What career can be obtained within 2 years that guarantees a living wage?

What career can be obtained within 2 years that guarantees a living wage?

it can't
>be in the medical field
>be in IT
>be any sort of trade
>involve joining the military

Are there are two year degrees or training programs under two years that guarantee at least a living wage? I'm sick of making near minimum wage tbh

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>Are there are two year degrees or training programs under two years that guarantee at least a living wage?
Plenty of trades are 2 year degrees but you don't want to earn a living doing real work I guess so get fucked you lazy nigger.

Medical, it, trades welding, truck drivin, diesel mechanics. But i mesn if you know how to sale yourself you make money on the side with your skills.

Why, so this is what makes people Bernie fags.

It's pretty simple buddy, you get what you worked for, stop being a pussy, put some effort into life and you can get whatever you want.

culinary school
food service is so so but you will always have a job. go catering or cook for a sports team. 45k to 65 in most cities

no, i'm terrible with my hands and I have incredibly bad adhd hence not working in trades

You can work for the government i mean they are union and pretty lazy. Male strippers make a lot of money.

I'm not smart so it seems there aren't really many options for me other than pushing carts and bagging groceries.
wouldn't mechanic be considered a trade? im terrible with my hands, i said no trades. Truck driving is out because i don't live driving, in fact i have a fear of driving.
could be neat

Honestly if i was young and starting out id work for costco, they are union pay decent and easy job.i work for the railroad now took me a long time to get in true.

Are you an entrepreneur who knows Elon musk? No? That’s weird. I heard from somebody that if you put effort into life you can have whatever you want. You’d think you’d want that.

Did you choose to be mediocre, is that what it is? Huh.

>guarantees a living wage
None. No jobs guarantee a living wage. There have been surges where 'experts' predict a need in a well-paying job category, quick-answer kiddies take associates degrees to get entry-level into it... and flood the market driving the wages down, and making it tough to get raises for those with those job for decades.
Lose-lose for people working in those occupations, Capitalist Win for employers.
But there is always a need for entry-level unskilled labor. I know one retail clerk who kept asking me how to work at my company, I told her to get a degree and some experience... but she did get her "dream job" of working at a major company. I was kind of startled to see her in the men's lavatory... she forgot to put the sign at the door while scrubbing toilets.

Gay prostitute. Sounds like pretty much your only option. Maybe drug dealer...

sell drugs my nigga

Industrial automation technician.

Another idea is mailman another union job decent pay, respectable. Btw op allmost all jobs listed in this thread do not require a degree.

To be successful at business you need three things.
#3 a product or service to sell
#2 marketing, lots of marketing in as many clever ways as possible.
Even if your company serves must-have life-changing business it will still fail, 95% of all businesses fail without:
#1 Luck, sometimes called "timing".

Check any business and any entrepreneurial advice, the one factor that makes success is luck... but you still have to do everything else.

Stop being a pussy and go into labor.

1-2 years living wage cuz ppl like you refuse to work.

There are a bunch of things but most require money. Only thing you could do without money is to find some type of job you kind of like and learn everything you can, go up the ladder through management and then branch off and open your own business. Or stay with that company or go to a new one. All depends on what you want to do.

dental hygenist, garbage man, welder, & plumber.

Post office


Acquire cheap lots, many will support 2 or 3 rentals easily. move if you need too. Purchase cheap mobile homes at auction. Rent out. Repeat.

I quit work after 2 years of doing this and am just going to keep adding more rentals. I'm up to 13 now. I also live in my own rentals.

Welder, millwright, electrician, plumber, carpenter izi job that are super important so you will always have a job

i dont like driving
what is "labor" lol
you have to be more specific. "find a job and work your way up" is very broad
i don't want to make minimum wage
i don't want to learn a trade, im terrible with my hands. reeeee

got a job as an exterminator. worked for about 6 years being nice and all that. go promoted to assistant manager in the call center. due to covid19 now i just get to wack off and play hearth stone at home for salary.

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how much did you need to start this?

did you even read my first post
i don't have enough money to buy a place
did you even read my first post

I got it op you need to be a restruant server, i mean you make 10 hour plus tips they got to avreage 50k a year with sll those unreported tips.

Sounds like you don’t hate your life enough to make necessary changes. Eat some gumption about some effort in. The work force will not cater to you and if you want more that means you make strives and you get ambitious. Don’t wait for life to come to you, cause it won’t.

Fear of driving? Better get the fuck over it because that’s “reliable transportation” on a job app. Not Uber. And Uber is more expensive on a day to day than a car payment.

I’ve seen people give you viable answers to your question and you’ve shot 99% of them down.

You don’t really care enough to change your life yet or you’d move out of your comfort zone and fuckin do it.

Grow up. We all have to eventually.

depends on what country you live in.

The land is the most expensive part. That will cost you anywhere from 15k to 50k depending on where you buy. Here in certain parts of Texas there are lots of areas with no building codes. That land is a gold mine.

I pay about 15k for the mobile homes (gsaauctions.gov/gsaauctions/aucallbid/?sl=71QSCI19755032 as an example)

$2500 to 4k for move and install. Pad work will often support multiple homes.

$5k for a septic that supports multiple mobile homes.

Another $2k for underpinning and front and back stairs, maybe 1k more for misc.

okay but im not smart enough for most career paths. I got all D's in high school and a lot of F's. my teachers senior year let me graduate even though i didnt deserve to pass. I got a 1240/2400 on the SATs. 1500 is average.

I'm not smart, and I have terrible, terrible, terrible adhd and anxiety so I can't learn to drive. every time i drive i clam up and cant concentrate.

I was born below average in intelligence and have debilitating mental disorders. It's not fair. all i want is a job that takes less than two years to learn that isn't a trade or in the healthcare field so i can finally move out and be on my own

if the world doesn't cater to me, that means it doesn't cater to the idiots of society. i guess i will always be on social programs and always depend on neetbux because the world won't allow me to get a job. i cant drive and I cant work with my hands. if i had to guess i think my IQ is right around 90 but mixed with adhd and anxiety i have the functioning of someone with an 80 iq.

this isn't a matter of growing up. I was literally born broken and its extremely hard getting any guidance.

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Thank you, this is very helpful.

get a blue collar entry service job and work hard. show up on time and be really really nice to customers and your boss. always ask what you can do better. given time you will move up

It does cater to the idoits of society, look at covid 19. That being said its basicaly a game you need to play it, and honestly a degree will do nothing for you if you dont have the confidence to do more with your life. But that being said you dont need a degree to be successful and college isnt for everyone.

I already did this once and I quit after a few years because I wasn't getting anywhere. the business owner refused to pay me when he paid others. I think its because he realized i was stupid and didn't want me around anymore. everyone around me was making 35k-45k and i was stuck at 25k, which is my state, doesn't cover rent

I already tried this for years. what now? do it again? hope I move out my 40 years old? i can't keep working job and just hoping they will move me up. I can't devote another 5 years of my life for nothing.

welfare and sell drugs i guess

You say your are dumb yet you articulate and explain your situation very well. I think you need to give yourself more credit.

Try taking some free online course or start by learning something from khanacademy and see where your interest lie.

Cmon man apply yourself and learn something.
Learn some god damn discipline and take responsibility.
Stop expecting shit to be handed to you and instantly work out in your favor.

I don’t think you’re really that dumb. I think you’re actually extremely intelligent and lazy. If it doesn’t come easy to you, then you don’t want to do it.

If you’re on the government dole then medical assistance should be easy for you and you should be able to get into therapy for mental issues and medication for your adhd.

Anxiety is managed. Anxiety is something that has only been really prevalent in society in the past 10 years maybe and I blame social media.

Cell phones have made dealing with life impersonal and easy to turn off or outright ignore.

You couldn’t do that before cell phones became a necessity or at least you could fit your life into it.

You had to deal with it. You figured your shit out and you made life work for you.

CNA is a 2 year degree and the pay is decent. Work isn’t super tough but it’s not glorious.

You aren’t dumb user. I know you aren’t because you speak with decent articulation and you follow these conversations just fine. You’re just lazy and I’m sure the adhd struggle would give the impression that you aren’t smart but you have trouble focusing. That’s different from being unintelligent.

Get necessary medical treatment, make a conscious effort to improve your life.

well said

try police work

Accounting. A 2 year accounting degree will get you 40k a year which is livable in the majority of the US.

Damn it. I thought you were one of those bootstrap faggots and here you are acknowledging luck.

Okay user. Be business pragmatic. I’m gonna keep my hand on my dick... for now.

Dick for Bernie

>be in the medical field
>be in IT
Healthcare IT was my answer. Two years of college, got hired out of school, and get a promotion (new title+15%pay raise) every year on average.

Downsides are I can't take any PTO now due to rona, and I am on-call 50% of the time (more money though). I was exposed to 'rona the other day in the line of duty but i don't think i'll actually catch it. it's being monitored and If i do, they'll pay for everything. I make bank though and it's nothing but extra money since covid

What does your job entail user?

look op, I know you don't want any army answers, but why not? only one military job gets shot at, and that's infantry (Few others maybe, combat engineer, signals operator, commonly referred to as sigfantry) but every other job is a joke. Air force you literally fix choppers and jets and go home every night, travel, chill in gucci hotels. And if fixing big things is too much work for you, be a HR guy or finance guy, all still in the army but you do fuck all and still get every benefit the military gives a man. People gotta stop being pussies and do research.

It's a weird mix of a lot of stuff. We have incident tickets where we resolve anything from 'keyboard doesn't work' to 'doctor not able to pull up radiology images during surgery'. Sometimes i'm just swapping barcode scanners that fail and other time's i'm in the middle of an active OR where they're performing open heart surgery.

We also deploy new systems/set up new hardware. Anything from signage displays to critical laboratory analyzers.

military isnt all fucking rambo shit and push ups followed by getting screamed at, there's room for beta fucks from Yas Forums, trust me, as a beta fuck from Yas Forums currently serving in the Canadian Armed Forces as a god damn Infantryman

Done training in under a year as well.
not sure how it works in other states tho. And contrary to popular belief, most don't care if you've done drugs, and guess what, you can lie because you don't get piss tested.

Thanks for responding.

Not OP but you had my attention haha.

CAF is wayyy different than the US military

why no IT? learn 2 code

how long is infantry training?

united states post office, but good luck getting in.

and how so

Security guard. BARELY a livable wage though.

Depends, the back door would be to do it via the reserves, the training is far shorter but there isnt guaranteed work. For reg force it is a lot longer based on the trade you pick.

No, trumptard. 78% of fulltime workers live paycheck to paycheck, you fucking retarded beta bootlicker. 62% of jobs pay hardship or livable wages meaning those are utter dogshit.

Youre a DUMBASS if you ignore how bad things really are (this is PRE recession btw aka before this virus).

>put some effort into life and you can get whatever you want.
literally false, dumbass. There are truck drivers making shit wages and they work long ass hours. Youre a retard that lives in a bubble
>muy work ethic will make me rich!
Keep coping, retard

Throwing this out there. OP do it with older couples. They want safe but kinky. You can make a lot of money. Offer on face book messenger. I would do it

Youre too autistc for a real job.

What sort of dumb fucking parameters do you think you can set up and get an honest answer OP? Fuck off nigger, you are not worth even getting actual responses.

Try Alison.com free learning courses and see if anything piques your interest. There are a lot of diff. subjects to choose from, including business. Like other user said, your grammar indicates you have a better IQ than you think, you just need focus. At any rate, even dumb people make it all the time, look at our government.

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do you have a property manager or do it yourself? I've thought about doing this type of venture but dealing with renters seems like it could be a nightmare.

They won't take old niggas like him.

In the CAF you play multiple rolls within your trade dependent on your rank, mainly because the CAF has way less man power, meaning a single member could have multiple job titles. The US has a lot more personnel so they can limit responsibilities and effectively make each member with a single function.

Please elaborate on "im terrible with my hands". Do you have motor function issues or are you just a lazy autist

>even dumb people make it all the time, look at our government.
they are the minority. They probably get those jobs with nepotism.

not op, but I did a stupid ass electrical trade associates degree and I am terrible with my hands. Like my brain just cant do simple shit under pressure and construction is nothing but pressure.

A problem with that as well though is that people don't save or live within their means. When you say, this many people live paycheck to paycheck, you also have to ask how many of those people spend all the money they get because as soon as they get paid more they ramp up their lifestyles.

You hear about it a lot, people who earn 50k+ who are living "paycheck to paycheck" as a consequence of their actions.
Anyway, it's as with all statistics, a talking point and barely scratches the surface of what that tangibly means.


Though yeah, lots of people are poor as fuck, and earn fuck all to keep up with what things cost. Like people haven't changed dramatically in the last 80 years, economic conditions are more extractive from the middle and working classes than in recent memory.

Look into commercial aviation faggot. Go fly cargo