Does anybody here have any legit experience with cheating pic related? Any LEGIT advice would be most welcome

Does anybody here have any legit experience with cheating pic related? Any LEGIT advice would be most welcome.

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dont drink and it should work
hope that helps

stop being a piece of shit lol
Do your time or fucking skip a couple steps and just kill yourself.
If you're the type of piece of shit that can't drive without drinking, then this world doesn't need you.

Don't be a faggot, that might help you in more than one way.

Why did you earn one in the first place? Be honest.

Ask a freind our shove it up your ass

Is it so difficult to not drink and drive? You can drink in your house lol, kill yourself

There's a video of someone using an air pump or some shit

Pulled over for crossing center line multiple times. Judge ordered the installation of IID so I could get to work every morning, drop my daughter off atschool, etc. I'm not that bad a driver drunk, I only really crossed the center line because I was texting.

Try farting in it or blowing through a filter. You can kill yourself, better not run anyone over tho faggot

You drive with your daughter hammered? Hope you get legioned

>srsly bro I div betr drunk
kill yourself and save society the effort of cleaning your mangled corpse off the street.

Attached: b2.png (645x729, 112.59K)

Use to you could get an air bomb and pump it but now they have a bunch of different ways to make it work really cant. You can jump the wires start the car but they can see that on the next check up and your screwed if they can prove you messed with it

I'm an electrician and I've bypassed a few of these for friends.

There is no way to cheat it. If you fail and get locked out, you're fine. If you get a warning and still drive, you're fucked

I dont think he said that.. he said judge installed it so he can get back to driving quicker because he has to drive his daughtr to school.

Use a air mattress pump

No, only alone. I only put myself in danger.

Get your daughter to blow in it lmao.

Then why is he trying to cheat it? You don't get Blow n go because you cross the center line while texting

The number of dumb fucking assholes on the road that don't know the rules, right of ways, and how to not stop directly in a greenlight intersection for no known reason causing me to test my brakes... god. One of these days, I'm gunna say fuck it and just smash into their rear for being a fucking idiot, because I'm tired of my tires getting fucked up because of dumbass fucking morons.
Kill yourself, OP.

Just use an air mattress pump and an inverter

That won't work. You gotta blow and hum

drink after u take the test

You were able to get it up and running without setting any alarms or anything? I've been told they can detect pretty much all forms of tampering.

They take a time-stamped picture and some track your odometer, these days.

Really risky, user. I had one for 12 months. I quickly decided fuck it I'll just not drink. Damn things can detect like 0.001% bac ffs.

Buddy of mine did it for his mom for like 2 weeks. Tried to giver her time to adjust or something. Then just dropped it off and let her do the rest of her sentence.

Also won't work. You have 7 minutes to retest, even rolling. If you don't, you're fucked

Hotwire the fucking thing. Fuck the law.

Not to be contrary but, it depends on the State you're in.

It randomly retests me. I need a method that will work multiple times per trip.

nothing will work these are not beatable and not something u really even get for a first dui you need to sober up man

folks, we've been bamboozled

Last time I checked, you gotta have a BAC over 1.6 or multiple Deweys to qualify for that. particular piece of equipment requirement

What kind of idiot gets to this level? I certainly drank a lot in my day, decided to take 3-6 months off to let my body recover. 1 month in and it's easy af. Never went full retard and put people in danger.

It's a monitored circuit but pretty simple, car stereo guys install'll need to parallel some circuits before removing them but it can be done

It's not random. 7-12 minutes is the gap, user. If you pull over and try shut the engine off it will make you pass an arrival test. If you fail it, you're fucked. Just quit altogether

I feel like a bucktoothed fool!

The laws of probability and blind luck

It was optional here in Denver. I was just under 3x the legal limit.

Piece of shit

Here's an idea:

Think about someone other than yourself. You're not the only one at risk.

Go blow thru a stop sign and kill your kid.

Do your daughter and the world a favour, next time you're driving drunk and texting, crash into a pole and end yourself without hurting anyone else you dumbass.

>The laws of probability and blind luck
Or just being a retard

The other option being no driving? Just give it up clean, then, if you can

Quit being an alcoholic, works every time

I’m on my last month of a 9 month interlock order for dwai in Colorado.
It sucks but there no way to beat it without seriously risking detection. If they do catch you, you could permanently lose your license, and idk about you but that’d pretty much ruin my life especially where I live where public transportation is non-existent.
Just do the time, stay away from all forms of alcohol and you’ll be fine.
I heard of a gal that’s had one in since 2010 because she couldn’t stop drinking.
Alcohol is a shit tier drug anyways, go pick up another bad habit if you like getting high- plenty of pills, weed and other random shit to get your rocks off.
Why tf is alcohol so important to you?

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Hold a vibrator
To it and a hand held fan.

Cause hes this guy, literally

I had a friend who went on Amazon and bought a BAC Monitor that he carried with him everywhere and wouldn't go anywhere until after he blew clen the waited 10 more minutes

Blow up balloon's before you drink and keep them handy

I use to install/remove them for a living. I know how to bypass them, and the system you'd want to use to avoid detection from recalibrations and all. But its useless information to you. Because if you are too fucking retarded to not drink and drive you couldnt possibly pull it off.

>Any LEGIT advice would be most welcome
Stop drinking, especially before you need to drive.

>How can I drunk drive with my daughter
First of all fucking get a new Drug. You can curb cravings with Kratom which you can get at any smoke shop.
>drunk driving with daughter
Call her a fucking uber ffs.

You're an entitled little snowflake aren't you?

Kratom? lmfao

stick your penis in it

If you fart into it you can do it

What should I eat beforehand?

Don't be a nigger. I bet if you tried that, it would work. Call me crazy but my car doesn't even have one of those. It's almost like I don't have a dependency problem.

You funking text when you drive? I just drive drunk, you fucking texters are mongrels.

Get your fucking shit together and quit drinking or just kill yourself now. Don't endanger me and my family on the roads because you are a pathetic loser with no willpower or self control.

>0.001% bac
Don't believe. The handheld things cops use only go 2 digits.

A log of shit from Andy sixxs asshole should do it

You're as bad of a person as OP is. I hope your family gets raped by a pack of wild niggers, and they turn your kids into street meat.

Eat xanax

Kill yourself, you're a piece of fucking shit for endangering your own daughter much less everyone else on the road.

>you could permanently lose your license
Half the people in Cali don't have licenses and they're heralded as heroes.

Just have your daughter blow into it. Tell her it’s a fun new game. Call it “blowjob Funtime”.
Could lead to other things, who knows?

maybe not drink and fucking drive

Kill yourself.

The best way to cheat that is to donate your car to a children's hospital and then buy an annual bus pass.
You'll find yourself right at home on the bus with the other disgusting drunkards

>experience with cheating pic related
Think about drinking, pretend you're drunk, act out like an asshole, but don't actually drink. Will work every time.

Come on now...if he was some Senate's son he would have got a fine and a "have a nice day." I also provide free power to those wishing to bypass their power meters