A celeb thread for the city on the hill

a celeb thread for the city on the hill

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fresh collection of jelly beans straight outta my socks

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it's time to squeeze them!

Falling asleep, good night shitposters

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Lol what was she doing?

>going to buy burrito
>blocks your path
what actually do

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good night

I had a boner through most of that movie.

spend some of ur money on a damb burrito an stop makign bs excuses

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She have any nudes?

Eat her ass instead

Dis is beautiful, squishy

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Trying to show the bra+panties set that she was plugging on the stream

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She has a boyfriend!

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yas something to read to the budding frampoline pumpkins eeep1

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defo choreographed

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>"Excuse me, I'm trying to buy a burrito but your big ass is blocking my way, please move aside."

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Eat her boyfriends ass

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Fuck that's funny

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Here we go

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Probably, getting a tiddy out to bump up sales is the oldest trick in the book

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I want her tummt

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Who is this supposed to be?

sure is my friend lol

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A cumdumpster Jedi

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Her tummt is quarantined user

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Haven't seen her in awhile and I'm seeing her now so I guess it's working a little lol

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and I'll forget about the girl who said no....

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ask her black boyfriend


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You're very polite

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for sure

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Polite but firm.

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i will suck the cock of whoever posts some dove cameron and francesca capaldi in this here thread

Girls love it, I guess

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But I want it

Did you check the catalog. There's a Francesca thread up

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well no need to suck an user's dick now, i chug cocks

Another victory for celeb thread Babs left for a gay sex chat on discord
now all that's left is for corungavirus to infect him and stop his coodie spreading disgusting ways on our kingdom

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Search for the Pizza thread and you will find Francie

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y u just run mouth all day tho?

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Found it. Now, to continue begging for Dove

Totally whole heartedly agree with you to be perfectly honest and in yo face wit it, fam

why do you shitpost Bible-chan

Either you're posting the best pictures of Kylie or I didn't realize how good she can look.

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one sleeps more soundly in the cold

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babs and all the other gay sex people should be shot in the balls. fucking fags.

no offense, but wuts wrong with u ?
do u have any inisight intoo ur own pshyclogical profile that could hellp me help u ?

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Who is this?

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win u coming up though?

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already did mate