Friday night favorite pizza thread Yas Forums. What's yours?

Friday night favorite pizza thread Yas Forums. What's yours?

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Ham pineapple

that looks fucking disgusting, you call that a pizza?
fucking americans, this is a disgrace

Pepperoni and jalapeno on thin crust


People don't get it...

Mufuckin chicken, and mufuckin tomatoes.

Literal or figurative?


I like the ones with gate

man i really want some pizza
im going with Maui Zaui, shit so good

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pizza time?

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Ummm, if you're talking about child porn, that's illegal, and I will be reporting this thread. Please clarify.

Pizza Time.

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It's clearly just a pizza thread, why suddenly talking about kiddie porn?

time for cheeseburgers

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here's your classic cheese pizza

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Somebody really doesn't like crust!

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I don't even know what this one is, but it looks tasty!

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I agree with you, but you sound like a faggot who's about to ask for 4chans manager.

bump. need fresher pizza.

Fuck off pedo baiters this thread is for food.

I don't understand plain pizza either.

Haven’t seen a decent cheese pizza in years..... #oldfag

im about to make an oven pizza

I have beautiful pizzas stored away that I've not yet partaken of sadly..

Even bad guys want a little food old-fashioned pizza now and then

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I want to bake an homemade pizza, but i don't have ovens or microwave.
Got any idea how to bake it with only pans and regular stoves?

What did Franny mean by this?

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You want it bad enough you will find a way

Holy shit, checked. Okay, so what do you have for pots and pans? I might be able to help you out.

She got bought by Clintons

Only got regular non sticky frying pan. Could i do it?

Is this even technically pizza?

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it's just bread crusts glazed with cheese and olives

Healthy pizza is still pizza

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Sleep Tight, Pizza

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whatever you say man

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Anyone who puts pesto on pizza needs to be eliminated for the good of the human race

Is her shirt creased or is she wearing a giant goddam bra?

She has YUUUGE cowtits

It won't be be the best, but we can get you pretty close to a pizza-like device. Do you have TWO pans, or any thing else you could heat up, like say a baking sheet? Because here's what I'm thinking.
You make a simple flat bread. I'm going to link you to a video. This guy is using some crazy whole-foods bullshit flour. Just use regular all-purpose flour. But the technique is the same.
He's using cast iron, which you don't have, but that's okay. Just get your pan really hot and follow the cooking instructions.

Once you've got your "crust" cooked, add your toppings. Sauce, cheese, etc. Oil the pan with some cooking oil or spray. Place pizza in pan on medium heat. Get your other pan burning hot. I mean hot as you can get it, and place it on top of the pan with the pizza, to create a makeshift "oven." Do this until the cheese melts to your liking. It might take a bit, but it should work.

That's not really healthy in any way though. So you end up just eating shitty tasting pizza.

Mozzarella & garlic

damn cookfag comes up with a solution! hopefully the OP tries this and posts result

seafood does not belong on pizza

don't reply to me

I should add that you'll probably have to reheat the top pan several times during the process. Keep an eye on the crust to make sure it doesn't burn. If it starts getting too overdone, just pull it off the heat.

If you've only got the 1 pan, then cook then still cook the bottom in the pan, then put it on a plate, then use pan to cook the top.

fuck you

Don't tell me what to do

bump. meatballs on pizza is severely under-appreciated

They always fall off bro


It appears to be burgers, fries, sloppy joe and pasta salad arranged on a dry disk of pizza dough. On a scale on 1-11, how white are you?

bruh pesto is the shit
white pizza with pep and chicken fucking slathered with pesto is the best youll ever have

mmmmmm yummy calzone

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this post actually made me sad
here i am, all moribund and hungerless and with muscular pain while you fuckers eat pizza

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I'm torn between utter disgust and scientific curiosity

Calzones are dumb Wyatt

1-11 scale? 13.
I just keep a pizza folder to bump pizza threads with, lol

you can try being disgusted after youve eaten it
its so good youll fail miserably

And he's pulling it out of the oven without gloves the literal fucking legend

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no red saude fukin faggot.
Lurk more

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You're on

Ayy I just put a digiorno in the oven

did they eat her???

My favorite pizza:
>Hand tossed dough
>Garlic alfredo sauce from scratch
>Diced tomato
>Red onion
>Top with green onion after baking

I used to not "get" plain pizza, but every time I would get a pepperoni pie, and my friends would get plain, I would find myself craving a piece of regular ass cp.

If i have to choose, i go pepperoni, but where possible i get half and half or both or something.

Also, where my extra cheese people at???

Philly cheese steak pizza

Pure evil for me

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get that shit outta here. aborted pizza fetus

you are retarded

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>newfag detected

also white sauce with lobster, diced tomato and pesto w/ a little extra lemon juice is nice too

pepperoni, mushroom and anchovy is the king of all pizzas. savory bomb.

I have aids

extra cheese is a fake movie thing that nobody actually orders

Why is my penis suddenly hard?

Extra cheese cheese pizza fags are the worst.

NY style with extra sauce

classic god-tier neapolitan margherita

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I also have aids as well

Find Garfield through anchovies

Your neighbors great grandma starts by not being a dipshit

You poor bastard... you havent tried it, have you?

Shit like this exists and yet people will still talk shit if you put pineapple on your pizza

me and my ex ate this all the time loved it

That's perfect

anyone who puts more than two topping on a pizza should be shot

why do you like soggy garbage? go eat a lasagna.

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ham pineapple bbq spinach deep dish

I tend to agree. Depends on the toppings though. Some combos are definitely cancer past 2 or 3.

I used to get extra cheese every time I ordered from the papa johns I lived by. I kinda had to cause even with extra cheese they still hardly ever put enough on

Little shrimps, pineapple, jalapeno, pulled pork meat lovers pizza from Enzos.

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