Which part of America do you consider "Soy Central...

Which part of America do you consider "Soy Central," and for what reasons are valid about that area's claim to excessive Soylenticity?

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Here is a USA map for reference, with even names of non-capital major cities, as well.

Attached: the-united-states-of-america-map.gif (1100x704, 191.48K)



cali obviously

Which parts are most? Without saying just San Francisco, which other parts?

Austin, Texas

Portland and San Francisco


Oregon. You can close this thread down now.

Commiefornia, the entire bay area is soynigger central. The helLA area or SoCal is edgy soy nigger central. Humboldt is druggie/wannabe soynigger land along with parts of mendocino and most of sonoma and napa which are rich wannabe soynigger central

south and area where George Lucas lives (probably final boss of soy tier)

user how often do you take baths?

Im more interested in which parts are not considered "soy". What are the most based and red pilled parts of the Usa. Asking for an interested europoor.

Most any city in the united states is soyfaggot lefty land since the cities are disgusting cesspools

>Which part of America do you consider "Soy Central

OP's house, obviously

>"Soy Central,"

It's easier just to ask:
Which parts of America have the fittest citizens?
Which cities has the least obesity, diabetes, heart problems?
Which cities will have the lowest death rates from COVID?

Soy/Veggie/Vegan are the new master race.
If you didn't drop out of high school and went to college, you would know this.

Getting a little hot behind the ears huh? Cry harder , wimp.

With many, many soyboy bodyguards?


Why yes, I live in California. How did you know?

>Which part of America do you consider "Soy Central,"
Any part where you have a huge jewish population, and where they are in full control of media/education/entertainment. There seems to be a series of "coincidences" here, but that's probably just crazy talk according to your masters

OP is a faggot

Dirty user

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>a huge jewish population
>6th grade education
>smokes Marlboro
>meeting with probation officer tommorow

So the whole country is soycentral? I knew it!

dressed as stormtroopers of course

nice bait faggot here's a pity (You)

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Looks like a fat high yeller version of ray liotta. Also , no u


Source checks out

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Question: How many vegans died from CV-19?
Answer: 0

Attached: vegan-info-why-vegan.jpg (480x490, 28.63K)

they're already dead in the eyes of god

God loves New Orleans

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Meh I know this one gook bitch that does from it. And yes she was a vegan

>And yes she was a vegan

add "i'm with her" on his shirt + vasectomy and you'll get californian

>and you'll get californian

Attached: vegan-plant-based-news-female-vegan-athlete-livekindly-1-e1554396096930.jpg (500x500, 31.46K)

is it typical californian man?

>typical californian man

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Soymerica. Whole country.

giveing a maps becuse you know americans are retarded.
you unknowingly have become a master shit poster get drunk more oftin here

I'll suggest Alaska. Alabama and Arkansas, as well. Any state that starts with the letter A is probably going to be OK for you.

Pacific North West
Just look at Seattle

Yeah I have to agree with this one. I’m in seattle

I’m gonna be monitoring this thread but it really depends on if my wife’s boyfriend gives me time with the switch tonight, I almost paid off my house in animal crossing!!

California Oregon Washington and the tiny east coast states

>it really depends on if my wife’s boyfriend gives me time with the switch tonight
Me too, bro.

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Those are shitty states with people that look like this

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I agree Alabama is not soycentral, but is the inbreed white trash capital of the world

Just wait till my wife sees that I beat Ganon without looking at the strategy guide. She might even let me lick her toes while she gets railed. Not like last time when she said that I was being annoying because I kept hiccuping and she made me sleep in the den. I had the best fap though

Def more on the Portland side I live in Seattle but have been to Portland a few times, the city of cucks it is

In college, I knew 4 guys who were gay
Two of them, easily the most "stereotypically gay" of the bunch, both now live in Seattle

Most of it.

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>beat Ganon without looking at the strategy guide
That takes me back to a much simpler time in my life. Thank you, user. I remember having to rely on printed internet guides for The Legend of Zelda: Majora's Mask, too.

>California = Netorare.
>Netorare means Cuckold.
I think we found the answer OP was looking for.

anyone who does not own a 1998 lincoln town car

Attached: towncar3.jpg (580x370, 28.88K)

Okay I’m gonna be real with y’all cause apparently I’m in soy central and I can feel it.

I don’t mind the soys. I find it funny actually and I’m a vegetarian myself but I don’t identify as some Uber sub weirdo that’s being parodied.

The bad part about them though is that they enable the dregs of society to get too bold.

Like, at least I have to speculate on this, you go to like Texas or something, and you try to be a total meth head strung out fuck face in public, you’re gonna get at least a couple blue collar guys like,

Hey could you maybe not load up that needle in front of my 7 year old daughter? Or some shit like that.

Here in soy land, it’s like the degenerate layer of society is allowed to express themselves however they want with no negative connotation.

Poop in the middle of the street? Aww he has a problem and he looks scary. Shoot up heroin in broad day light with your arm literally squirting blood?
Aww he has a problem and he looks scary.

That’s the main problem I have with soyboys. They don’t enforce a standard of society at all. They’d rather just be passive and let these drug using fucks feel like they’re lions for being a huge fucking loser.

PNW here. Rant over.

>the absolute state of Mississippi and West Virginia

>Poop in the middle of the street
You're in San Francisco.

Attached: Gigachad.jpg (600x600, 57.47K)

No, just west coast. The pooping thing is admittedly rare. But the shooting up on a busy street thing happens all the time. Like there’s saks 5th Avenue and a fancy playwright theatre, and ohh, just some guy without a shirt just bleeding and picking himself yelling about how 5G makes it hurt to cum or other such garbage. I blame the soys
