Waifu Bread Ops.
Waifu Bread Ops
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duck you
I love this adorable gamer
for Fuhrer
Yeah, now due to the quarentene the nights are way more gorgeous now that everyone is in their houses but I cannot go outside on night due to the curfew...
>the band is literally named kino
for Relm
Well at least did you enjoy it?
What sketches are you making?
for Not Holo
Wise words from a wise poster
What will you do these holiday?
am i on fire?
>Implying that I haven't already became mentally unstable
I want to continue, I do not want to think that so much time and effort has been useless, I hope I am doing the right thing.
No, not really, this subject is one of the ones I like the least, the reason why it lasts so little making the logo is because I didn't put any effort into it.
>What sketches are you making?
Oh, no spoiler, let the surprise be a surprise.
Yep, it suits me well, streets are almost empty, feels like a ghost town. I love it.
It's probably my favourite band, I highly recommend it.
Every day is a holiday if you make it that way. But right now it's night... This is really confusing.
Basically just watching some videos on bad games... because why not?
Sachiko claimed
Do as you will. There is knowledge to be gained through questionable tactics.
curious about that variation that would never work. I can't deny it never crossed my mind.
"Questionable"? what do you mean?
Ah well, at least you did not take to long to make it
Ohhh are those from the game you are making?
When will it be out?
Indeed, I used to go out especially these holidays because even without corona the streets would be empty for the death of Jesus
It really feels like you are the only one alive
Plans for tomorrow?
Ah it is really confusing lol
What bad games? Are those from AVGN?
Cute Sachiko
Sane people usually aren't willing to endure acts of a percieved self destructive nature, atleast, as I said, not willingly.
What's stopping you?
Oumae Kumiko
Bribes are not morally just.
No no, Rerez.
If I watch shit content, I need at least someone making good comments about it.
The console videos are the best.
PPMD is coming back "soon" guys.
Hiya! How are you doing?
Nice br(ass)
That is a really cute Kumiko-chan
Ahhhh lol
But at least some of their episodes are fun
Console videos are good too
What will you do after that?
P-please do not kill me corona-chan
Yeah, thats a good thing.
Nope =p.
I don't know, because of the pandemic I couldn't get my graphic tablet, so I'm doing it on paper to pass it to pixel art later, so it could take me a few months, but believe me, if it works out fine for me it will be worth it ;)
I do not consider that what I am doing is something of a self-destructive nature, at least for me.
Omae wa mu shindeiru.
Why you arent upside down?
Sounds like a religious place then.
Well, here you always see someone, the police can't monitor every neighbourhood (for now), despite that it still is much quieter and calmer than before.
No, no plans. I am, let's say, a more of a spontaneous person than a planner. Do you have anything in mind for tomorrow, or the rest of today if it's not too late for that?
To be honest I have no idea. I have nothing planned and I kinda lack the motivation. Woke up finding a bug in a project I'm working on... and now I have to kinda' check the forums to see if other users reported the problem, or it's just a ghost bug caused by god knows why... but it's saturday so I can't be bothered checking the user logs until monday.
Finally finished from last thread
I can't guarantee it won't get better. Lol.
It's like the filling to egg rolls, but i forgot the egg roll wraps. Heh. Ah, it's gonna be DayZ.
(Sopmod II)
Nah, i was talking about the egg rolls.
In the bed is the best place to shitpost, bro. Feelsgoodman.
Yeah, i'd bet. Especially not made like that, lol. Ngl though at first glance i thought you said "Surplus Rifles"
Triangle shaped egg rolls? That sounds pretty weird but I can vibe with it, lole. Shrimp in an egg roll, dag.
I suppose so. A fast one would be nice.
Hold it. What does the missile know and how?
Would trip if i wasn't away lole
What up?
It sounds depressing, but the truth is that yes, ah... whatever... how are you?
What is Jill's relationship with the people who go to her bar?
Fluffy, I'm sleepy.
she exchanges alcohol in return for money
Just a side note, doesn't matter who posts Eris, but doesn't answering that question now make it useless in the future, like in the next replies?
And no, using tripcodes on a user board is just fagging taken to a whole new level. Maybe this reply already gave up on who I am as an Eris poster, maybe it didn't, that's the whole point of it.
And how does she get along with those people? How does she interact with them?
by talking to them
by talking to them
On a customer and a service provider basis.
I've been dealing with this all day, just ignore them.
So is she neutral? does not get along well or badly with anyone?
>Nope =p.
Then what it is?
How many sketches are you making? How long does it take to draw them?
Here in Peru almost everyone is religious so kind of
Here the police only patrol once in a blue moon and it is really strange to see some guys around
Spontaneous person?
Well today I have extra classes and 2 tests so that will be hard
Sounds annoying, but at least you have time to relax this saturday
Wellp then
Are they tasty? Did you make them?
you could watch or buy the game
Im poor ;-; I guess later I will watch a long play about it...
Its a suprise.
Surprisingly I only need to make a sketch to get the idea of what I want to do, now I am doing the drawing as such.
Actually religious or just pretending to show off how pious they are?
I hear police sirens everyday. I wonder when they'll stop by my house.
Good luck with that, schools and colleges are still open over there?
When you work at a bar people tend to simply talk with you, varies from patron to patron. But you aren't exactly paid to become friends eith your customer, rather give them a pleasant experience, that's all.
You serve drinks, and they speak their mind, if you want, you can guve your input, that's about it.
it's not like I've played it since it came out
And the next one, and the one after the next one.
Weekends are blessed. Or not. No one knows.
I mostly kinda' just do what I usually feel like most of the time. Doesn't matter the time of day or time of night.
Ok, I understand now, thanks!
You seem to like the game a lot, don't you?
Ugh.. man I'm really reaching the end of my rope here. Might sleep soon
Why the fuck do I live in like the only country to beat coronavirus
I want more dead boomers
Is it one of those games in the sense that it doesn't have an "end" as such, so you can keep playing?
Ah well if you tell me now it would not be a surprise anymore so I will have to wait
Hope you make the drawings on time!
Since when did you start drawing?
Religious some of them, others follow another religion
Same here lol, days ago cops came to chase guys for not being in their houses lol
Well no they are not open but we have online classes
Wew lmao
Sounds right, how long do you stay awake?
You are from China?
it's a VN.
Implying China has it under control
>You are from China?
He may as well be.
Not the best version
The truth is... Pardon? Nevermind, lol
I'm doing alright. A fine day, although i felt a bit useless. Just enjoying a bepsu and calling up a friend. You?
Rightfully so, It appears It's getting quite late over there
You make a great point ambiguous eris, it was merely to increase my own confidence in who I was talking to, I suppose. The initiation didn't seem... Characteristic.
Yeah, Tripcodes are for faggots :::::^)
In other words I can guarantee it will get better
Yeah, it was alright. Needed soy sauce, though. DayZ is a zombie survival game set in an open world made for a military simulation game. It emphasizes realism while also being very buggy.
What country would that be?
[Procesing. . .]
Dammit! Just forget about it!
I started today lol. The truth was I was somewhat discouraged about this because I did not think I was capable of achieving it, but I said to myself, why not do it? so I decided to give it a try.
Feeling useless? why? Oh, Im just doing that one thing.
Man, first you hear the police, couple minutes later you hear the ambulance, it's just annoying. I get some quite days though.
I see, I've never attended online classes, what's it like? Do you prefer that to the classroom setting?
Well it depends. I also sleep a lot. Usually stay up a lot and sleep less, usually stay up less and sleep more... sometimes stay up more and sleep even more and day count is lost.
It's all random.
Well, why would that actually matter? I understand that people use "waifus" are mere avatars to spot one from the other in these threads and have a basic knowledge on what the other poster had said/did in the past, but isn't that kinda' not the right thing to do? I mean, avatars can be changed while not being secured in place, and for fuck's sake I ain't gonna bother finding a way to do so... so as a final resort, isn't talking to a person you find something interesting to talk to the best way of approach, and ignoring the others? Or if ballsy enough, flame the others?
The man in the sky said: let there be no more boomer ashes, there are already enough from the literal shitstorm that went on a few months prior...
Ah, you're upside down too. Did Australia beat the coronavirus?
Only like 100 cases a day, down from 400
Now I want to read sandman again. Nice quads.
I think, I mean, the number of cases froze so I think it is kind of under control
Are you doing well there?
Damn made me hungry so I am eating apples lol. That game sounds fun. What are you fav, vidyas?
Damn I wish I had that will, maybe I could draw as well but uni does not let me...
That is really dark, like, many things could have happened
Well online classes are not the same than in the classroom, you cannot see the teacher and nobody can garantee that everyone learned
Wew what about today?
How long will you stay awake?
I'm chilling
I can work from home and we also have a 4 day weekend for easter
Cant look for a house to buy though which sucks
Oh, that is indeed a big improvement.
Don't worry, eventually the time will come when you will have time, just go ahead and don't give up!
Where from Australia are you then, chink?
I already slept for ~12hrs until I woke up, and now after barely 4hrs of being awake again, I kinda feel sleepy again, but who knows, this may fade or set in even better.
Random... So I truly have no idea.
I'm still kinda hoping for rain again soon... I miss rainy days...