I need some attention, Yas Forums. You see, no one gives a fuck about me. No one goes to my birthday. No one chats me...

I need some attention, Yas Forums. You see, no one gives a fuck about me. No one goes to my birthday. No one chats me. No one cares. I have 0 friends. I am unimportant as fuck. I could die tomorrow and no one will be affected in any way. So give me some attention. Some (You)'s will do whether you say good things or bad.

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Other urls found in this thread:


I’ll kik you some porn?

i care about you user. i hope things get better

happy birthday OP. have a 1998 lincoln town car

Attached: towncar32.jpg (1200x675, 135.92K)

This is normal; it's called adulting.

this is the same situation that 80-90% of the population fall into.

grow some balls and get on the anti depressant meds.

I get jealous of other people having friends who check up on them on a regular basis. Meanwhile, I'm lucky to receive one message in a month from anyone. But at the same time, I'm a massive introvert. However, it would be nice if I had at least a few people that would go to my birthday or check up on me or something.

Shit always gets better OP. I'm like overly self aware of my life and my thoughts get that way sometimes too. And some people are shitty at showing how they care.
I started making music as a distraction and outlet. Art is a great tool.
Keeping your mind off of those types of thoughts is the best thing you can do for yourself.
Keep your head up.

>I get jealous of other people having friends who check up on them on a regular basis. Meanwhile, I'm lucky to receive one message in a month from anyone. But at the same time, I'm a massive introvert. However, it would be nice if I had at least a few people that would go to my birthday or check up on me or something.

do you go and check up on anyone else ? being introverted i assume you dont.

Thanks. I just hope when this lockdown thing is over, I could find a job again and find decent people.

> Spent early life helping family
> Gave loads of money to family
> Needed help
> Fam turned their backs
> Grandma died
> No fam called
> Unrelated movie star calls, informs
> My hot friends are in movies.
> Fam can fuck itself.
> Grandma was the good part anyways
> Good friends around, no users

no wonder, you can't stop talking about yourself and demanding attention while creating zero value for others in return.

tl;dr you're a fucking loser

There is no timetable for it, nothing wrong and nothing right.
Find out what you are good at and learn, if you have found it, then you will be happy to do it.
Make contacts, find friends, live your life.
Be fair to yourself and the others, it means take and give.
Do not see everything so doggedly, have a smile in your eyes.
Life is both beautiful and sad too.
Try to give 100 percent if you have any passion, you can't do more anyway, people could see this.
It matters what you say and convey. Be a special guy then no one is afraid of you. Challenge your body and mind because they are your tools
because they are very valuable and do more in balance .
Try to greet each day with a smile, even if something doesn't work right away, you don't need to freak out right away.
Relax, be calm, take a deep breath again. Try again, you will make it, just no fear.
Listen to your inner voice, let it determine it will take you further if it sounds satisfied.
Many people are blind, do not know who they are.
There is a little child in each of us.

Don't stop and dare to try new places. I wish you all the best user. Good luck for the future.
Nice greetings from Germany

Wrong board simp
Go to

I can relate OP, I'm socially ackward and the meds never help so all I've got is the family and a single friend who are always busy with other things and never understand what I say.

>a single friend who are always busy with other things and never understand what I say.
Then this is not a real friend ... Find better people who are really willing to spend time with you. Greetings from Germany again

I should have been more detailed, the friends good and manages to talk to me online and play Apex and shit almost daily but family is always busy. My mom and me already struggle to relate but her boyfriend is always around and basically my polar opposite so I can't talk much.

a lincoln 1998 town car?

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I would say: good bye.

Really man? Really? I’m sorry but I call bullshit. It might not seem like it to you but holy fuck will people be affected. And I know what you’ll say, and no you’re not thinking straight, I was there too man I know how it is. I can’t tell you to be happy because after all you’re your own person, and I can’t tell you to not kill yourself for the same reason, but I sure as shit can beg you not to. Look man, even if you’re the CEO of Konami I’m 100% sure people are gonna miss you, because I’m one of them. Don’t let me see a suicide obituary anytime soon dude. You’ll get through this and you’ll look back at this time and be able to tell people how to get better. Think about that bro, helping prevent suicide and shit, that’s wack af. You wanna be wack af? Be your best and stay strong dude. I believe in you. Hit me up on snapchat if you need someone to talk to @liamisafaggot69
I’m not always available and the timezones might dick it up but I’ll risk getting dickpics from anons if it means you’ll get better.
I can’t always be there for you but I’ll still be there.
All the best dude

Sad truth.
Doesn’t have to be like that.

Have a kitty!

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Cute Kitty

More Pics?

once the quarantine is over it will get better.

you're currently experiencing the butt end of something called "Plague Dread"

once the quarantine is over, we're all going to have a major party on the streets and everything will be awesome again.

4chinz complains about my file sizes. Hopefully one of these works.

Attached: 20200409_195401.jpg (3264x2448, 1.91M)

Aw it's so fuckin adorable

You mind if I save these to a "When you're sad" Folder?

My other kitty

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Save them all, Satan. When I'm away from home, I'll look at them to cheer me up. Faggotry, I know, but it makes me happy.

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He's such a goober

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I mean aren't we all a little bit faggoty?

Retardation aside you ain't a fag for lookin at cute pics of your cats when you away from home and depressed

What is faggotry is being a douche for no reason. Now those people are giga fags.

Well, people on the "friendship list" on Playstation, Facebook and Co are not really friends in the real sense. Family is just a word ... If you don't get any affection from this site, fuck it. Good and close friendships can compensate for the family part. But remember that there is a take and give. Friendships must be cultivated, be present and try to listen and you will get the same respect back.

He ain't an online friend, met him back when I was in school and we still hang irl from time today but he's got a girlfriend and fucktons of friends and quarantine is going on right now

Couldn't get the file size small enough, but I felt this one was important. This is for you, OP.


Agreed with this.
You can always channel your negative feelings into a piece and then feel so much freer afterwards

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Did you consider taking a screenshot?

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I'll be your friend m8.
Sucks this is on 4 chan, cant give any details to our actual persons.

I had not. I don't phone very well. Kind of ironic considering I can program in a few different languages, but these phones baffle me.

I'm getting old.

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Attached: AOC Jerkoff Intructions 1_2.webm (800x450, 1.98M)

What's with the random porn?

Porn is usually appreciated user. Also, I only have porn...so you're welcome.

Not that user, but it's tits for OP, newfriend.

I now know where the problem of OP lies... He opens a thread because he feels lonely and useless. Then he gets attention and kind words from user's, but doesn't show the necessary respect to answer people.
He has the damn attention span of a fly. No wonder why people can't see anything valuable in him ... He is a disrespectful, stupid piece of shit and everyone around him who spends more than two minutes can see that. All you can do is cry like a baby and blame others for your miserable life.
Pls kys op and stop wasting our time. You are not worth it...

This thread is now for pictures I like.

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I don't think I will ever find porn seriously enjoyable IDK

If it's any consolation, user. No one loves or cares about me either.

You need to find a kink. Work out (you have nothing better to do), talk to people on Discord, and go from there.

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The point has nothing to do with you liking porn or not. user was trying to be kind by giving you tits. It's the gesture, newfriend.

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Sounds gay. There are pornos for that too. Try it faggot

I've looked through all the shit I could fine, degeneracy or no, well I haven't looked at illegal shit but I'm not going that far.

I do need to work out and have been lately

And I used to discord surf but it's always aids

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Gay shit isn't interesting to me either fag

We'll find something you like eventually

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Never got the appeal of like femboy shit, is weird, like not too much girl not too much boy.

Ain't doing it for me either friend

We just have to keep looking

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OP does't know what he wants ... He shows no respect and accordingly receives none from others ... It's not worth it, so don't waste your time


Just have to find the right level of degeneracy for you, that's all.

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You can't die tomorrow! I haven't told you what a whiny fucking bitch you're being! You're being a whiny fucking bitch! NOW you can die tomorrow and be assured that literally nobody gives fuck1. Dibs on your tp stash

Not for me either

Also is this for the pedophile who doesn't want to accept their a pedophile?

we care about you user

Ooooohhhh yyyeeahhhhh!
Macho Man don't wanna see anyone down!
Cheer up and always remember-
Ooooohhh yyyeeeahhhh! I'm the cream of the crop!

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I do. Figured that was at least implied.

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That frogman face commie cunt ain't gonna cheer up shit, junior.

happy birthday buddy. do you want portal 2 on steam?