Why isn't this government mandated, instead of shit like gov cheese

why isn't this government mandated, instead of shit like gov cheese

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What the fuck is government cheese?

Explain yourselves first worlders.

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soylent is fucking great

its ghetto relief bs

in some ghettos they also had "beff". its supposed to be government supplied beef but it couldnt legally be called "beef"

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Basically if you were a poorfag the Government would give you a huge block of cheese and say here you go retard don't starve.
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Post body with timestamp, i bet you got man tits


>Just a bar of cheese and beef
>Not getting a hecking bag full of all kind of dry food that includes grains, powdered milk and a literal fuckton of pasta
Fucking first worlders, can't even into socialism properly.

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Government cheese doesn't exist primarily to help poor people. It's to help dairy farmers with excess production. The Federal Government guarantees a certain price for milk, so if they can't sell enough to stores they can sell to the government who makes cheap cheese with it. There's only so much the government can do with this cheap stuff, so whatever doesn't go to schools or prisons goes to poor people (government also makes powdered milk and ships it to poor countries as humanitarian aid)

>Dairy farmers jewed the government into buying a bunch of surplus milk
>gov looks around and says, “what the fuck are we gonna do with all this?”
>hands it out to poor people and after natural disasters because what the fuck else are they going to do with it.

I tried several brands and each one gave me incredible indigestion. Worst heartburn of my life.

Just bought some of this after doing some research on soy protein isolate. Hope its good.

>he believes the estrogen lie
hope you don't drink milk

Huel is better, and it uses pea protein instead of soy protein

At least we have food. Unlike yunopoor dick cheese and wine that taste like yak piss.

They got more then the open markets

The government used to give that shit out too.
I still love farina because my grandparents would give us some of the excess they for from the govt.
The cold cereal was good too. Was basically chex

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Government issued cheese, meat, canned goods, etc are implemented because that's what they had 50-100 years ago that could have a long shelf-life. If terrorism, domestic spying, immigration, or money (eg, IRS or feds raiding financial firms) isn't included, then shit will move slow as fuck for change and implementation. Also, the USDA might have agreements with certain production companies that last for decades.

This Any type of dry goods or preserved goods is included.

If a pandemic really hit hard we'd likely get this stuff distributed before MREs.

Not sure if trolling or just stupid

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Government cheese with crunchy salt in it.
Big cans of white meat chicken
Hard af peanut butter, rips bread
Bottles of corn syrup, (add maple extract)
YUGE boxes of macaroni

I grew up on this stuff, and I'd give anything to have them again just for the memories. Especially the cheese.

How do I buy or get some?

it was a way of propping up the diary industry in america while feeding poor americans
it wasnt socialism, it was crony capitalism, they kept dairy products cheap by subsidizing the dairy producers, keeping milk and cheese cheap for consumers, while buying back the excess cheese.

You don't
The commodity program isn't the same. All you get now is the exact same stuff you can buy from a store instead of that weirdly good generic stuff

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Any link for more info about that "beff" thing? I couldn't find anything but it reminds me of how when I worked in a deli our Land O Lakes American had to be called a "cheese product" instead of just cheese.

it's a massive block of really decent medium sharpness cheddar cheese. it kicks ass. my immigrant grandparents used to get it 30 years ago and it was great when i visited.

government cheddar cheese was the shit. i could dig right into a giant block of that anytime. no crackers or anything needed. just start nibbling at the corner while watching tv and before you know it you've eaten a whole... 2% or less bc that mofo is ginormous

He was full of shit.
"Beef" isn't a fucking trademark you know

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find your nearest ALDI

Bummer. Mom used to make the best mac & cheese with it. Crushed saltines on top, along with a few pats of butter. Total fucking heart attack ona plate, but when you're young you can burn off anything, especially since we had to play outside all day and couldn't come home til the street lights came on.

ITT: poorfags

They sell something similar? Crunchy salt chunks and all?

Oh my god fuck the government

It's just OP repeating something he heard in a Chris Rock special.

Gotcha. Although, it wouldn't have been called "beff" for trademark infringement. The implication is that the amount of processing it went through left the beef content in it is so low that they couldn't legally call it "beef" anymore

You could try the genetic Velveetas and maybe find something close I'd you're lucky.
I've never come across anything quite like the old govt cheese myself

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Govt macaroni
Govt canned chicken
Tomato, onion, garlic from the garden

Best goulash eva!

It was always called luncheon loaf or luncheon meat.

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Fuck, my mouth's watering just looking at the pic! Mom also made baking powder biscuits. Split a fresh, hot one, put a slice of govt cheese on it, put the top back on.....

Lay on the living room floor on Sunday evening watching World of Disney, followed by Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom.

Be poor and a leech to society

"Watch as Jim wrestles with this boa constrictor" - Marlin Perkins.

Why does this communistic shit exist in America?

Get in here anons!


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You apparently have more memories than I do. We didn't get any commodities ourselves but my grandparents would give us certain things. Maybe you remember the big cans of juice? They would also give us the farina and cold cereals. There was a time or two they gave us the canned fruit. I only remember us getting a block of cheese or butter bonce or twice

It's funny because the food program was at it's finest under Reagan

I've got no problem with any kind of welfare, as long as it's temporary. Lose your job, get ebt, get another job.

I got a BIG problem with long-term participation.

>confusing corporate welfare for communism
america has always been about supporting the people who own industries, not the workers or those in poverty

I remember the butter, too. Not much of the dry cereal or farina. We used to get big bags of oats. Oat bread, biscuits, cookies, and pancakes. Still love oats.

Supporting the industries is supporting the people. We're not giving handouts and rewarding the ones that don't deserve it.

>in a thread about govt helping people
>"govt doesn't help people"

user, I....

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>supporting the people. We're not giving handouts and rewarding the ones that don't deserve it
that's why we are bailing out industries that ran themselves into bankruptcy while watching everyone else take on debt or go into poverty?
even before the virus hit, people who own industries played fast and loose to earn an extra buck while Americans needed to take on crazy loans to afford college or a home.

tillamook medium is the closest imo

they help the owners of industry first and foremost
its not a hard idea to grasp, the government props up American agriculture to stay competitive in trading, and to do that they have to buy up the excess goods of farmers.
what do they do with those excess goods? they give them out as "social programs".

Now imagine if those industries went under, that'd mean a complete economic collapse retard. The average American is in debt because they have zero regard to how much they should be spending. They all want to live like royalty as others labor to keep that market together.

Okay, so helping people by 1st helping farmers, (people). Got it.


Looks like pol found this thread.
Time to bail

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30-50 million illegal immigrants, fake refugees, anchor babies, visa overstayers, chain migrants and the rest of the schemes and scams involved with the 60-year old campaign of forced demographic replacement of europeans in America
Trillions of dollars spent making overpopulation worse in the third world on purpose to fuel the above, and to protect the interests of Jewish North Korea
Foreign and stateless corporations paying our working class as little as they can get away with and then turning around and pretending to be Irish on tax day
Obscene levels of local and county level regulation and little control of corruption at that scale making entrepreneurship an extreme challenge for anybody who doesn't start with millions of dollars, strangling small businesses while the above corporations remain unaffected and even lobby to make it worse
Pedophiles teaching kids to cut their dicks off and fuck each other in the ass and promoting that as healthy in schools

and on and on... there's so much evil and so many wars actively being fought against you

...and you target the poor because it's free and easy and has no chance of pushback.

Get nationalist or you die right alongside the poor you pretend to hate because it's trendy.

corporate agriculture is the one aspect (most farms arent family farms in america)
they do it with all industries, in 2008 they did it with the banks, automakers, and real estate brokers. Now they are doing it with banks, airlines, and hotels.

corporate welfare is a bigger government expenditure than citizen welfare.

> (You)
>30-50 million illegal immigrants, fake refugees, anchor babies, visa overstayers, chain migrants and the rest of the schemes and scams involved with the 60-year old campaign of forced demographic replacement of europeans in America
>Trillions of dollars spent making overpopulation worse in the third world on purpose to fuel the above, and to protect the interests of Jewish North Korea
>Foreign and stateless corporations paying our working class as little as they can get away with and then turning around and pretending to be Irish on tax day
>Obscene levels of local and county level regulation and little control of corruption at that scale making entrepreneurship an extreme challenge for anybody who doesn't start with millions of dollars, strangling small businesses while the above corporations remain unaffected and even lobby to make it worse
>Pedophiles teaching kids to cut their dicks off and fuck each other in the ass and promoting that as healthy in schools
>and on and on... there's so much evil and so many wars actively being fought against you
>...and you target the poor because it's free and easy and has no chance of pushback.
>Get nationalist or you die right alongside the poor you pretend to hate because it's trendy.


thank you for showing your complete misunderstanding of corporations.
when they "go under" they don't disappear, they go into bankruptcy and restructuring. they continue to make products at similar prices and keep majority of their work force, the biggest hit are the owners and executives of the company
which is exactly why our government bails them out, they protect owners of industry over the workers.

dude you really drank the kool-aid. start a blog in your own little sad corner of the internet.

I’ve never had government cheese but apparently I’d like it because I love this stuff

I live near a Native American reservation and I buy a block of cheese a month. Costs me 15$, makes the best damn grilled cheese

It will be...