sure that butane does. I know chemical ether does though.
You need the actual receptor activation or else the “high” is just brain damage.
I'd go with:
>1. LSD
>2. Weed
>3. Alcohol
>4. MDMA
NBOMEs were nice in effect, but this shot dangerous yo. Test your stuff bros
lol like duster. and he did say that he isn't using anymore, at least it was implied
Butane is a Positive Allosteric modulator at the GABA receptor like alcohol, it is also an NMDA antagonist. nitrous and butane can both cause brain damage via inactivation of B12 and this leads to demyelination.
1) LSD
2) Shrooms
4) Weed
5) Nitrous
Candyflip was fun but I got a bad hangover after that, so I try to avoid combinations.
kratom users?
no matter how I take it now it causes me intense stomach pain to the point I dry heave and have to use laxatives
It used to cause no problems until my liver suddenly enlarged one night
kratom is very very nice. i take a few heaping tablespoons with some milk in the morning and i get a nice opioid buzz for the majority of the day
Yeah I use nitrous sometimes. I just hope you have to do a decent amount to get the B12 deficiency though.
Me I do like one or two canisters every once in a blue moon. It’s really a great sleep aid cause it’s lightweight and non commital, like if you don’t want to be fucked off your ass every night you can just use a little booster like that to take the final push to dreamland
Acid and MD are pretty fun to do. Whats the buzz on Ket like?
Like weed but less paranoia because the boundaries that you have on cannabis that are fully enforced no matter how baked you are terifiyingly are gone
You just get stoned like on weed until nothing matters and you become a bunch of sentient machine parts in your brain talking to each other and whispering nonsense
Why do some of you like psychedelics so much? They don't give euphoria and they get boring after while.
I have an oxy script so people know I'm into opioids, but I'm usually totally honest about my drug use to my friends so if I say I haven't done heroin they wouldn't have a reason to doubt me.
I don't know why I'm even posting here, I guess I had to tell someone.
really not having a good time with life rn
check your testosterone
just kidding for me I get euphoria
they do need time apart between trips i agree
You should stop doing heroin man. No one has ever said their life improved after doing heroin.
Dosent mean you’re a bad guy or anything, it’s just a pretty true thing.
>Why do some of you like psychedelics so much? They don't give euphoria and they get boring after while.
Most psychedelics do have an element of euphoria, and drugs are not there to entertain you, but something to enhance.
>drugs are not there to entertain you, but something to enhance.
I know. I did it knowing I was (re)starting an addiction
I was the first reply and I second the other guys motion for you to stop doing heroin, tell someone else who cares about you I think weed inhibits success and I’m pretty sure heroin is worse than weed, drugs aren’t happiness uhh idk
What, you drink so you can stare at a tv or something? Drop acid so you can stay in your room and not do something constructive?
No, he’s right.
But I’m assuming he’s not saying only do psychedelics or whatever.
if drugs are the thing you love most you better treat it like a spiritual thing... even if it’s just for pleasure.
And what do you do when you take acid?
Fuck off and go back to redit.
Does anyone microdose? Considering microdosing L or shrooms
i partially agree with this, but not all drugs are spiritual drugs. some drugs are used specifically for fun
Honestly, I like to be outside. In the sun. With friends. Biking or someshit unstructured, failing that some mix of walking, playing with my dog, biking, and something constructive/creative like whatever your hobbies are or music. I would try hard not to do anything really routine because you will lose the trip.
Lol now I’m wearing a robe and ascending and shit. Nah
I’m just saying that you have to make drugs respect your humanity, or you’re damn fucked as shit.
the consequences of telling people I've done heroin would currently outweigh the consequence of doing it.
and yeah I know it's a bad thing to be doing.
if I get this virus I might die. I don't know when I can safely go outside again. I don't know when I can safely see my friends again.
this fucking sucks
>MDMA / 4FA+ 5 mapb in combo
>Alcohol / Weed
>some of the best drugs are used specifically for fun
but imagine doing coke and not being at a party or grinding through impossible amounts of work. The pleasure isn't from the drug itself (unless you get really addicted, then you just live to do more of the drug).
Alcohol, nicotine if that even counts as a drug. Anything else is for degenerates.
i feel you. on another note coke fucking sucks. overly expensive bullshit
Worst comment on the thread, of shrooms give nausea then take less
Any FENTANYL tags here. I used to smoke a gram plus every day for the last 2 years. Had some pure white powder that wpumd burn clear then pink to a light tan then brown before evaporating on tin, cause I was dealing with mexi/Chinese illicit fent. Shit is fire but I'm 5 days clean in rehab rn using a smuggled cell phone.
It sounds like you’re depressed, when I’m depressed I don’t care about anything and feel like nothing matters, so maybe since you are worried about the fallout you’re not at the bottom yet, uhhh tell them and have them deal with it and if they help you they ur friend if they don’t, they don’t and u can feel good knowing u got rid of a fake nigga, if you’re doing heroin and not thinking long term, you might as well go outside now whenever you like, heroin is worse than the corona virus or wherever, it’s like Getting addicted to cigarettes times some absurd number, uhhh ur stupid if you don’t tell anyone, being under the influence of drugs does impair my ability to reason so idk if that could justify illogical action yea
>if I get this virus I might die. I don't know when I can safely go outside again.
oh wah, if you go outside again you could get hit by a car, I don't know if you can ever go outside again! also do the math, 250k dead means everyone's getting sick, probably 60-80% just spread out over years.
Taking less equals more nausea because you're closer to reality.
rehab sucks bro goodluck. i didn't have fun when i went, but i dont think anyone does lel
I have a question relating to lacing weed.
My gfs late mother used to have white tablets she'd cut up and either snort, or lace her joints and splifs with. Any ideas for possibilities that it could be?
I'd agree that there's a threshold where nausea sorta loses its meaning and is just another sensation within a flood of sensations.
Back in HS I used to smoke the patches. Tiniest dot on a toothpick. Dangerous stuff, too easy to fall asleep with one on.
Interesting about the color, never smoked it but od on it a few times because of dealers bad mixes so be careful.
probably opiates of some sort. sometimes my cousin would put a xan in his blunt but that definitely didn't work lol, he was just already on xanax so he thought it was working
White tablets is too non specific, I took my grandmas white tablets when I was 15 it was Ativan forgot the mg, would do it before school, was a zombie, no clue how I didn’t get caught, was about a breakup
The fuck. Maybe Xanax? Idk, could be anything really. But it’s a wasteful fucking idea no matter what. The only thing you can add to weed is pcp or other research type chemicals that can be smoked
Yikes for the xans. Thanks though. She passed 3 years ago and we were smoking last night and I guess she had a realization that her mom did more that just smoke weed? Idk, just trying to shed some light on an obscured cold case. Thanks
Ya I had at least 10 custys OD on the pure powder but 0 die luckily
Thanks bro I'm hoping to get the f outta here cause I'm going nuts not sleeping. Craving using so bad
Like pure fent? nobody does pure fent. cut it with msm?
Time to go tell my gf her mom was an opiate user, yay... Chances are she wasn't lacing, and just railing them in bathroom stalls on toilet backs. Cheers
Anyone know of easy/convenient ways to pick up acid in a new city? Toronto.
Nobody does pure fent as in pharma grade but I got shit from TJ that's illicit manufactured fent very high purity /potency it's not cut with anything I can imagine because the smoking of this stuff has no taste I can distinguish and I had a small circle of people who had been using pure like this for a year or more
the dead sans jerry are touring with mayer just south of you. go see them this summer?
darknet. or if you're social go to a music festival or a rave or something. just find someone selling any drug and build your connects from them. make sure you test your shit though
I've tried probably 30+ drugs
and realistically, honestly, none of them are worth the side effects/downsides
at least, not as a regular thing in your life. You can try a few once or twice and get away with it, but integrating drug use into your life, is just a terrible idea (believe me I've tried).
At the end of the day, why do you even seek drugs? What is motivating the drive to alter the way you feel? It is because the way you feel is deficient, lacking, incomplete, suffering. Why? Because you're living a meaningless life. Drugs aren't the solution to this.
No one confirmed it as being opiates the description you gave was too non specific to identify pills you need a number a shape if the pill has a line down the middle of it etc, more details