how are you going to celebrate easter knowing this fat orange turd failed again
How are you going to celebrate easter knowing this fat orange turd failed again
relax while my ventilator pumps my lungs. maybe play candy crush to pass the time.
Stay mad you lost faggot
God dammit. Why do we have one of these threads from a faggot sore loser every 4 minutes?
Keep crying.
Gonna count my Trump bucks and laugh while I watch all you crying Liberals take a handout from the man you hate Most.
Hahahaha you and that cunt Hilary lost....hahahahaha
By fucking the girl you love, you worthless cuck.
Let's all circle jerk around he who shall not be named.
I instantly assume that all liberals are actual faggots
Failed at what? Not being a tremendous faggot like OP?
Enjoying myself knowing that you liberals will be starving to death soon. Best of luck with your TDS idiots
You're not supposed to celebrate Easter, it's a time for mourning the death of the messiah. This pagan egg/rabbit fertility celebration is just for dummies who couldn't be convinced to follow the Lord through other means.
Happy Zombie Jesus Day!
Christianity is a recycled and outdated religion.
I like that President Trump says what is on his mind and he doesn't take shit from anybody.
You lost, suck it.
I like that he's a big orange retard that retards voted for and other retards hate.
Orange man bad, orange man bad, blah blah blah...
> Dolan Tramp is pretty cool guy, eh speaks his mind and doesn't afraid of anything
White trash mad
White trash mad
no you don't. you just like he's part of the tribe you picked. because if democrat "said what was on his mind and didn't take shit from anybody", you'd be pissing your diapers like a little baby every hour.
Liberals can't stand an alpha white male that leads and gets things done!
There will be no sequel for President Orange. Just a bad memory by January.
Like leading America to the top of the death rates during a pandemic? So alpha, much white, very man.
Donald Trump is a brave leader. I appreciate that he puts America first. I'm proud of him and he'll get my vote again this November.
>hurr durr,im sure watching my country get sick and die is better then hillary!
I'm going to stay inside obviously. This shit would be over with already if that idiot had taken action two months earlier.
The same way I celebrate every easter.
>I dont
Just go to work and buy discounted candy a few days later
Death to the left!
you too lol
Celebrate well knowing he will be reelected and your fucking communist party is going to fail.
>how are you going to celebrate easter
imagine actually being christian kek
are you retarded?
easter is the resurrection of Christ and the forgiving of human sins
good friday is the day Christ died.
Bernie tests negative for President
>bernichick is bichick
>decision made
Democrats are stupid
I'll probably masturbate with this fat bitch's panties that I stole a while back.
I hate her as a person, but stealing her dirty panties turns me on for some reason I can't understand.
I'd absolutely hate-fuck her I suppose.
even in a painting meant to glorify him, he's still fat
That would hurt all the blacks and illegal immigrants, you know?
stop body shaming you rightwing cunt!
bumping, I've got something to complain about but I have to make it first
Your entire family should die slowly by Corona.
Trump did this to kill leftists like you, nigga scumbag
sleeping and drinking homemade tepache
Obviously because OP is a nigga that should be hanged in a public display.
I can copy paste whatever two pictures I want together to complain about politics too.
Fucking Yas Forumstards are all just unpaid russian trolls anyway
The Easter egg is a perfect symbol for Trump,.Dyed an unnatural color, thin skinned, and soft on the inside. Anyone who supports this idiot is a dolt.
Failed? We have now flattened the curve.
Remember that time trumpski did worse than an actual nigger?