>be me
>start dating girl
>she is light skin (black and white mix)
>I fucking hate niggers.
>I love her but hate niggers
>she knows I hate black people
>she told me that as long as I don’t hate her she doesn’t care
>ffw to now 3 years later
>she calls black people ooga booga and nigger all the time
>I have truly made her change
>she acts white and not like a monkey
>she’s conservative and a genuinely great girl
>still hate niggers tho
Be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Kill yourself fucking retard
Hopefully I can do the same with my asian gf wish me luck OP
You created a thread to say this? Kys
Good luck brother. Get her to call her parents chink. That’s the first step.
Lmao shut up pussy.
I didn’t ask pussy
Regular racist > OP
I have good reasons to hate them.
That's true love bro
Good man
You're doing God's work.
not op here but do you actually need reasons to hate niggers? Just look at their reaction in ferguson their idea of a protest is to flip over cars and loot stores? Stealing and raping is in thier DNA.
They are all:
Drug heads
Sexually driven
Look like apes
Don’t know how to be civil
They feel like whites owe them everything
They throw nigga around yet state it is a slur
They raise our nations poverty and crime rate
They make babies that will never succeed and be just as worthless as them. They are literally adding to the hood rat pop count.
They think that because they were submissive to whites and got enslaved that they can act however they want, the don’t listen to cops and get shot, then blame the officer.
They are truly just worthless, they add nothing but music and ball throwing to our nation.
Post her tits you fag
Thank you fellow Kings
Exactly -OP
Shirt the fuck up you virgin
Ooga booga white man raciat, ooo ooo aa aaaa
You are a tryhard racist lmao
No I just hate niggers
You are socially repressed, you try to convince yourself to assume a controversial position in the society only for being part of something
I’m a very sociable individual, I have plentiful friends and grew up in the ghetto. I’ve had nigger friends when I was younger, and I’ve had a few shitskin gfs. But I just got a job and moved out of it all. Work, got apartment, have gf, hate niggers, and live life happily. Tuff
I’m apart of many communities and certain groups of friends I enjoy. I just hate niggers.
THIS is what MANY cunts just don't understand. The sjw's… just hold hands and everybody gets along. Listen cunts, go live in the ghetto and come back and tell me how to think/feel. GTFO. You can ALWAYS tell those that have NEVER been around/raised around ghetto nation. cunts.
It's been a long time since I've seen this thread...
>grew up in the ghetto
If you really grew up in the ghetto you would understand that racism doesn't exist among people who treat everyone equally bad
Exactly, don’t sit here and defend hoodrats if you ain’t never been around them.
a thread died for this
nothing wrong with trying your hardest
Hoodrats ≠ every african american
Ya thread space on Yas Forums is in high demand
Except it does, the monkey lies in all the beasts
Found the nigger
Looking to this thread make me realised how lucky i am to not be american, not racist, and doing my best to live and respect other cultures. you all are a bunch of kids with to much free time to discuss about pointless opinion.
I'm proud of you brother
Come on over and live in a ghetto for mo, cunt. Then we'll talk.
And it's too, you kumbaya illiterate.
nice larp bro
Bro stfu you are on Yas Forums you are not from the ghetto
Didn't you know Jews bought black Muslim war captives to America.
For mo?
gratz, OP. couldnt be with a mixed girl ever, but you getting her to hate niggers is simply beautiful. just dont have kids with her please.
a moment..
Most of Yas Forums is part of the Pov
I'm not OP. You can't be on Yas Forums if you were raised/grew up in a ghetto?? STFU simp. What an illiterate cunt.
I will have kids, and they will be raised to hate niggers. They will be raised to know their good heritage
They'll only be 1/4. It's all good.
lel. sheltered kid is mad.
Exactly, he prolly just an entitled kid that doesn’t know struggle, he proll never seen a drive by or someone get shot and die. He prolly never seen a drug deal other than paying $50 a g to his nigger friend. I hate niggers because they take greatness and turn it to shame. They show no respect for our police or any leaders. They screech and scream when they are wrong.
You can be from the ghetto, but don't try to act like a gangster on the net cuz this shit ridiculous
Well done OP. My wife is also a mix (black / Paki / Indian) who hates niggers far more than I do. Every time the news mentions the impact of covid-19 on the black community all she can say is "Good. Less niggers."
get out you filthy little nigger
Notice how the focus shifted from respecting other cultures and chiding you for discussing pointless topics to whether or not anyone is from the ghetto.
I have quite a few black friends. They all hate "nigger" types. Even one of em grew up in the actual ghetto and hates them too. All it takes is one conversation with one to know what they are.
Ah my fellow corrupter. More people like us and the niggers will be bred down back to almost pure forms.
What do you add, Yas Forums user.
Nah all of Em have that shit in their heads. Just give them time to snap
There's a saying for literates...
"Better to remain silent and thought a fool than to speak (type) and remove all doubt." That's you, cunt. STFU and go make me a sammich.
I have a good job in programming, my gf is about to finish studying for psychology. I donate a lot of my money to charity and organizations that help feed homeless kids, bc their nigger parents don’t wanna work. I also volunteer to several places in my city. What do you add?
How do you know so much about the mentality of black people?
And do you look at her in a condescending way and say, "You mean fewer niggers, but then again you are one..."
English isn't her first language so I let it slide.
My dad left my family when i was 2, my mom has to raised me and my brothers alone without money, when i was 17 she was killed after a snatching, i pass my adolecence while my big brother was in jail for drug dealing. Stop talking shit.
Ah, I can’t wait till the world is white dominated fully.
Self-hating girls are the best. Best if they hate their own gender but hating their own race is good too.
You are the socially repressed one. Go take a walk down Broadway in Gary. Take a stroll down chase st and 5th ave. Then tell me they are just like us
Maybe well see. They typically have more loyalty than a lot of my white friends. Ive have some hot exgf in the city and have heard shit about a white friend trying shit with them and the girls telling me after lol. White friends have broken my trust while black friends never have but thats just me
Programming is a fake job. Get a job designing the shit faggots have to program broski
This originated with her paternal grandfather. He was African and constantly told his sons to "stop being niggers".
One of his favorite jokes: "When your butt itches, that means a nigger will die today."
Both my parents were/are drug addicts and even my older brother was addicted to them for a long time bc my mom introduced him to them. My dad moved out when I was 9 and my mom had a string of abusive men that would come into our lives. When I was 15 I was 6’1 and pretty big so I could defend myself and my mom. I realized I was stronger and beat the shit out of them. I have had drug dealers in an out of my house since I was born there have Bren police comin to my house. My house has been shot up a large number of times. I am successful because I chose to be. Don’t talk shit if you don’t know shit.
I'll add to this..
People talk about poverty being the #1 socioeconomic factor for crime. I've been in both extreme poverty ridden hoods, white and black. Where would you feel safest?
Money ain’t fake tho lmao